《My Twin Stepbrothers (Completed)》Chapter 12


"Bye Pooh bear, I love you" I say over the phone, Mark has called me ten times since I left his house this morning " I love you too. hey, I got an idea why don't you-"

"No" I laugh, he's been asking me to come back to his house but tomorrow morning is school, and his parents are back anyway I would feel very weird being there remember the things we've done all over the place while they were gone. I didn't want to, but he persuaded me or should I say Seduce me into it.

"It was worth a try" he laughs "I'll see you tomorrow I'm about to walk in the house but call me after the shopping is done" I say back before hanging up, I never know why he tends to go grocery shopping when he knows the stores be packed on Sundays. I walk into the house to find a lot of men surrounded around the television in the living room shouting at one another "Come on be went out of bounds before he made it to the first yard line" I hear Liam say eyes glued to the television like everyone else's, I've never met any of the twins' friends, so this is all new to me and kind of exciting as well.

"Oh Abby's home" I heard Claire say coming from the kitchen with a bowl of chips in one hand and dip in the other "Hi Claire what are my brothers up to now" she laughs at me "football" she simply says leading me to the living room with her , she puts the chips in on the table I watch as all the men dig in without taking their eyes from the screen muffling thank you to Claire "thank you baby" Liam says grabbing onto her pulling her into his lap , she turns a bright red smiling like a child. I hold the urge to aww at them they must be in love like me and Mark it's so cute to see them like that I'm happy that Liam makes her feel that way.


"Come here Abby" Ethan says with a wide smile on his face I get nervous looking at him remembering him saying I would get a punishment when I returned home, I hope he forgot about it. Inching my way to him I sit beside him on the couch only for him to position me on his lap much to my surprise "Do you like football?" He ask and I have to be honest the only thing I even know about it is that it's a sport and you throw a ball in the air besides that nope not at all "I don't know much about it" I say shyly causing him to chuckle "How about I teach you all you need to know so you'll understand better" he offers , I'm happy he'll do this for me I didn't want to be the only one oblivious to the sport everyone here seems to love "thank you" I say kissing his cheek in appreciation.

I look to the corner of my eye and see Liam looking sad almost he drops his head putting Claire properly on the couch not that she minded anyway her eyes were also glued to the television , I hear him go upstairs closing his room door softly I began to lift up from Ethan lap but he pulls me back in place "I was just going to check up on Liam he looks sad" I say worriedly for my brother " he'll be alright he's a big boy... now can I teach you about this lovely sport we call football" excited to learn something new I nod my head focusing on the screen but my mind still worries for Liam.

I couldn't take it she sits on his lap and then she kisses his cheek I became jealous why couldn't she do that to me. I know I have Claire and I'm glad she's here I care for her deeply so much so I wouldn't break her heart even though my heart belongs to Abby even if she doesn't want it, I know it'll always be her that I need on my life.


Having Claire sit on my lap I felt guilty because all I could think about is how much I wanted her to be Abby. I just needed to be alone with my own thoughts for now I need to compose myself first, all in need to do is think about Claire and how loyal she is to me, how sweet and caring she is to me I can never hurt her, and I know it'll kill me but she's important to me to, ugh in need to get a grip on my feelings.


I hear my phone go off so I walk to my dresser retrieving the device, but it wasn't my phone that ringed.

Hmmm that's weird I could've sworn I heard a-

Ding! Ding!

I start to search the room for the sound that keeps going off annoying the hell out of me. Looking under the bed I see Claire's phone I quickly grab it turning it on to stop that awful sound. I see something that I don't think I'm supposed to I don't know how to react or feel about this I go further into her phone making sure that this wasn't just some stupid mistakes, but it wasn't it was true all of this shit was true but how? I'm shocked at what I just saw this is insane, but I'll deal with this the right way I can't let my emotions show.

I quickly send all of it to my phone deleting the evidence of me ever finding out about this I place her phone back we're I suppose she put it heading back downstairs. I see the most adorable thing ever, my baby () is so focused on the game she makes these dramatic faces when she sees someone get tackled really hard into the touchdown zone, I couldn't help but to smile I love every little thing about her, and I want her to know that but first I need to do something important at the moment.

I place my phone onto the USB cord connected with my tv, I place it down walking over to Claire on the couch she smiles brightly, and I smile back "Everyone I'm going to have to ask you all to leave we have a family issue to attend to" I say calmly so no one's alarmed, they all pack up groaning but understanding and leaving. I make sure everyone is out until it's Me, Abby, Ethan and Claire.

"what's going on" my baby ask I look at everyone before going to my phone pressing a button it appears on the screen, I hear gasp throughout the room "Lovely isn't it Claire" I say she looks shocked not able to process what's about to happen "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS LIAM!" Ethan yells I feel his anger, but I need to deal with the matter at hand.





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