《Hey Pretty Stranger Sal Fisher x reader x Larry Johnson》Chapter 9 - "What's your name, new kid?"
I went to sleep that night thinking about Sal.
About how we are getting along so well now that we understand eachother.
But mostly...about how he made me feel.
He made me feel so special - loved - cared for.
I never thought a boy could make me feel such strong feelings for him. Especially not for a boy who made me feel such hateful feelings towards him at first.
If someone would have told me that I would ever feel this way for Sal when I first met him; I would have laughed in their face and walked the other way.
Me like Sal? Absoloutly not. Never. No way.
But now? Oh lord. I can't even stand around him without me stuttering or my mind drawing a blank. Or - without feeling the need - to just look into his gorgeous, crystal blue eyes. Or being able to listen to his deep, raspy voice without my knees getting weak.
'Y/N you need to sleep. You'll see him tomorrow.'
My brain told me, that was the only push I really needed for me to be able to go to sleep straight away. With my last thought being;
'I get to see Sal tomorrow!'
I wake up to the blaring of my new digital alarm.
I didn't want to get up or go to school at all, but once I remembered that 'certain someone' I'd get to see there...I was up and already looking for an outfit!
I chose a nice, Formal fitted crop top and a pair of leggings that fit my figure perfectly; slim at the top then as the pant runs down it turns into more flowy pant legs. After throwing on the outfit I struted over to my vanity and decided to do my makeup Marilyn Monroa style.
The red lip and everything.
Once I was fully sure I loved the look, I got started on my hair. I wanted something quiet but also loud. So I chose the half up half down hair style.
I twist the upper half of my hair into a bun and used a clip to make sure the bun stayed still.
I smiled at my reflection and stood up from my vanity's seat to pick out a nice pair of heels.
I make my way to my closet and glance through all my options. I decided on a cute black pair that I think would go nicely with my outfit. A cute little decoration on it is a little rhinestone heart that really throws the outfit all together.
I slide them on and tighten the top strap of the heel. I walk around a little to get the feel of it by walking over to the right corner of my room and grabbing my backpack.
I snatch it from off the ground and sling it over my shoulder whilst walking toward my bedroom door. I swing my door open and head down the hall to my mom making breakfast, I smile as I walk closer and closer to the kitchen but that smile fades as I see my father sitting at the dinner table reading a news paper. I slowly stumble to a stop and stare at the figure in slight fear. I quickly look down at my outfit and see a little of my stomach showing and little bit of clevage, then I look back up at my father; he still sits still and stares at the news paper.
'Phew, he doesn't see me. I'm like a ninja.'
I carefully and quietly walk to my mom. My mom sees me and smiles, she opens her mouth to greet me but I quickly put my index finger infront of my mouth in a 'don't say anything' manner. She shuts her mouth and raises an eyebrow, I let my hand fall to my side once more then point at the dining room.
She glances where I'm pointing then realises what I mean, she takes off the long black dress sweater she was wearing then gives it to me. I mouth a 'thank you' as I slip it on.
I fold it across my body then walk out casually to the dinner table. My dad hears the clicks of my heels and moves the paper a bit to look at me then puts it back to the way it was; covering his face.
He greets sharply. To be honest that didn't sound like much of a greeting to me. I don't think it would sound like much of a greeting to anyone actually.
I reply back just as sharp. I sit the farthest away from him as I possibly can.
I feel the tension build as we just sit there together in silence. It grew and grew until-
"Who's hungry?"
My mom smiles as she walks in with two plates of breakfast food.
I feel the tension fade away as her warm and welcoming presence enters the room more.
I smile at her as she places my plate down infront of me, I look at the food she's prepared and it seems to be one of my personal favorites; sausages, bacon, potatoes, eggs, and toast.
'Wow, that's a big breakfast...thanks mom.'
"Thank you mom."
I whisper to her as she leans down beside me.
I whispered because my father would of had a cow if I said 'mom' instead of mother. And I think my mom deserved a little more appreciation because of the effort and time she must have put into this breakfast just for us.
She smiles and kisses the top of my head. She walks back to the kitchen, I assume to clean up? Or grab herself a plate.
I quickly scarf down my breakfast and once done I pick up my plate to place it into the kitchen sink.
