《Am i finally in love》Nosy wednesday


Wednesday couldn't sleep, all she could think about was their fight. She doesn't regret fighting back, but at the same time she does. So what now?

She did eventually fall asleep. She also happened to wake up late for her classes. Usually Enid wakes her up but she decided not to this morning. Wednesday speed walked to class. When she arrived she was a bit out of breath.

Across the room was Enid and Xavier, except they were sitting side by side, Enid was giggling like a madman. Wednesday felt something burn and die out in her heart. She ignored it and walked to her seat. Enid and Xavier continued giggling and laughing.

Enid usually walks with Wednesday to fencing but today was different. Wednesday was about to walk away when she sees Enid pull out her phone and hand to Xavier. Xavier types something then hands enids phone back to her.

Enid smiles and walks out the room. Wednesday acts like she doesn't care yet deep down she was jealous. What did Xavier do?

In the locker room wednesday walks up to Enid who was finishing putting her things away. " What did Xavier put in your phone." Wednesday asked. It was more of a demand.

" Its none of your business Wednesday" Enid says closing her locker and walking away. Wednesday stands there and rolls her eyes.

After their classes Wednesday sees Enid happily walking with Xavier. Wednesday becomes jealous once again. She finds herself following them to a Cafe.

Xavier and Enid order two coffees while Wednesday looks on from the side. Enid had shopping bags and a fluffy pink back pack. Wednesday still had her black school bag on.

As Xavier jokes and enid giggled wednesday can't help but become jealous, she just doesn't know who's she is jealous of.



Wednesday leaves before Enid so it could seem as if she had never left. 'But why?' She questioned herself. She managed to arrive 10 minutes before Enid

When Enid walks in Wednesday is instantly instigating her.

" Where were you?" Wednesday asks

" With Xavier " Enid replies. She walks over and sets her bags down at the foot of her bed.

"Why. You know I don't like him"

" Well he's cool, wednesday. Jesus why are you so nosy?" Enid snaps " Are you jealous?"

" I hate him." Wednesday states again

Enid walks to the center of the room just before wednesdays side. " I didn't know it mattered that much." She says.

Wednesday meets her in the middle. " It doesn't. "

" Then why is it such a big deal to you?" Enid begins walking towards Wednesday, waving her hands around. "Xavier is nice to me, he's one of the only kids who appreciate me" she says

" Who said I don't appreciate you?" Wednesday replies.

" Your actions, your words, I can go on" Enid says. She takes a finale step forward and the girls are now face to face

Wednesday sighs and grabs enids face, kissing her. Enid is taken aback. Wednesday slowly pulls away.

" I apologize for not asking, you're just too...beautiful." Wednesday says turning around heading back to her side.

Enid stands there shocked. She's gone from a pale white to a bright red. Wednesday sits down and begins to type up an assignment on her typewriter.

Enid has no idea what to do.

Wednesday pauses her typing." I know you're mad... but I don't want you to be" she pauses for a moment. " Know that I do appreciate you Enid Sinclair." Wednesday says, resuming to typing.



Enid layed in her bed. The clock read 2:38, enid should be fast asleep but how can she sleep knowing that wednesday likes her back.

She didn't even think of her hangout with Xavier as a date but it seemed as wednesday thought of it that way. Enid rolls over to her side, facing Wednesday. 'What now...' she thinks.


A.N. Y'all I had to take a break after writing the kiss, no joke. Anyways I hope you all like it sorry my uploads are so late school is tough and I gotta keep up. Thanks for reading!

P.S: I had to edit something, nothing dramatic

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