《Connection (Zach x Reader) (Completed)》The Final Battle


We pulled up to the main area and hoped out of the truck. I ran over and hugged dad tight.

"Are you alright?" I asked worried.

"I'm fine sweetheart, are you okay?" He asked concerned. I nodded and hugged him again. We then bolted into the main hall, running through the lab we heard a glass smash so I skidded to a halt.

"What was that?" I whispered.

"They evacuated the lab?" Claire said in disbelief and walked in, everyone else following. I looked at all the animals they used for splicing DNA's. Then a door opened causing Claire to gasp, they came in and started loading samples into esky looking crates and carrying them out.

"What are you doing?" Claire asked confused.

"I'm afraid that's above your pay grade honey" Hoskins said making me growl.

"Where's Henry?" Claire asked.

"Dr. Wu, he works for us" Hoskins informed.

"That's not a real dinosaur" Gray said, emerging from behind me, still slightly hugging my leg.

"No it ain't kid. But somebody's gotta make sure this company has a future" he said making me scoff.

"And your that person. Bullshit!" I snapped.

"Hey watch it brat!" he snapped back.

"Hey! Don't talk to her like that" Zach said defensively.

"Awww look at that, dinosaur girl has a boyfriend, how sweet" he mocked making me growl.

"Shut up you fat prick" I hissed, my anger growing.

"Just imagine that one" he said pointing to the Indominous Rex on the screen.

"Fraction of the size, deadly, intelligent, able to hide from the most advanced military technology. A living weapon unlike anything we've ever seen. See millions of years of evolution, what'd we learn? Nature is the gift-" Hoskins monologue was cut off by Delta (?). I smirked knowing this prick was about to die. I held Gray close and covered his eyes so he couldn't see anything graphic. She chomped down on his hand and he let out a loud scream which we took as our queue to leave, running out the door and full speed. We started running left but we're cut off by Delta jumping through a glass wall, making us run the other direction. Gray hit a button on the holoscape, creating a diversion.


"Good job kid" I said patting his back.

"Thanks" he sighed, trying to catch his breath. We skidded to a stop when Blue was in front of us, Delta coming from behind and Charlie appearing on the my side. Dad and I glanced at each other wearily then back at the Raptors.

"That's how it is huh?" Dad asked, staring at Blue. Dad and I dropped the guns, making eye contact with them. Dad moved his hand forward at Blue, trying to pat her.

"Eaaasy" dad moved up and undid the headset attached to Blue.

"Easy babies, calm down" I said slowly to Delta and Charlie, who were both within distance of me. I moved at an incredibly slow speed, making sure to not freak them out, and undid the headsets too.

"Good girls" I smiled. We were interrupted by a roar from the Indominous Rex. The Raptors looked at her, communicating, Charlie and Delta looked back at me as if asking what to do. I stared into their beautiful eyes and spoke a thousand words with one look. They nodded and looked at Blue, then turning to the Indominous Rex, saying that they weren't listening to her anymore (or along those lines). They looked at us and smiled in their own way, making a noise meaning to leave it to them. I nodded at them and kissed their heads.

"I love you babies, be careful" they made an affectionate noise but stayed put. The Indominous Rex used her large tail to swipe Blue into a poll making me gasp. I saw Delta and Charlie waiting for the signal so I smirked and whistled, giving them permission to attack. They ran and jumped on the dinosaur, bitting her while we ran for cover, avoiding the Indominous Rex's big tail. Dad stood near the Indominous Rex, shooting her while I was at the kiosk with the boys and Claire, also shooting. I heard muttering behind me and saw Gray calculating something.


"We need more" he said.

"More what?" I asked confused.

"Teeth, we need more teeth" he stated, giving me an idea. I dropped my gun and went to the first aid box on the wall, opening it and grabbing a flare and walkie talkie.

"Okay I'll be back, you guys stay right here" I said, trying to catch my breath still.

"Where are you going?" Zach asked concerned.

"You'll see. I'll be fine just stay here" I smiled.

"Be careful (Y/n)" I smiled at Claire and nodded.

"Don't worry you'll still have your favourite un-biological daughter by the end of this" I smirked making her smile and nod. I then jumped over the kiosk desk and ran as fast as my legs could take me. I called control over a walkie talkie.

"Lowery are you still there?" I asked hopefully.

"(Y/n)? Yeah I'm still here where are you?" He asked concerned.

"I need you to open paddock nine" I said.

"Paddock nine? Are you kidding?" He asked shocked.

"Do I sound like I'm kidding! Damn it Lowery be a man and do something for once in your life" I snapped, getting impatient.

"Why'd you have to make it personal?" He said, sounding hurt and unlocked the gate. I snapped the flare, creating a red light. I stood my ground and eyed my beautiful Rexy.

"Hey beautiful I need your help okay?" I said, backing up slightly. I then started running at full speed back to the others, Rexy hot on my heels. I came around the corner and threw the flare onto the Indominous Rex's back, drawing Rexy's attention to her. I then dove to the ground as bones flew everywhere. Rexy roared loud making me smirk and fist pump the air.

"You go beautiful!" I yelled, encouraging her. The two dinosaurs stared at each other, readying to attack. I watched as Rexy was being beaten, badly.

"RRRUUUUNNNN!" I yelled. The others run out of the kiosk and over to me while I saw Rexy laying on the ground in pain.

"NOOOOO!!!!" I shouted as the Indominous Rex was about to kill her. I picked up a chunk of rock and threw it, though it didn't make a difference. I then saw Blue come around the corner and leap onto the Indominous Rex, helping Rexy.

"Oh thank god" I sighed in relief, watching the fight intensely while running to safety. I saw Rexy and Blue working together, helping defeat the common enemy. They managed to knock the dinosaur into the fence of the Mosasaur's enclosure. I smirked knowing what happens next and watched as the crocodile like creature emerged from the water, dragging the Indominous Rex in, finally ending the fight.

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