《The Betrayed Pilot (Titanfall x RWBY)》Chapter 10


I was welding a few things together inside of Lilith, until i got a message from my scroll. Which confused me considering nobody even had my number, i turn off the plasma welder and see what the message was. Apparently it was from Ozpin asking me to come see him in his tower office thingy.

I put my scroll into my pocket and then i move towards the elevator that takes me to Ozpin's office. When i got inside i tried to not loose my mind over the elevator music, i always hated the stuff. It's like it was grating to my ears.

But after an insufferable ride up the elevator the door opened to reveal Ozpin just sitting there looking at a tablet while drinking out of infinite coffee cup. "As, Ms. Sarah it's good to see you." He gave me a small smile and i decide to take off my helmet so he can actually see my face.

"Yah, but why did you even call me up here anyways Ozpin, it better be important." He just gives me a small chuckle.

"Sadly no, it's not too important, i wanted to ask you how were you getting used to being here on Remnant, i know it's not your home planet and all that but i hope you are doing well with everything." I move take a seat in front of Ozpin.

"Well, it hasn't too bad getting used to everything. Remnant is definitely by far the most unique planet I've ever been to, the things that are normal here are completely different then the planets out there. But it does help that i never really felt a sense of home towards any planet, even on the planet i was born on." Ozpin raises an eye at my last statement.

"oh really, that sunrises me, i would assume with all the choices in the vast stars at least one of the planets you would of called home by now." I just lean back into my chair and release a heavy sigh.

"Simply isn't that simple, I've been in the military for a very young age, i had nothing else to do with my life other then serve, so being on the move so often to so many different planets it's hard to get attach to any planet when their is so much blood in the water." I couldn't help but instinctively reach for my pendant, but then i stop midway through.

Ozpin seemed to of noticed my gesture, but soon lets it go, "I see well, i do hope that you find somewhere were you can call it your home, and hopefully that will be Remnant, because so far you have done a marvelous job as a teacher here" He chuckles politely and gives a smile.

"Thank you, but admittedly with some of your students it's been a bit of a pain to deal with them, but I'm working on it, i will turn them into warriors, honestly i wonder how some of the students would hold up to pilots training." This seemed to of catched Ozpin's attention because it seemed like a gleam went into his eyes.


"oh, does that mean a student have catched your eye?" I narrow my eyes towards the man.

"I don't know what you are implying Ozpin." He leans back slightly and raises his hands defensively.

"I'm just asking if you had any students that caught your attention, if they would stand up to the tests to become a pilot." I wonder what his point was but i'll play with whatever he is trying to do.

"I've noticed a few students who i think could pass the training to become a pilot, and if i wasn't restricted on keeping Lilith hidden i would see how quickly these students could adapt to the movement kit us pilots use" He looked like he was thinking, i hope he didn't plan on trying to create more pilots.

"Then say if we allowed you to show Lilith to these specific students, who would that entail?" Now i couldn't help but be a bit pissed, was he contemplating having me train pilots for him to use? I didn't like that idea because that would essentially get rid of my only reason of being here and give him more of a reason to betray me.

"Ozpin i don't know what your aim is, but if you want me to train you more pilots, and not just huntsman and huntresses then we got some major problems." He let go of a heavy sigh then he looked me straight in the eye.

"I understand where you concern is coming from, but my plan is not to replace you, but to train a warrior who will be able to make a change to the world, and make it a better place. You only need to tell me one, and i will do the rest." I narrow my eyes at him, but i quickly break it and lean back in defeat.

"I won't tell you the rest of my candidates, but i thoroughly believe that Pyrrha Nikos is one of the most adaptable and well experienced out of all of the students i have, there are a few who i think who could pass becoming a pilot, but they would need to put in more work." Ozpin seemed to release a heavy sigh as if a weight was released off of his shoulders.

"Thank you, it's good to know that you also see her as being worthy" He stood up and turned towards his view outside, and i couldn't help but get confused by what he meant by 'worthy'. That was some specific wording and i didn't like it.

