《Am i finally in love》Why am I like this


The next day both girls had classes. Enid typically gets to their third period before Wednesday. Today when wednesday walked into class she say Xavier sitting next to Enid. Enid was laughing, and just like before, anger and jealousy bubbles up inside wednesday.

Wednesday, as calmly as she can, walks to her seat and begins to take her books out. The bell rings and class began.

After class Wednesday walked out of class and did not look back. As she left she heard Enid call her name. Wednesday wanted this day to be over more then ever. Why was Enid doing this? She spends every waking second showering wednesday with love so why was she now flirting with Xavier.

After school Wednesday hesitated to return to their dorm. When she did Enid was on her computer, typing on her blog.

" Hey weds where were you?" Enid says looking at Wednesday.

" Why were you talking to Xavier." Wednesday demands. It's not even a question.

" Cause he's my friend..." Enids voice lowers from happy to almost sad.

" You know I don't approve of him" Wednesday keeps going. God why did this matter so much to her?

" Weds I'm sorry but he isn't gonna do anything" Enid says getting up and taking a few steps towards wednesday. " why do you care though?" Enid asks

Wednesday doesn't want to say. As horrible as it sounds she really likes Enid, she can't admit that she's jealous of this boy. Emotions are weakness, so of course she can't say why she cares.

" Wednesday I know I said that we don't need labels but you aren't even my girlfriend" Enid says. Wednesdays face twitches. Not her girlfriend? " I do like you but in reality until you tell me that you want to be my girlfriend I can speak to who I want to speak to" Enid finishes.


Wednesday stood there, tears brimming her eyes. Enid sees this and does nothing. As popular and slightly bitchy as Enid is, why isn't she doing anything. A tear falls from wednesdays eyes. A single tear, she hasn't cried since her mother said she couldn't keep a bat with rabies in the house.

Even then those were angry tears, wednesday was just sad now. Wednesday doesn't say anything, still in her uniform she just leaves the room. Enid watched her leave.

Wednesday went out to the woods hyperventilating. Why was she crying? Enid shouldn't be affecting her this much. Wednesday suddenly hears the snap of a twig and she spins around to see enid.

" Weds... I'm sorry I didn't mean it" enid says. Wednesday wasn't exactly crying, she was just hyperventilating.

" Yes you did. You're right enid, we aren't girlfriends so why should I care?" Wednesdays voice begins to rise " Why the hell should I care." Wednesday yells

" You have every right to care weds-" Enid is cut off by a very angry Wednesday

" Stop calling me that!" Wednesday yells. " Enid I hate admitting this but I like you, maybe I don't show it enough but I don't know how to feel sometimes." Wednesdays voice was quieting down.

Enid hugged Wednesday who tried to push Enid off. " I'm sorry!" Enid exclaims " I'm sorry, I'm so sorry okay..." she whispers

Wednesday calmed down in enids arms, as disgusted as she was by this it was somewhat calming. Enid lets go of Wednesday and puts her hand on the shorter girls shoulders

"I won't talk to him anymore. Okay? " Enid says, she slightly shook Wednesday when she said okay. " Wednesday, god this is cheesy, would you like to be my girlfriend?" Enid says.

Wednesday couldve said yes. But she didn't. She felt betrayed. She slowly shook her head no. Enids hands dropped from wednesdays shoulders.

" Okay... can we Atleast go back to the dorms?" Enid says. Wednesday nods and they walk back to the dorms


I am evil ain't I?

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