《Rescue My Drowning Heart | COMPLETED》Put Your Hand In Mine
"Is it you or are the lights getting brighter in the night?" — Grace VanderWaaal.
^Blaze's House.
"Finally, the boots are here!" April beams as she enters through our dorm door, holding a beige shoebox in her hands.
"Okay, come on, come on!" Yuna urges her over excitedly, and she chuckles as she scampers down to where we are seated on the bed.
"Alright, here we go!" She uncovers the box, and the smell of new leather welcomes me as she lifts the black boots that are the same as hers. "Ta-da! Size six!"
I am shocked that she somehow discovered my shoe size, and it is as if she has read my mind as she lets out a faint laugh.
"I looked at one of your ballet flats." She stretches the pair toward me. "This is for you Harmony."
I have no idea what to say. I tend to be quite reluctant when it comes to accepting gifts. My mom grew me up to be contented with what I have, and I hate putting people into a pickle to get things for me.
She realizes my hesitancy and frowns. "Come on Harmony, please. They would look nice on you." And Tia and Yuna nod their heads from next to her.
"I hope it wasn't a trouble for you," I say, and she shakes her head quickly.
"No way, I got it at half price if that makes you feel better." She grins.
My smile drags a little and I sigh. "As long as it's not a problem—"
"Harmony just take the goddamn boots!" Tia laughs, and they all join in as I finally retrieve it from her hands. I stare at it for a while and my heart swells with gratefulness. I have only known her for two weeks, yet she has portrayed such benevolence toward me. I feel lucky to have met upon such genuine people; I am not sure how I would have survived my first weeks at Homewood without them.
"Thank you, April."
She playfully fans me off with a smile. "Oh hush, pretty girl. Now on to something for you to wear to the party!"
Yuna and Tia cheer in excitement, and I let out a chuckle as I ogle them in confusion. What is so exciting about helping someone to get dressed?
In no time we are clothed and ready to head out to Blaze's party. My face feels a tad heavy due to the makeup April applied, and its dusty sensation keeps invading my nostrils, propelling me to sneeze. I am not accustomed to wearing these facial products; it's just not my taste, but I allowed them to doll me up just for tonight. It's a party anyway and if I am going to be out of character by attending one, why not just follow right through?
She finally adds her finishing touch of lip gloss to my lips before she moves away and presses her palms to her waists. "Okay, stand and let me see you."
I get up from the bed, pulling down the denim skirt I am wearing insecurely. The girls stare at me with widely opened mouths and I immediately wonder if I look like a clown standing in front of them.
"Do I look bad?" I ask. My forehead creases in worry. If I look awful, then I will just stay in for the night and never think of attending a party ever again in my whole life.
April shakes her head rapidly, her grin wide and electrified. "No way, you look fantastic. Oh my God, look."
She grabs my hand and pulls me over to the long mirror hanging on the wardrobe, gripping my arms as she peers at my reflection from over my shoulders. "Look how awesome you look."
My eyes grow wide at my reflection. I look...different.
My curly hair is permed into tight curls, having a fluffy look to it as it lies against my shoulders. The mild makeup does a great job at making my emerald eyes stand out and I am glad April kept it modest with just a touch of strawberry lip gloss, as opposed to that thick matte lipstick I see females wear in the movies. I don't think that'd look well on me.
"You are so pretty, Harmony," Yuna says, and I smile with a flushed complexion. "So are you...so are all of you." I laugh a little and they chuckle along with me.
Feeling intrigued by my own countenance, I take one more inspection of myself.
April loaned me one of her tops, a black off-the-shoulder blouse with lace, mesh sleeves. The skirt, however, is a bit too short for my liking. I have plump legs, that I am a bit insecure about and they are unable to hide with an attire such as this. But I wouldn't want to be the one to spoil their hard work, so I have decided to just gather some courage and wear it. Just for tonight.
If my mom were to see me at this moment, her overprotectiveness would sky-rocket to its peak and she would put me in her car, drive me home and banish me from stepping into this University ever again. I smile a little at the thought.
