《Fuck Off | Slashers》Chapter Twelve -:- Brahms Heelshire


"The guy that lives in your walls" Billy had stated which caused me, Hannibal, and Michel to look at him confused.

"uhh what guy that lives in my walls???" I ask harshly, making Stu hit him in the back of his head, this is something I would expect Stu to say, but Billy that's just something I'd never expect from him.

"oh you know..." Stu says quietly, him and Billy avoiding eye contact from me. Stu was looking at the ground, no goofy smile on his face while he plays with his hands.

"No I don't know" I say softly not trying to upset him anymore, Stu is always a fun spirited boy but none of that showed on his facial features at this moment, which told me they weren't joking. "could you tell me?" I ask in the same soft tone making him look up finally making eye contact his eyes showing sadness as he nodded his head yes.

"His name is Brahms, Brahms Heelshire." Stu started off and I nod not trying to upset him in anyway "he's like us, I swear he is." is what he said 'Like us' is what I asked myself. "he came here because he couldn't stay at his home anymore, he doesn't want to cause any trouble." Stu says not wanting me to force his friend out of our home.

"Can you introduce me to him?" I ask he nods and he walks up to one of my mirrors and knocks on it slightly before talking to it.

"Brahms my friend, Alessia would like to meet you, if that's alright," Stu says in a soft tone similar to the one I was using with him, kinda like her was talking to a child or someone who is very emotional. Out of nowhere there was a bang on the inside of my wall which caused my mirror to shake along with multiple other décor I had on the wall itself, I stood there in shock as Stu grabbed ahold of one side of my mirror, and pulled it slightly open before a force on the other side pulled it back shut, that kept happening for minutes and Stu would keep saying things liked 'stop it, Brahms' or 'She just wants to meet you' It kinda remined me of two children fighting, though Stu was a grown-man now for the 'man inside my walls' I have no clue, whether he's a teen, a man, a child, a man-child or anything else. Realizing he may be scared I walk up near Stu and talk calmly and softly to the 'man' on the other side of my wall.


"Hey Brahms, is it?" I asked the wall I think I've officially gone crazy, oh wait it happened years ago, my bad. "you don't have to be scared, I just want to talk." I say in a sure tone meaning I was speaking my word, and I wasn't lying to the poor man. I mean how long has he been In their for. The man bangs on the wall once more as if it were a sign of defeat. the mirror soon opens and a man wearing a porcelain face mask pops out, he was indeed a grown-man, he had a hairy body, and muscled frame though when I heard his voice, I think I lost my hearing.

"Hi Alessia..." a high pitched voice that's sounded as one of a child. I look at him curiously and tilt my head a bit, before giving the boy a smile.

"hi Brahms, its nice to meet you." I say to him and raise my hand for him to shake, and he does shake my hand, but not normally and it took him a few minutes for him to understand what to do, and of course I heard the movements of Billy and Stu demonstrating what to do from behind me, but Michel and Hannibal remain silent, observing everything that has been happening. "you're more than welcome to stay here, and of course you can come out of the wall anytime." I tell him reassuringly, he nods and I give him a small smile. "Now Brahms would you like to watch a movie with us?" I ask him.

"Sure.." he reply's back shyly, which was all we needed before everyone sat down and watched a ton of movies, ate a ton of snack, and just had a good time in general.

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