《Supernatural x Male!Reader Season 2!》Supernatural x Male!Reader Part 26!


Episode: Season 2 Episode 7

Part: 4


(M/n) = Male Name

WARNING: Death, swearing, boy x boy, some triggering stuff. This is Supernatural, everything happens in this show/fandom



~Ashland Street~

Sam and (M/n) lead Ballard into a dark and creepy warehouse.

"So what exactly are we looking for?" She asked.

"I'll let you know when we find it."

All split up, (M/n) went in one corner, San checked upa a flight of stairs, and Ballard continued on the lower level. She turns towards a window and sees Claire, standing by the window. The ghost struggling to talk.

"(M/n)? Sam!" Ballard yelled.

The demon turned around, and Sam ran down the stairs, but the ghost was gone.

"Hey! Hey, I'm here, what is it? What happened?" The Winchester asked.



"She, she was here."

"Did she attack you?"

"No, no, she was just like, reaching out to me. She was over by the window. Here, help me." She pointed at the shelving units.

The two shoved the shelves aside, reavleaing the window. It was labeled. "Ashland Sup"

"Our little mystery word." (M/n) commented.

"Now the extra words make sense." Sam pulled out his EMF reader and approaches the opposite wall.

"hat is that?"

"Spirits and certain remains give off electromagnetic frequencies."

"So if Claire's body was here, that would indicate that?"

"Pretty much."

The EMF purred as he waved it over the brick wall. "(M/n), would you like to do the honors?"

"I thought you'd never asked." The boy picked up a sledgehammer and knocked a hole in the wall. Sam poked his flashlight inside it.

"Yeah. There's definitely something in there." The demon started breaking the wall more.

"This is bothering me."

"Well, you are digging up a corpse." The woman said.

"No, not that. That's, uh, that's pretty far for the course, actually."

"Then what?"

"It's just, no vengeful spirit I've ever tussled with wanted to be wasted. So why would Claire lead us to her remains? It doesn't make any sense."


(M/n) finished breaking most of the wall. "All right, there. Give me a hand, Sam." The two pulled out a shroud-wrapped body and place it on the ground. Sam pulled out a pocket knife and cuts the ropes holding the shroud together, uncovering her. Ballard held out her wrists.

"Her wrists. Yeah, they'd be bruised just like yours." Ballard noticed a necklace on the corpse and touches it with caution.

"That necklace, it mean something to you?"

"I've seen it before. It's rare. It was custom made over on Carson street." She showed them her necklace. "I have one just like it. Pete gave it to me."

"Now it all makes sense."

"I'm sorry?"

"Yeah, You see, Claire is not a vengeful spirit, she's a death omen."

"Excuse me?"

"Claire's not killing anyone. She's trying to warn them. You see, sometimes spirits, they don't want vengeance, they want justice. Which is why she led us here in the first place. She wants us to know who her killer is. Detective, how much do you know about your partner?"

"Oh my god." She gasped.


"About a year ago, some heroin went missing from lockup. Obviously it was a cop. We never found out who did it. But whoever did it would need someone to fence their product."

"Someone like a heroin dealer. Someone like Claire." The demon said, then it hit him. "That fucker has Dean!" Then he disappeared.


Sheridan was driving and armored van with Dean in the back.

"So I'm being extradited to St. Louis? And you just decided to transfer me yourself, eight hundred miles? At two in the morning? This cant be good."

~With Sam~

Ballard was driving Sam down a similar stretch of road, finishing a call on her cell phone.

"All right, thanks."

"What is it?"

"Pete just left the precinct. With Dean."


"He said the prisoner had to be transferred and he just took him. Dispatch has been calling but he wont answer the radio."

"Radio? He took a county vehicle?"



"Well, we're ever they are. (M/n)'s not to far behind."


The armored van pulled off the road and stopped.

"Pee break? So soon? You might want to get your prostate checked." Sheridan opened the van. "Son of a bitch. Hey, I'm cool in the van, you go do what you gotta do."

Sheridan hauled the man out and throws him on the ground.

"You're a cocky son of a bitch. You think those people in St/Louis are gonna buy that crap you're peddling? Here's the thing. You're not gonna make it to St.Louis. You're gonna die trying to escape." The cop growled. He pulled out a gun and points it at Dena's head.

"Wait! Wait. Let's, let's talk about this. I mean, you don't wanna to something you'll regret later." He cocked the gun. "Or maybe you do."

"Put the gun down Pete, your I'll blow your brains out too." The cop looked over to see the demon holding a gun, Dean noticed it was his gun that the boy was holding.

"Pete! Out the gun down." Ballard yelled, arriving.

"Diana? How'd you find me?"

"I know about Claire."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Put the gun down."

"Oh, I don't think so. You're fast. I'm pretty sure I'm faster."

"I'd be careful, I'd love to tear you into shreds." Dean looked at the demon, and knew he was getting trigger happy.

"Why are you doing this?"

"I didn't do anything, Diana."

"It's a little late for that."

"It wasn't my fault. Claire was trying to turn me in, I had no choice."

"And Tony? Karan?"

"Same thing! Tony scrubbed the money, he got skittish, and then he wanted to come clean. I'm sure he told Karen everything." The cop said.

Dean glanced at Sam, who's giving him a 'how do we get out of this' look. Dean shook his head and Sam gritted his teeth.

"It was a mess, I had to clean it up. I just panicked."

"How many more people are gonna die over this. Pete?"

"There's a way out. This Dean kid's a friggin' gift. We could pin the whole thing on him. Right? No trial, nothing. Just, just one more dead scumbag."

"Hey!" Sheridan raises the gun and (M/n) cocked his, still pointing it at the cop.

"No one will question it. Diana, please. I still love you." She lowered the gun. "Thank you. Thank you." As he turned to Dean, (M/n) fired the gun at Sheridan's stomach. He went down, Dean rolled out of the way.

"Then why don't you buy me another necklace, you ass?" Ballard yelled. He tackled he legs, knocking her down, she loses the gun and Sam tires to get it, but Sheridan got it first.

"Don't do it! Don't do it!" Ballard and (M/n) saw the ghost behind him, staring through her bloody hair. She smiled. A gunshot went off, Ballard had the gun that was in (M/n)'s hands and shot Sheridan in the back. He goes down, permanently this time.


Ballard was kneeling by the body of her late partner. She got up and walked over to the boys.

"You doin' all right?" The young Winchester asked.

"Not really. The death omen, Claire. What happens to her now?"

"Should be over. She should be at rest."

"So, uh. What now, officer?" Dean asked.

"Pete did confess to me. He screwed up both your cases royally. I'd say that there's a good chance that we could get your cases dismissed."

"You'd take care of that for us'?"

"I hope so. But the St.Louis murder charges? That's another story. I cant help you. Unless...I just happened to turn my back, and you walked away. I could tell them that the suspects escaped."

"You sure?"

"No, asking, lets go."

"No, it's just, you could lose your job over something like that."

After some talking, the boys walked away.

"So, (M/n), you shot a man...for me." Dean told the demon.

"Yeah, and I would have killed him, without even thinking twice."

"That can be a bad habit, you know?"

(M/n) sighed. "Fine, I'll try to do better. Also, here's your gun." The demon handed the Winchester the gun.

"I thought that was mine! How'd you find it?"

"A demon doesn't reveal his secrets." The boy smirked.

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