"Someone will be turning heads tonight," Tia says while circling her hips, and the girls laugh, Yuna smacking her with one of the pillows.
I titter. "Thank you, guys, for helping me get dressed."
April touches my shoulder gently. "Don't mention it."
"Alright! Let's go." Yuna grabs her purse, and I sit on the bed to put the shoes on as the finishing touch.
The girls create another uproar about the boots matching the attire and it gives me so much confidence. Enough to take me through the night. I just have to hope it'll be enough to help my being around Blaze.
My lips part in a daze when Blaze's house comes into view. A modern structure sitting on the hill with most of its constitution made of glass. It's a two-story house with green, lush grass surrounding portions of it, almost resembling a posh penthouse. It's such a vast difference to the house he took me to that last time in the woods, and I instantly wonder what his father does for a living. That thought makes me realize that I don't know much about Blaze Xander. He seems to hide a lot about himself.
"Here we are," Aprils says as she steers into the parking lot filled with cars.
My seat vibrates with the base of the music coming from the inside, and adolescents are gathered on the lawns, chatting, and dancing and just having a great time I would suppose. I feel a rush of anxiety. This is such an unfamiliar environment for me, and I don't know what to expect.
April kills the engine of her Honda, and I open the door and slide out, the cold night air pricking my cheeks and burning my nostrils. I wrap my arms around myself as I wait for the girls to join me outside. Yuna is applying more foundation onto her face through April's top mirror and Tia seems to be adjusting the cuffs of her bra. I take the moment to look around, admiring the architecture of the yard. There are beautifully planted roses on either side of the pavement and in-ground lights are embedded into different sections of the grass. Whoever blueprinted this place has some good design skills.
"Sorry to have you waiting out here." April smiles as she climbs out of the driver's seat. "Aww, you look cold. Maybe we should have brought a jacket for you. That top tends to get cold after a while."
The girls are wearing strapless tops with hardly anything covering their thighs, but from the looks of it, they are bearing the chilliness quite fine. Unquestionably, they have partied out in the cold on numerous occasions.
"It's because it's almost the Christmas season, so you know the air is a bit chilly," Yuna adds.
"Okay, let's get inside quickly," Tia begs as she fixes one of her dropped earrings.
We make our way up the steps that lead to the large, timber doors of the house. I glance around one more time as April knocks on the door a few times, and soon it opens to reveal a roomful of people and a smiling James.
He looks nice. He's wearing a blue, striped dress shirt with black ripped jeans. His brown hair is faded at the sides with loose curls at the top, and sparkling, gold nob earrings decorate his earlobes. James is quite an attractive guy; I am confused as to why April doesn't seem to like him.
"Goodnight ladies." He smiles, but he's particularly gushing at April who is pretending not to care while she picks at her nails.
"Are you going to let us in?" She says sassily, and he steps aside with a broad grin, granting us space to enter.
"Woah, you look nice Harmony," he says as I walk past him, causing my cheeks to go up in flames.
"Thank you." I smile politely.
He playfully throws an arm around my neck, the friendly gesture catching me off guard as I stiffen awkwardly. "Blaze would love to see you now," he whispers, causing me to look at him. He sends me a subtle wink to which I blush and look away.
Blaze and I aren't even talking, so I doubt he wants to see me here.
"Where is Blaze?" April looks around the crowded room of intoxicated young people; most of them dancing and grinding against each other as if it's their last day on earth. I shift my weight in discomfort, not liking the setting and not finding the courage to face the boy who told me to stay away from him.
James reaches for a red cup off the tray a guy is passing with, shrugging his shoulders to April's question. "He's around here somewhere. Probably banging a chick upstairs."
His words make me look at him and he opens his eyes wide. "Sorry, Harmony. I wasn't supposed to say that in your presence."
Yeah, I was good from all that knowledge.
"Just shut up and text him, James!" April orders.
"Okay. Jesus, you're so short-tempered." He grabs his cell from his jeans and begins to tap away, the rim of the cup tucked between his teeth.
