《Ninjago Perfect Match Boyfriend Scenarios--Jay》He Asks You Out


You’re sitting in the library with a good book. You just came here to check out the newest book in (favorite book series), but it started pouring outside before you could leave. The rain’s coming down in sheets, and if you step outside, you and your book will be instantly soaked. You’re a mile from your house and nobody’s available to give you a ride, so you’re stuck until the rain lets up.

You might as well be comfortable while you wait for the rain to stop, so you grab a beanbag chair (beanbag chairs should be in all libraries), drag it over to the window, then sit down and read while you listen to the rain. You’re just getting to a good part when someone walks up to you and asks, “Do you mind if I sit here?”

You glare at the person who interrupted you, then realize who it is. “Jay! Sure, sit down.” You gesture at the floor next to you. Jay grabs a beanbag chair and puts it next to yours.

“So, what’s up, y/n?” he asks.

You grin at him. “The sky, birds, planes, clouds…the roof, obviously.”

Jay laughs and sits down, but he misses the beanbag chair and falls on the floor. Now you’re both laughing. Jay blushes and sits in his beanbag chair.

“Can we pretend that didn’t happen?” he asks.

You just laugh harder. “Whatever you say, Zaptrap. Why are you at the library?”

“Oh, I was just checking out the newest f/b/s. It’s supposed to be really good.”

You grin at him. “You too? It’s awesome! I just got to the part where—”

Jay covers his ears. “Don’t spoil it! I haven’t started reading yet!”

“Just messing with you.” You giggle and look back down at your book.


You and Jay read in silence for a while, until you look up and catch Jay staring at you. He has a dreamy look on his face, and he doesn’t seem to notice that you’ve caught him staring.

“What?” you ask. Jay doesn’t respond, so you lean over and wave your hand in front of his face. “Hello? Ninjago to Jay?”

Jay shakes his head. “What? Sorry! I was just, uh, um…uh…oh, Jay.” He facepalms and mumbles something to himself.

You giggle. “Did you want something?”

Jay takes a deep breath. “Actually, y/n, I do. I wanted to ask you something.”

“Well, go ahead,” you tell him. “I’m all ears.”

Jay’s face goes red. “Well…uh…um…” He stands up and paces in a circle. “Dang it! Why is this so hard?”

You roll your eyes. “Just spit it out, Jay.”

“Okay…” Jay takes a deep breath. “Y/nwillyougooutwithme?”

“I—wait, what?” you feel yourself blush as you realize what Jay just said. “What did you say?”

“Y/n, will you go out with me?” Jay repeats.

You drop your book, stand up and hug Jay. “Yes! Of course I’ll go out with you!” Right at that moment, a beam of sunlight breaks through the clouds and shines through the window, illuminating the two of you like a spotlight.

Jay laughs. “Looks like the sky approves.”

“Who needs the sky?” you laugh back.

“Well, we will for our date,” Jay says with a grin.

“Fair point.”

Jay pulls out his phone and checks it. “Drat. Sorry, y/n, I’ve gotta go. Are you good for Saturday?”

“Works for me,” you tell him. “See you Saturday!”

You watch Jay through the window as he climbs on his motorcycle and drives off. Then you start jumping up and down and pumping your fists in a silent happy dance.

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