"Don't worry Ms. Sarah, i was more, testing that i was making the right decisions. Maybe in due time we can train some students to become pilots but for now, you can rest easy and just train my students to be the best." I nod to him and i was about to leave but he caught my attention one last time.

"Oh, and Ms. Sarah, i know this may sound a bit rude, but please try to buy some civilian clothes, you have been wearing that suit for a bit too long." I felt my face redden as i realized that i haven't changed out of my suit for weeks. I should of probably bought some civilian clothes awhile ago.


"And one last favor Ms. Sarah, please watch team rwby in the coming days, i believe that they may planning something, i think they are trying to discover more things about the white fang on their own. But do be careful." I give him a simple wave of my hand and i head down the elevator with the unbearable elevator music.

But still, team rwby is planning to be reckless teens. Of course it was my job to look after them, i guess i will go buy some clothes and then i will do a bit of surveillance on them, to make sure they don't do anything stupid that would get them killed.

I was now in downtown Vale and it was always being down here because I spent most of my time inside of Beacon either being in my dorm or upgrading Lilith. But i was now in one of the plaza's and i went into one of the stores i saw.

I open the door and i heard a small bell from me opening the door, the place looked like it was most likely family owned, it wasn't all that large, but they did have a large variety of clothes. And it did seem like that they did work with huntresses because i think i saw a few Beacon kids here, but i didn't know them because they weren't in my class.

I was looking through some of the aisles filled with different outfits, until i heard tapping behind me.

"Can i help you miss?" I turn around expecting to find someone who worked here, and i wasn't wrong. But it's just not some random stranger.

"Oh, uhm, Ms. Adel i didn't expect to find that you would be working here." She seemed a bit annoyed that i was here and i was still referring to her with her last name.

"So can i help you Sarah, or can i help another customer?" I just give her a small awkward laugh.

"please help me, i don't know what i'm doing." She just gave me a confused look, like how the hell could i not know how to shop for myself.

"Oum, your useless, but i won't deny we do have a few outfits that would look probably good on you." Her eyes were looking through out my body as if she was making some internal measurements. After an awkward amount of time of her doing that she did a small nod and she dissipated into the back room.

I just continued to look at what clothes they had, but as soon as i started Coco came out with several different outfits, and gave me a big smile.

"Of this is gonna be fun" I couldn't help but feel a cold sweat go down my neck as she had a nefarious smile on her. She then shoved me into a dressing room and handed me all the clothes with a big smile on her face.

I timidly close the curtains and i couldn't help but whisper out, "What the fuck" because the Coco i was used to wanted to fucking kill me, but then i mention clothes and then all of a sudden she is a giddy teen again. People are fucking weird.

but i try on the first out fit and it was interesting, i continue to try out all of the outfits that Coco handed me and most of them i really did like. It kinda surprised me that she got it right on the first try.

I was about to try on the last outfit, but i was bit surprised that it was a dress. I was just gonna put it away, but then i thought about how there was gonna be a dance soon, so i thought that i would at least try to look the part. So i tried it on, and i looked amazing in it. I smiled happily as i changed back into my pilot suit and i got the clothes that i like and i put the one i didn't like into a pile.

I walked out and i saw a waiting Coco, "So how did you like them?" She sounded a bit more excited then i would expect out of the girl but i couldn't help but give a smile laugh at her.

"To be honest, you really did a good job at picking out the clothes for me, I'm surprised, because i thought you hated me." She seemed like she blushed a bit at my comment.

"It's not like i hate you, you just find yourself in the the wrong position, and it just gets me pissed, that's all." I was confused by what she meant, but then i thought that every time she tried to kill me, Velvet was always with me. Now i was more confused as to why Coco hated her so much, but i didn't want to start anything.

I quickly head to the register at the store and i buy the clothes using most of my money that i've earned so far. It kinda hurt knowing so much of my money just got burnt for clothes. But i did need a change of clothes. I thank the cashier and walk out.

Alright clothes check, next step watching team rwby so they didn't do something stupid.

weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee*slides out of chair*

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