《Am i finally in love》We'll heal together


Disclaimer!! This is my attempt at fluff. Don't judge me, or do. Look at the end for note


Wednesday looked in the mirror. Enids claws had scratched her during their fight, but wednesdays no werewolf. She can't heal just like that. The scratches were small and faded now.

Wednesday walked out of the bathroom to Enid folding some outfits. Enid turns around to wednesday, " Oh..." she whispers.

Enid walks to Wednesday. " I totally forgot about that" Enid says. She reaches out for her roommates face but Wednesday backs away. Enid lowered her hand

" I need to... I guess control myself" Enid says. "If it makes you feel any better I have a bruise on my arm from when you hit me" Enid says.

" it does" Wednesday says. Atleast she got a punch in. " Wednesday?" Enid whispers.


" Are we dating? Like what are we" Enid says as she fidgets with her hands.

" I don't know" Wednesday says. She hates to admit it, she has no clue. She knows she likes Enid. But the question now is does she want a relationship? What is it like? Feelings are already confusing let alone a relationship.

" Well, we don't need labels right now." Enid says. She steps toward Wednesday. " Can I kiss you?" Enid asks. Wednesday nods in approval. Enid leans forward, putting a hand on wednesdays neck. Wednesday meets her in the middle.

They pull apart after a few seconds. Wednesday stands still, enids hand is still cradling the back of wednesdays neck. A small smile appears on enids face. Enid lets go and walks back to folding her clothes, wednesday watches her do so.

She knows she likes Enid. She loves her. But emotions are weird, it's not exactly something wednesday loves. Emotions equal weakness. But these were different


"Are you okay?" Enid snaps Wednesday out of her thoughts. Wednesday nods. " You looked lost for a second" Enid says.

"Just fine." Wednesday finishes. She turns to her bed and lays down. As Wednesday begins to read a book Enid stared at her.

"What?" Wednesday asks. Her tone was harsh, she didn't mean it, when she says what she usually is scaring someone. Enid didn't say anything. She walked to wednesdays bed and sat at the foot of her bed.

" I don't like this. Go away" Wednesday says sitting up. "No, stop" Wednesday says as Enid hits her with puppy eyes. Funny from a wolf who can't even transform

" Weds"

" What the hell is that, no" Wednesday gets onto her knees and tries pushing Enid off of her bed. Enid rolls over and Wednesday falls forward, almost off her bed.

Enid bursts into a fit of laughter. Wednesday sat at the foot of her bed grumbling curses at Enid.

Once Enid was over her fit she looked at Wednesday. " Aw lighten up weds " she says wrapping her arms around her grumpy roommate.

Wednesday tried to pry free from enids grasp but to no avail. " Let go" Wednesday says. " Nuh uh" Enid says.

" I will call Ms. Thornhill on you " Wednesday says. Enid finally lets go of Wednesday.

" Is that what it takes for you to stop?" Wednesday asks.

" Not at all, I'm just really bored" Enid replies.

" Stop annoying me " Wednesday says.

" You love it though" Enid says. " You also love me kissing you" she says leaning towards Wednesday. Wednesday cant exactly deny that.

" Don't you have clothes to fold?" Wednesday says in an attempt to get Enid to stop flirting. " They aren't going anywhere" Enid says. She leans further and Wednesday only leans back.


" Fine, deny my love, ma belle. " Enid says finally giving up. Wednesdays eyes widen at enids language. " what did you say?" Wednesday asked

" Ma belle...?" Enid responds.

" Where did you learn that?" Wednesday snaps. Now she's the one leaning towards Enid.

" Duolingo..." Enid responds. " Why? I practiced for a week" enid says. Wednesday remembers hearing that word from when her mother tried to teach her father how to speak French. To this day he only knows how to compliment his wife.

Wednesday stands from her bed and grabs her cello. " Where are you going?" Enid asks.

" To clear my mind" Wednesday responds, walking out the door to their balcony.


That's it. Ran out of ideas cuz Twitter has put me in an odd place. Okay so I did have an idea for smut but idk how you guys would feel about it because everything I write is for you guys so if you wanna read that let me know. Thanks for reading!!!!!!!!!

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