After I placed it into the sink I waved goodbye to my mom and left. As I close my apartments door I put my backpack on the floor and take off my moms sweater. I zip open my backpack and shove it inside.
I walk down the fourth floors hallway and on my way I pass by Sal's apartment but I stop. I take a few steps back and turn to face his door.
'Maybe we could walk together?'
I slowly raise close my hand in a fist and raise it; about to knock but as I was about to my thoughts got to me.
'He probably already left.'
I sigh and let my hand fall back down to rest at my side. I look down at my feet before turning away from his door and starting to walk away.
But not before a click of a lock is heard then a creak of a door. It all happened so quickly I didn't have time to react before I was grabbed by a ruff hand.
The hand pulled me back and my face hits a hard chest.
"Hi Y/N."
I hear a very familiar deep voice greets.
"Hi, Sal,"
I look up at the tall boy and my eyes meet his, we smile at eachother.
"How did you know I was out here?"
I question him.
"It's called a peep hole."
He chuckles and points to the peep hole on his door.
I giggle, as well as my cheeks reddening slightly in embarrassment.
Sal smirks at my blush and tilts my head up with his index finger under my chin.
"We should head to school before your late again."
He says and I smile.
"Hey, technically it wasn't my fault."
I reply as we walk out and he shuts his apartment door behind us.
"Then who's fault is it?"
"Uh, yours obviously."
"What, How?"
"You literally were the one who held me against the elevator wall."
"Yes, but who let me do so?"
"Okay that's not fair. Your fat ass wouldn't move,"
I smirk and nudge his arm as we reach the elevator.
Sal pushes the button that has an arrow pointing down.
"Thank you."
He smiles and nudges me back. I look over to him with confusion as we walk inside the elevator.
"For what?"
"You said I have a 'fat ass' "
"Oh my gosh,"
I laugh with a roll of my eyes.
Sal leans against the wall as I just stand awkwardly across him. I was thinking of something I could possibly say to make this less awkward but not before the elevators door ding open again.
Sal pushes off the wall and we both walk out together, we see the apartments main doors in our view which makes us walk faster towards them.
Sal holds open the door for me and I smile at him.
"Thank you."
I walk out and see Larry - I'm assuming - waiting for Sal. My smile fades and I turn to Sal for comfort.
He walks up to me and whispers in my ear,
"Don't worry, he likes you."
I look at him in confusion with an un impressed look.
'Is he serious right now? Larry literally tried to kill me yesterday! And now he 'likes me'? I don't believe it for a second.'
Larry sees both of us and walks up to us.
"Hey dudes."
He says.
"Hey Larry,"
Sal smiles and does a little handshake with Larry.
Whilst I just stay still and cross my arms over my chest; glancing around the ground.
"Y/N, come on. You don't want to be late."
Larry looks at me, I look up and give him a straight smile then letting my expression fall back into my resting face.
'Why's he being so nice to me now? What made him change his mind..."
I begin to walk towards the two, well, more specifically Sal but Larry seems to like being close to me too much.
We begin our walk and I continuously accidentally keep brushing hands with Sal and Larry. I try to move my hands away from theirs to stop it from happening but they both grab each of my hands.
I can feel the heat rising in my cheeks as my heart beats faster.
I just know my face is as red as a beat right now but I don't bother to try and take my hands away from theirs.
'I kind of...like this. No! No you don't. Sal? Yes. But Larry? Also Yes. No!-'
"We're here."
Larry smiles at us, but mainly me.
My brain just thinks for me and smiles back up at him. His cheeks flush as I smile but he turns his head away; hiding the blush.
I let my smile drop and I begin to walk towards the school. But I feel their hands slip away from mine.
I stop and turn around to look at them. They are in the same spot and just watching me.
"Aren't you guys coming?"
I ask.
"No, we are...going on an adventure, let's say."
Sal say's, I look at him with a 'do you think I was born yesterday?' Glare.
"You mean skipping?"
I question, even though I already know I'm right.
Larry grins. I soften my face and try to persuade them to go to class.
"Come on you guys. School is good for you."
"Not really, it's just draining and we aren't going to use any of it in the real world."
Sal says, his voice sounds more nonchallant then joking.
"I don't know where I'm going though."
I continue to pry.
"Look at the map on the back of your schedule."
