《Ninjago Perfect Match Boyfriend Scenarios--Jay》When You Like Each Other


“So,” b/f/n says to you. “When are you gonna ask him out?”

“Wait, what?” you ask her. You and b/f/n are in the library, working on a project for history.

“Girls can ask guys out, too,” b/f/n sighs. “Will you just ask him out already?”

The librarian shushes the two of you angrily. B/f/n is no stranger to this library—she’s gotten you both kicked out of here multiple times.

B/f/n lowers her voice slightly and continues, “Y/n, I know you’re completely and utterly in love with him, and you know it, and basically everybody knows it, so just ASK HIM OUT ALREADY!”

“Shh!” you warn, but it’s too late. The librarian comes over and tells you two to leave.

“Thanks for nothing, b/f/n,” you say as the two of you leave the library.

“I was just saying, you should ask him out,” b/f/n says. “You weren’t listening. You could wear your…” she goes on planning out a date between you and Jay, and you tune her out.

If you’re really being honest with yourself, you’ve been thinking of Jay as more than a friend lately. He’s smart, he’s a whiz at inventing things (even if they don’t always work as intended), and he’s fun to talk to. Plus, he helped you get over your breakup with your ex-boyfriend…

Okay, you like him. But you have no idea if he feels the same way, and you don’t want to mess up your friendship. You might ask him out…someday. But you want to be sure he likes you first.

Jay’s POV

Alright, I’ll admit it: I really like y/n in a more-than-friends kind of way. Every time I talk to her, see her, or even think about her, I feel giddy inside, like I could fly to the stars. She’s cute, she’s funny, she gets my jokes…I really, really want to ask her out, but she just thinks of me as a friend.


I keep trying to talk to the guys about how I feel, but every time I try, they tell me to be quiet. Right now, I’m in the kitchen with Cole. His cooking smells horrible, but at least he won’t go anywhere while I ask him what to do about y/n.

“Hey, Cole, what do you think about y/n?” I ask him. “I think she’s really amazing. She’s got this awesome (hair length) (hair color) hair, and these beautiful (eye color) eyes. And she gets my jokes, which is a lot better that what you guys do. I mean, isn’t she perfect? She’s—”

“Jay, shut up,” Cole says, glaring at me. I ignore him and keep talking. After all, I’m talking about something important here.

“Y/n is so awesome. She appreciates my inventions and listens when I explain how they work, she laughs when I tell her jokes—wait, I said that, didn’t I? Oh, well. She’s absolutely amazing. She makes me feel so happy and energetic—”

“Heaven forbid.”

“—and I really love spending time with her. So, should I ask her out? I really want to, but I’m worried that she doesn’t feel the same way. But, then again, maybe she feels the same way about me.”

“Is this revenge on me for dating Nya?”

“Maybe she’s having this exact conversation with someone else, right now, wondering if she should ask me out. Wouldn’t that be cool? Hey, Kai. I think…”

Kai walks into the kitchen. Cole look over at him and says, “For the love of mercy, make him stop.”

Kai nods and walks out. He comes back in a minute later with something in his hand. I’m not really paying attention.

“So,” I continue. “What do you think? I think—mmff!”

Apparently Kai came back with duct tape, because now he’s putting it all over my mouth. I try to protest, but all that comes out is angry ‘mmffs.’

“Thanks,” Cole sighs. “I was on the verge of going insane.”

Kai nods. “The sooner he stops talking about y/n, the better.”

Okay, that’s it. First, I’m gonna get this duct tape off of my mouth, and then I’m gonna ask y/n out. That’ll show Cole.

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