Inside is just as cold as the outside because of the air conditions, and I rub my pimpled covered arm to create some amount of warmth.
"He's coming," James announces.
My heart takes a wide leap as I see Blaze approaching us from what seems to be the living room.
There are no words to describe how handsome he looks at this moment. I have never met another member of the masculine gender who looks this flawless in just a black T-shirt, ripped, black jeans, and grey sneakers. His satiny hair that I have grown to admire is messily dangling against his forehead, his gold necklace complimenting the small hoop earrings hanging from his earlobes. He's attractive and I am positive everyone in this room can see that.
I look away before he catches me in the act of gazing at him. He told me to keep my distance, and though I am in his territory, I won't talk to him unless that's what he wants. Respecting his wishes.
"Finally, I thought you guys were going to take the entire night," he says, encircling his arms around his cousin and placing a small kiss to her forehead.
"Sorry to have kept you waiting." April smiles as she hugs him back.
"God, Blaze, where on earth do you buy your cologne?" Tia chuckles. "You smell damn good." And Yuna laughs.
"Ehem, I smell good too." James smiles. "How come y'all not complimenting me? Come here, smell me." He tries to grab Tia's arm and she giggles and writhes away, causing everyone to crack up with laughter.
I chuckle at their antics, and when I notice that Blaze's head has turned in my direction, I train my eyes on my boots as the best way to avoid eye contact.
I think that lately, the universe has not been working with me. I mean first, I don't normally eat lunch in the Cafeteria with the girls but I ended up eating there because I had made a prior promise, and now, I don't normally attend a party with them but here I am attending one because I had also made a prior promise. I think maybe Blaze is thinking that I am using these instances as an excuse to see him and that is really not the case.
'Reminding Me to Forget' by Miguel ft. Kygo begins playing, and James tears his eyes open dramatically, causing me to snicker quietly at the fact that he resembles an owl.
"Oh shit, that's my song!"
He rests his cup onto a nearby table and grabs April's hand, leading her eyes to open widely. "What are you—"
"Dance with me," he says and pulls her along with him. She tries to protest, but it is pointless as James grips her tightly and takes her with him through the crowd.
"Harmony, do you want to dance?" Yuna asks, and I shake my head quickly.
"No, I-I can't dance."
"Okay, we'll be right back, okay?" Tia promises, and I just nod.
They walk away and I watch idly as they disappear through the thick crowd of moving bodies. I release a soft breath and look ahead of me, instantly meeting the crystal blue abysses of Blaze's eyes.
I swallow hard. I guess I should have just taken the dance offer.
I rub my arm awkwardly as I look up at him, resisting the itch to squirm under his gaze. His eyes scan my whole attire, and I cross one leg over the other, insecurity taking its reign over my body.
"W-what?" I ask.
He shrugs lightly and I see when he tears his gaze away from my legs. "You look nice."
My cheeks flush at the words and I wrack my head for something to say. "Um, so do you..."
Jesus. 'So do you.' Harmony? Gosh, that's so cringy.
Blaze says nothing to the returned compliment and instead keeps our gazes locked. It makes my heartbeat unhealthily fast when he looks at me so absorbingly as if he's deeply studying my attributes. I decide that it is the perfect time to throw in my gratitude for that time in the cafeteria and my apology for not trusting him. It'll make me feel less awkward.
My lips separate to speak when a girl with purple bleached hair suddenly appears out of nowhere, throwing her hands around his neck from behind and giggling into his nape. My heart does a weird flip in my chest and I try not to display the emotion on my face.
"Blaze! I was looking for you!"
Her words are slurred as if she is drunk and the strong smell of liquor emanating off her is enough to confirm that she is in fact very drunk.
His face scrunches up as he grips her hands and unwraps them.
"Please, I need to show you something upstairs!" She says, pulling his hand with enthusiasm. What is she trying to show him, a gold mine? "Come with me."
He looks back at me. "Harmony—"
"Hey go ahead. It's cool, I am going to get something to drink." I turn away and walk off before I can witness him walking away from me. It'll bother me deeply if he leaves with her, so I deemed it would be best if I leave first. It'll make me feel less...hurt.
