《The Betrayed Pilot (Titanfall x RWBY)》Q and A i guess?


Hey guys it's me, Author, also known as Jzargo232. I'm just here to say that I'm going to be really busy with family for the week and won't be able to update properly until the New Years. And I wanted to at least get a chapter out as a gift to all of you lovely people, but life got in the way for now and so the most I can offer is just a simple Q and A. Just so you know I've never done this before, but basically you can ask any type of question and I'll try my best to answer the question. It can be on the story, stories of past, on me, or even life in general. I don't know get creative with it, this is meant to be fun, so I hope you have a great holidays and I'll see you in the new year.

(FYI, I might take this chapter down later on in the future Idk)weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee*slides out of chair*

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