《My Twin Stepbrothers (Completed)》Chapter 14



"WHAT?!? Where THE FUCK IS SHE I-" Mark shouts through the phone before I interrupt him "calm down I've taken care of her trust me" I say trying to calm my now very pissed boyfriend "what do you mean you took care of her?" He asked confused "I beat the hell out of her she couldn't just get away with and just end up in jail I wanted to let her feel how I felt that when I saw all of that stuff she was hiding" I laugh a little, I wasn't trying to beat her THAT badly I seen red, and I don't know she was just my enemy at the moment.

After getting off the phone with Mark I pull up into the schools parking lot next to Marks car is, getting out I walk towards the school digging into my bag for my phone that can't stop ringing.

"Hello" I answer " how is your day back at school" the twins ask, I laugh at the eagerness in their voice "guys I've only been here for two minutes and- ah!" I scream, looking around it's Mark who's spins me around like it's nothing at all "ABBY ARE YOU OK!" I hear the concern in their voice from my sudden scream, I giggle as Mark showers my face with wet kisses all over "Yeah I'm ok it's just Mark bye guys, love you" I say before hanging up on them focusing my attention on my boyfriend God I love saying that.

"What is this you have on angel?" I smile looking down at my choice in outfit I really like it. "You like it" I ask excitedly.

"I love it... but don't you think that's a little too much skin showing" he says looking me up and down "Really I don't think so" I say looking down examining myself for anything to exposed. I grab his arm and walk towards my locker "I still think this outfit shows to much skin" he says standing at the locker next to mine "Please Pooh bear don't be That boyfriend who wants his girlfriend dressed as a nun around people but a Victoria secret model when we're alone" I say giggling to myself.

"Damn... loving the outfit jones" I hear the captain of the football team say with his friends agreeing behind him. I hear a growl from beside me and see Mark ready to attack "Pooh bear come on we're going to be late for class" I grab his hand quickly walking away from the group of boys "I told you too much skin Abby" he says still fuming with anger "Okay you were right but it's over now" I assure him but I guess that wasn't good enough "whatever Abby I'm going to go" he walks in the other direction.


Is he seriously madding at me for wearing an outfit of my choice what a dick.


"So, what do you want to do today angel" Mark says with a excited smile planted on his face. "I'm going home by Mark" I reply, he can't just ignore and give me the cold shoulder all day and then expect me to act as if nothing has happened.

"Mark? Since when you have started calling me that" rolling my eyes I walk away towards my car I'm so ready to go home "Angel stop don't walk away just...just tell me what I did" he grabs my hands looking deep into my eyes I almost couldn't resist him, but he was rude to me all day I'm not going to take that I'll give him a douse of his own medicine.

Yanking my hands away from him I speed walk to my car quickly starting it and speeding down the road. "I'm home!" I scream out to the twins as I walk in the door "we're in here" I hear a voice from the kitchen. "Woah, what's the special occasion" I look around the kitchen at the many delicious looking foods that the twins are making "Aunt Susan and her children are coming for dinner tonight" Ethan says as he checks the oven for the third time "W-who is Aunt Susan?" I ask confused "Oh she's our dad's sister" Liam says walking over to the refrigerator "Dad never mentioned her how come?" I ask confused even more as to why I never met my dad sister that should be a big deal right.

"Umm... she really didn't care for y-your mother that much, so I guess that's why" Ethan says nervously, the mention of my mother brought emotions that I didn't want to feel right now I hated it when I cry it makes me feel so useless and weakened. "Babygirl, can you set up the dinner table for us" Liam's says handing me plates and Utensils "sure" I turn to leave doing my task.

The doorbell rings "I got it" Ethan yells, I get nervous by the minute what if she doesn't like me after all she didn't even like my mother for some reason I don't know. Laughter fills the living room area getting closer to the dining room where I stand "aunt Susan this is Abby, Abby's aunt Susan and her children Rachel, Belle, and Michael" I say hello to everyone as we take our seats.

"So, your Mary's daughter" Aunt Susan says with an indescribable look plastered onto her face "um yes that's my mother and I'm sorry we haven't gotten the chance to meet until now but I'm-" the doorbell rings again breaking everyone from what they previously we're doing. I can see Rachel and Belle are too busy eyeing the twins to even care, so I decide this is the perfect chance to get away from these people for a moment "I'll go get that" I immediately jump up walking to the door.


Opening the door there stood Mark and my smile faded , I didn't think he'll be here now is really not the time for our problems I already have to deal with a new side of the family that didn't like my beloved mother "We need to talk" "Okay Mark we'll talk later but now it's not the time-" "Why are you so angry with me" I groan he is not going to let this go is he "Mark we will talk about this later" I whisper yell to him hoping he understands this really isn't the time for any of this.

"Are you Okay is he bothering you" Michael appears out of nowhere "Who the fuck is he" Mark said annoyed, I really can't deal with this "How about whoever is at the door come in and have dinner with us" Aunt Susan says, Mark walks through the door quickly putting his arm around my waist leading us to the dining table. He greets and smiles at everyone except for Michael who sat next to me "Angel why don't you sit next to me" this jealous side Mark is one I didn't enjoy he's become very different since we've became an actual couple and I want to know why.

Deciding I wasn't in the mood for arguing I sat next him, which was also sat next to Belle, she looks at me and smiles brightly almost as if she was happy, I sat next to her it's giving me a friendly but weird vibe also. Everyone continues to eat and enjoy each other's company and Aunt Susan is actually a really nice person she even was honest with me about her dislike for my mother I was glad that it wasn't hatred she had for me.

"So, your father told my boyfriend that whatever he did to me on our date he was going to do to him" Aunt Susan says laughing uncontrollably as everyone else "That's disgusting Mom" Rachel says giggling "Yeah it is but he didn't try one thing the poor guy barely held my hand" Aunt Susan finishes. I would be completely horrified if he would have said that to my boyfriend but it's understandable and it actually worked.

My laughter stops when I feel a hand on my thigh and slowly go further under my skirt causing me to shiver a bit, looking down I see that it's Marks hand that's feeling me up at the table I try my best to move it but that only made him go up even more. He began rubbing circles on my panties causing me to get hot all of a sudden, I Yelp a bit when he starting to go faster "Are you alright Abby" Belle asked concerned, I smile and nod my head not trusting my words.

I look at Mark and he smirks at me going faster as I hold his arm to steady myself, my leg began to shake under the table, and I know that can only mean one thing I put my head down not letting it show to my family I'm about to have an unwanted orgasm in front of them. I squeeze Marks arm as tightly as I could to shield my whimpers, he removes his hand while my leg still shakes under the table, I feel absolutely disgusted right now why would he do that at the dinner table in front of my family that I just met today how fucking retarded could he actually be.

"Excuse me but I'm not feeling to well I'm going to head up to bed but it was nice to meet you all I hope we can do this again sometime soon" I say eager to leave from this table , everyone wishes me a goodnight as I make way for the stairs "Angel wait up" I see Mark running towards me with a smile on his face "Mark get out" I say my voice filled with anger and annoyance "Wait what did I do now" he says sounding so innocent "Don't give me that bullshit Mark you just gave me a fucking orgasm in front of my family get the fuck out Mark" I whisper yell so no one can hear , he looks heartbroken and as much as I want to make him feel better he did something horrible I can't forgive him easily.

"I'll see you tomorrow than" he says stepping forward to kiss my lips, but I turn my head and give him my cheek whispering a goodnight to him before heading upstairs.



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