Larry reasons.
"Yeah - you see - I would totally do that. Only, that's the problem. I don't...exactly...have one."
I give them awkward smile, they look at eachother then back to me and laugh.
"Hey no laughing at me!"
"It's not my fault this school is so big! I couldn't find the office,"
I pout at cross my arms again.
"The office is...literally- three doors to the left when you- When you walk in,"
Larry say's between laughs Sal laughs even harder as Larry states that.
"This should be considered bullying."
I joke. But now I can't help but smile at the two idiots infront of me.
Sal waits until they have both calmed down before he say's something,
"Well, now you know where to go."
He smiles at me.
"Mhm...I guess I'll see you guys, later?"
I ask kind of bummed out that they aren't going to be with me anymore but don't show it.
"Yeah, we will see you at lunch!"
Larry yells while the two begin walking down the side walk again; away from Addison apartments and school...away from me...
I exclaim but quickly quiet down as I realise they are too far away to hear me. I frown then slugishly walk up the school steps and into the actual school.
I now know where the main office is so all I have to do is get my schedule and get my day over with.
I make my way to the office repeating the directions in my head over and over so I don't forget and get lost again.
'3 doors to the left.'
I finally find the main office and walk inside. It's boring and plain, it kind of reminds me of a hospital. I see only a single boy in said office with blonde hair and a black eye. He seems to be holding a tissue to his nose I'm guessing from a bloody nose.
'Who ever did that got him good. Poor kid.'
He see's me staring and his eyes meet mine, whilst he seems to be mesmerised I'm just trying to get my schedule.
I turn away from his eyes but still feel his burning into the back of my skull. A older lady comes out from a room behind the front desk and she sees me.
"Hello! What can I help you with dear?"
The lady smiles at me.
"Uh, I need a schedule...?"
I reply.
"Oh, of course! You must be Y/N. We were expecting you yesterday but you never showed."
She gives me a sweet yet concerned look.
"Oh uh- yeah, it's a long story."
I laugh awkwardly.
"Okay well you sit over there whilst I go get it for you,"
The receptionest points to the seats near that blonde kid.
I turn away from the lady and walk to a seat that's two down from the blonde.
It was a comfortable silence for awhile until I hear a scruffy voice.
"You new?"
I turn my head towards where I heard the voice from, my head lead my eyes over to see the blonde dude.
'Is he talking to me?'
I don't respond in case he wasn't talking to me, I didn't want to come off as a weirdo or anything.
"Hey, talkin' to you,"
The blonde states. I look over to him and I point to myself mouthing 'me?'.
He chuckles at my foolishness and responds,
"Yes, you. There is no one else in the room,"
He grins a little.
"O-oh, right. Sorry."
I apologise.
"Nah it's all good. So, you new?"
He repeats his question.
"U-uh, yeah...I am."
"Cool, what's your name new kid?"
"Um- Y/N."
I smile, he looks at me and smiles too.
"Pretty name for a pretty gal."
I blush at his sudden forward statement.
"Thank- you...?"
I giggle a little.
"No problem, only the truth."
There was silence for a second then the boy spoke up again and puts his hand out for me to shake.
"I'm Travis."
AKA : July, 20th/2022
History’s Strongest Senior Brother
The first time Yan Zhaoge crossed worlds, he landed in a martial warrior civilization that was at the peak of prosperity. He ended up in the book storage building of the the Divine Palace, which collected and preserved the classics of the entire world from all fields of knowledge. However, a world class calamity struck soon after and even the Divine Palace was destroyed. Yan Zhaoge’s soul once again crossed over, but this time he arrived in the same world, except countless years have passed. With his brain full of rare books and classics from the era of peak prosperity, Yan Zhaoge’s second crossing over to the present era was like a gamer who was used to playing hell mode suddenly finding himself playing the game on easy. That was just way too awesome. But before that, he needs to fix a certain problem. “I’m not a main character? In fact, I’m actually the the main character’s love rival and the antagonistic Mr. Perfect senior martial brother? This script is wrong!” PS from author: ‘History’s Number One Founder’ is already complete with 4.6 million characters, I welcome you readers who have favourited and fed my book until it became fat to enjoy this book as well.Thank you for reading updated History’s Strongest Senior Brother novel @ReadWebNovels.net
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