《Supernatural x Male!Reader Season 2!》Supernatural x Male!Reader Part 1!


Start of season 2!!!! Hope ya'll love it~!

Same stuff implies, reader is a demon and male. He's with the Winchesters and all that jazz. If your just finding this story, go onto my page and you'll find season 1


Episode: Season 2 Episode 1

Part: 1


(M/n) = Male Name

WARNING: Death, swearing, boy x boy, some triggering stuff. This is Supernatural, everything happens in this show/fandom



~The crash~

The demon possessing a truck driver steps out of his truck and walks over. John, Dean, and (M/n) were unconscious. Sam swallowed, barley awake. The demon pulls the driver's side door off its hinges to reveal Sam pointing the Colt at him.

"Back. Or I'll mill you, I swear to god." He warned.

"You wont. You're saving that bullet for someone else."

The younger Winchester cocked the gun. "You wanna bet?"

The demon smiled, before the demon looked like it was chocking. A black smoke poured out of the man as he collapsed. Sam uncocked the gun and drops his head back in relief.

"Oh my god!" The man yelled.


"Did I do this?"

"Dad! Dean? Dean!!" Sam looked in the back. What he saw would burn his mind forever. (M/n) was covered in his own blood, motionless. Black eyes were staring back at Sam from in the black.


A rescue helicopter descended onto the site, all were loaded on stretchers, but (M/n). Who disappeared. John and Dean were still unconscious, Sam was awake.

"Significant passenger side intrusion. Unresponsive. BP is 180 over 60, heartrate 95."

"Tell me if they're okay!"

"You have to stay still!" A woman told him.

"Are they even alive?"


In a room, Dean sits up, works his jaw a bit and got out of bed. He was wearing a white t-shirt, blue hospital pants, and nothing else. He goes into the hallway.


"Sam? Dad? Anybody?" He goes down the stairs to the front of the hospital and finds a nurse's station.

"Excuse me. Hi, I, uh, I think I was in a car accident, my dad and my brother, I just need to find them." The nurse didn't answer, or even look up. "Hello?" He snapped his fingers.

He went back upstairs, panicked and sees his own body on the bed, intubated and dying. He was shocked. Dean turned, relieved, as Sam entered the room. Sam stops at the door and stares at his brother's body, breathing heavily.

"Sammy! You look good. Considering."

"Oh, no."

"Man, tell me you can hear me. How's dad? Is he okay? Come on, you're the psychic. Give me some ghost whispering or something!"

A doctor entered. "Your father's awake. You can go see him if you like."

"Thank god." Dean sighed.

"Doc, what about my brother?"

"Well, he sustained serious injury: blood loss, contusions to his liver and kidney. But it's the head trauma I';m worried about. There's early signs of cerebral edema."

"Well, what can we do?"

"Well, we wont know his full condition until he wakes up. If he wakes."


"I have to be honest-"

"Oh screw you doc, I'm waking up."

"Most people with this degree of injury wouldn't have survived this long. He's fighting very hard. But you need to have realistic expectations."

"Come on, Sam. Go find some hoodoo priest to lay some mojo on me. Where's (M/n)? He'll certainly see me and tell you what's going on....Sam?"

~Johns room~

John is lying in a hospital bed, his arm in a sling. Awkwardly one-handed, he pulls something out of his wallet. "Here. Give them my insurance."


Sam took the card John gave him, smiling he read it. "Elroy McGillicutty?"

"And his two loving sons. So, what else did the doctor say about Dean?"

"Nothing. Look. The doctors wont do anything. then we'll have to, that's all. I don't know, I'll find some hoodoo priest and lay some mojo on him."

"We'll look for someone."

Sam nodded.

"Where's the Colt?" The Winchester asked.

"You were just in a car crash, one of your sons is dying and your concerned about a gun?" (M/n) asked.

"We're hunting this demon, and maybe is hunting us too. That gun may be our only card." The demon gave him a you-got-to-be-shitting-me look.

"It's in the trunk. They dragged the car to a yard off of I-83" Sam said.

"All right. You've gotta clean out that trunk before some junk man sees what's inside."

"I already called Bobby. He's like an hour out, he's gonna tow the impala back to his place."

"All right. You, you go meet up with Bobby. You get that colt, and you bring it back to me. And you watch out for hospital security."

"I'll go to this Bobby." (M/n) said.

"You sure you wanna do that?" Sam asked.

"I'm a big boy, I think you forgot I grew up in Hell." As the boy walked out, Sam and John heard him mumble, "Fucking hunters." Sam chuckled.

"He's not like most demons, you know that right?" John said.

"Yeah, I figured."

~At Bobby's~

The boy looked down at the mangled car. Bobby is there as well. "Dean sure is gonna be pissed about this."

"It ain't worth towing. I say we empty the junk, sell the rest for scrap."

"I rather not die yet, Dean would send me back to hell if I did that. When he gets better I'm sure he'll fix it."

"There's nothing to fix. The frame's a pretzel, and the engine's ruined. There's barely any parts worth salvaging."

"Your right. But if there's one part, you can't give up on it."

Bobby was seeing what the kid was saying. "Okay, you got it."

"Here, old man Winchester wanted you to get this stuff." (M/n) handed over a list. Bobby looked at it and frowned.

"What's John want with this?"

"We'll just say protection from Azazel."

"You know this is-"

"Yes, I know what it is, 'm not a stupid demon ya know."

Bobby smiled a bit. "I think I like you more then id like to admit."

~Dean's room~

John was sitting by Dean's bed, Spirit dean stands nearby.

" Come on, dad. You've gotta help me. I've gotta get better, I gotta get back in there. I mean, you haven't called a soul for help. You haven't even tried. Aren't you going to do anything? Aren't you even going to say anything? I've done everything you have ever asked me. Everything. I have given everything I've ever had. And you're just going to sit there and you're going to watch me die? I mean, what the hell kind of father are you?" He paused, hearing something.

"What is that?" Dean went out into the hallway and a spirit whooshes past him. He jumped back.

"I take you didn't see that." Dean stalked the spirit down the hallways. He sees it go into a back hallway where a woman is lying on the floor, choking.

"Help! Help!" She yelled.

"Hey! I need some help in here!" Dean yelled.

"I can't.....breathe!" She pants loudly, trying to desperately to breathe, the goes silent. Dean, leaned over her, looks on helplessly.

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