And why would I be hurt? I don't know. My emotions have been doing a lot of odd things lately where Blaze is concerned.
I manage to locate the kitchen, but it is way too packed and two people are eating each other's faces nearby the refrigerator. I don't want to interrupt, so I just decide to leave without grabbing my drink.
I slide through sweaty bodies in the living room, uttering excuse me's and sorry's to people who don't even care if I say them, to get to a door that seemingly leads to the backyard.
I slide the transparent door open and step out onto what I realize is the pool deck. The scent of wet grass and chlorine marinates the atmosphere and I smile at the greenish, blue waters of the swimming pool.
Out here is peaceful and quiet. I see a couple sitting on a bench a few distances away and a lad throwing up in the bushes near the fence, but it is still a lot more bearable here than being in an overcrowded room with loud music jerking my insides.
I sit on one of the pool benches, resting my purse on the one next to me as I gaze up into the night sky. The moon is full and bright, governing the airspace and outshining the beady star lights surrounding it. My mind goes back to my dad, and a few memories begin soaring through my mind.
Life hasn't been the same without him. A lot of the things that I had found joy and grace in when he was alive have now become nothing but a painful factor of his passing; a constant reminder that he's no longer here with me. Which is why I had decided to quit singing and playing the piano. However, that day I sang at the music club didn't make me as anxious as I thought it would. I actually enjoyed it and perhaps wouldn't mind doing it again. If Blaze will be there with me.
A presence plops down on the bench next to me, and I turn my face to see a shaved head guy, leaning back comfortably as he wiggles his brows with a bubbly smile.
I blink my eyes awkwardly before looking behind me, wondering if he's actually communicating with me or someone else. I don't know him, and I am positive that he doesn't know me.
"Hi." He does the thing with brows again, and I subtly shift further away on my chair.
He laughs. "You look confused. No, you don't know me, I just saw you sitting here alone and think it's very rare. Thought you would be inside dancing like all the other girls."
"Oh. Um...I don't like parties much." I bob my head, gripping the edges of my chair. Conversing with strangers makes me nervous. It'd make anyone nervous.
"Oh, that's very.... rare." He chuckles.
I smile a little, secretly hoping he leaves soon.
"Want a drink?" He stretches a brown bottle toward me, and I decline the offer promptly. "No, thanks."
"Come on babe, promise you will like it. I made a few boys I know slip something else inside it, so it'll make you feel like you're walking on stars."
I make a face. I think I will pass; I prefer walking on the ground.
I shake my head. "No, I am okay."
He shrugs. "Alright. Suit yourself, princess."
My forehead pleats at the nickname as he puts the bottle to his lips and takes a noisy gulp. He rests it on the deck and wipes his lips with the back of his hand, burping awfully.
"So, you're from around here?" He asks, interlacing his fingers in his lap.
"Um no, I just came for the party..."
He nods. "Oh, I see, splendid. What's your relation to Xander?"
The question makes me pause for a really long time because I realize that right now Blaze and I are not even friends.
"Um. He's in my English class." I state, becoming conscious of the fact that that is probably the only relation we have.
He smiles. "Oh. Thought maybe you were one of the girls he has banged."
I furrow my brows. What did he just say? That was quite offensive, but I choose to ignore it and look up to the sky instead. Out here isn't so peaceful anymore and at this rate, it would have been best if I had just stayed inside.
He starts rummaging through his pocket and I keep my gaze away from him, not wanting to invite any more undesired chit-chatting. He then slips out a cigarette, retrieving a lighter and placing the cancer stick between his lips. He fires it up, and the smoke intrudes my nostrils, causing me to tense up and look at him.
"N-no, please don't smoke. It's bad for me."
"What?" He speaks, and a ring of air comes through his mouth and meets my face. I cough and fan it away, and he chuckles in amusement. "Never smoke before?"
I can feel my chest already starting to tighten and I grip onto the edges of my chair, breathing harshly and slowly through my nose. Okay, I need to leave.
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