《Supernatural x Male!Reader Season 2!》Supernatural x Male!Reader Part 2!


Episode: Season 2 Episode 1

Part: 2


(M/n) = Male Name

WARNING: Death, swearing, boy x boy, some triggering stuff. This is Supernatural, everything happens in this show/fandom.



~John's room~

(M/n) walked into the room with a duffel bag, Spirit Dean met him at the door and starts to try and talk to him.

"(M/n)! Tell me you can friggin' hear me, man, there's something in the hospital. Now, you've got to bring me back and we've got to hunt this thing." He didn't get a response or even a look. "(M/n)! I know you can hear me! I know demons see ghosts." Still nothing.

The demon set the bag on the bed. "There you go. That Bobby guy seems very nice."

Sam went to looking at the stuff, his face turned to an angry expression.

"Really? You're planning on bringing the demon here. Having some stupid macho showdown!?"

"I have a plan, Sam."

"That's exactly my point! Dean is dying, and you have a plan! You know what, you care more about killing this demon than you do saving your own son!"

"No, no, no, guys, don't do this!" Dean said.

"Do not tell me how I feel! I am doing this for Dean."

"How? How is revenge going to help him? You're not thinking about anybody but yourself, it's the same selfish obsession!"

"Come on guys, don't do this!"

"Guys, lets calm down here." (M/n) tried to say.

"You know, its funny, I thought it was your obsession too! This demon killed your mother, killed your girlfriend. You begged me to be part of this hunt. Now if you'd killed that damn thing when you had the chance, none of this would have happened."

"It was possessing you, dad, I would have killed you too."

"Yeah, and your brother would be awake right now."


"Shut up, both of you!" Dean yelled.

"Go to hell."

"I should have never taken you along in the first place. I knew it was a mistake, I knew I was wrong-"

"I said SHUT UP!" Dean smacks a glass of water off the table and it goes flying, crashing onto the floor. Sam and John look at each other, confused. Dean looked stunned.

"Dude, I full-on Swayze'd that mother." He crumpled in pain, flickering. Nurses and doctors start running by in the hallway.

"What is it?" He noticed (M/n) was gone.

"Something's going on out there." John jerked his head indicating for Sa to find out.

~Dean's Room~

Monitors are beeping, a doctor and some nurses are surrounding Dean, resuscitating him.

"All clear." A doctor said.

Sam ran in the doorway, tears in his eyes. "No." He saw (M/n) standing a foot away from the commotion.

"Still no pulse."

"Okay, let's go again, 360.""


Sam was in the doorway, crying and fidgeting. (M/n) was staring at something. Dean comes slowly behind him. He saw a ghostly figure floating over the body lying in the bed.

"You get the hell away form me." He yelled.

"I said get back!" Sam blinks, looks confused, as if he's heard something. Dean grabs for the spirit, he latches on momentarily before it hurls him back and then soars out of the room. The monitors slow, quiet.

"We have a pulse. We're back into sinus rhythm." A nurse said.

Dean ran back into the hallway, looking for the spirit" it vanished. Sam sighs in relief and backs into the hallway, watching from there. Dean comes back, stands by him. Soon Sam walked back to John's room. Dean looked and saw (M/n) smiling straight at him, smirking, arms crossed.

"Not so bad, for being a ghost." The demon said.


"You...you can hear and see me! Oh thank god!" Dean said, relieved.

"Of course I can."

"Then why didn't you answer me?!"

"I didn't wanna look like a psycho talking to air."

Both of them wandered the halls, talking, then heard a girl yelling.

"Can't you see me? Why won't you look at me?"

"Now what?" The demon asked.

"Maybe we should talk to her."

"Somebody talk to me! Say something, please!"

"Can you see us?"


"All right, just, uh, calm down. What's your name?" Dean asked.


"Okay, good, Tessa, I'm dean. And this is my friend (M/n)."

"What's happening to me? Am-am I dead?"

"That sort of depends." (M/n) commented.

~Tessa's Room~

The three were standing outside a room, watching what is apparently Tessa's body, hooked up to tubes and machines. A woman sits by the bed, holding her hand.

"I don't understand. I just came in for an appendectomy."

"Well, I hate to bear bad news, but I think there were some complications." Dean told her.

"It's just a dream, that's all. It's just a very weird, unbelievably vivid dream."

"Tessa. It's not a dream."

"Then what else could it be?"

"Ever heard of an out of body experience?"

"What are you, some new agey guy?" (M/n) chuckled a bit."

"You see me messing with crystals or listening to Yanni? It's actually a very old idea. Got a lot of different names: Bilocation, crisis apparition, fetches....I think its happening to us. And if it is, it means that we're spirits of people close to death." (M/n)'s head snaps to Dean.

"You better not fucking die."

"So we're going to die?"

"No. Not if we hold on. Our bodies can get better, we can snap right back in there and wake up."

~John's room~

"What do you mean, you felt something?"

"I mean it felt like, like Dean. Like he was there, just out of eyeshot or something. I don't know if its my psychic thing or what, it...But do you think it's even possible? I mean, do you think his spirit could be around?"

"Anything's possible. I bet if he was here, (M/n) could see him." John said, Sam nodded.

"Well, there's one way to find out. And I know (M/n) sure as hell isn't going to help me. If Dean is here, he's going to keep that to himself."

"Where are you going?"

"I gotta pick something up. I'll be back."

"Wait, Sam. I promise I wont hunt this demon. Not until we know Dean's okay." John said, Sam nodded. Leaving.


Dean and Tessa were walking down the hallway. (M/n) disappeared.

"I gotta say, I'm impressed."

"With what?"

"With you. Most people in your spot would be jello right now, but uh, you're taking this pretty well. Maybe a little better than me."

"Don't get me wrong. I was pretty freaked at first. But now, I don't know. Maybe I'm dealing." Tessa said.

"So you're okay with dying?

"No, of course not. I just think, whatever's gonna happens gonna happen. Its out of my control, it's fate."

"Huh. Well, that's crap. You always have a choice. You can either roll over and die or you can keep fighting, no matter what-"

"Room 237, code blue. Dr. Kripke to room 237, code blue." ((Notice the last name?)) A pa announcement made.

"Where are you going?"

"Just wait here." Dean told Tessa before running down the hallway to another room in crisis. The same spirit is hovering over a little girl, who is being resuscitated. It reaches a hand into her face.

"Get away from her!"

He lunges at the spirit, which vanishes. The nurses stop their movement.

"All right, let's call it." A doctor said.

"Time of death, five eleven p.m." Another doctor said.

"At least she's not suffering anymore."

Dean just looked stunned.

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