《The Betrayed Pilot (Titanfall x RWBY)》Chapter 6


I closed the fuel chamber of Lilith, now filled with a little bit of dust i got earlier. "Alright, first test, let's see how this goes." Velvet was behind me looking at me work on Lilith. She came here often and i didn't mind the company, even if she didn't say anything much.

I hesitantly pressed the power button for Lilith, and she began to power on, but her actions were erratic, and jittery, i was about to turn her off but she began to speak, "Pow-pow-er a-at 2-2-2-2-254%, w-warning! s-s-ystem fail-" I turned off Lilith immediately before she imploded on herself, and she went back to being shut off in the now quiet hanger.

"Well, that was something. But i didn't expect the first try to actually work, but i at least now know it's possible that she can work with dust, so that's really good" I smiled to myself as i took out Lilith's new batteries that i have created for her, they were just like the nuclear ones, but instead they had dust in them.

I began to start thinking of ways to fix Lilith, but then i heard the soft shuffling of Velvet behind me, i turned towards the shy bunny and she looked like she was also deep in thought.

"You have something to say?" I asked her softly. She is shocked that i talked to her and it looked like i broke her out of her train of though, she began to speak but she kept on stuttering. I just sigh and jump off of Lilith so i was face to face with the girl.

"Come on Velvet, you don't need to be so nervous around me, i am going to be your new combat teacher, so it will help if you stopped being so nervous around me." She still looked nervous, but she got a little bit more confident with herself.

"r-right, sorry about that" I wave her off and ask for her to explain what she was thinking earlier.

"O-oh, well i was thinking if that Lilith says that she had 254% battery, i think you might of used too much dust, i know that she's a large machine, but i think you used a bit too much dust on her." She started to look nervous after i didn't respond after awhile, most likely being self conscious of her own theory. But i was thinking if it was even possible, because i didn't think it was possible for Dust to be even more powerful then a nuclear reactor. I would have to test it more.


"Hmmm, you could be right Velvet, because i haven't considered the fact that Dust could be even stronger then nuclear energy, that concept just sounds so strange to me. But i will test it out." She looked very happy and she gave me a small nod and i couldn't help but smile back at the girls brightened behavior.

I then heard the sound of the school bells in the distant, signalling that there was only a few more minutes before first period. I gave a slight sigh and i started towards the door of the hanger, ushering Velvet to follow me.

"Come on Velvet, you can help me with this later if you want, but right now we both have class. Today is the official day i am your combat teacher, i have you for 3rd period right?" She started to catch up to me and only offered me a silent nod as walked out of the hanger. I locked it behind us, and made sure nobody was watching us walk out.

I gave a simple nod towards Velvet as she headed towards her class and i went towards my classroom. Thankfully i convinced Ozpin that i was capable of teaching on my own, so i didn't have to worry about Glynda breathing down my neck for now.


The first two periods of the day were non eventful, none of the kids caught my attention, and most of them were so incredibly average that it was kinda sad to be honest. But things got a bit more, exciting, at third period.

As i stood in the center of the classroom i watched as everyone from my fight earlier walked in, most of them had shocked looks or looks of complete fear when they saw me standing in the middle of the arena in my armor. Except most of team CFVY, they still had looks of anger towards me, but i expected as much considering i did use them as hostages before, funny how that works.

I waited for the bell to ring and it seemed all of my students were here, i waited for the classroom to quiet down for a moment then i started.

"As some of you may know or guessed by now, i'm not here to fight more of you, but now, i am your official combat teacher for now." People started to talk loudly among themselves and i was getting annoyed that nobody was paying attention to me. So i pulled out my RE-45 and shot a singular bullet into the air quieting the classroom.


"Good, now that i got your attention, i don't deal with people who are deliberately slow, or try to hold themselves back, you will work, you will train, and you will become the best huntsman and huntresses you can become. Am i clear?" Nobody responded, and i just let out a deep groan, this is gonna be a long year i can tell.

"I kinda assumed as much but still, now i know roughly how some of you fight from before, but i would like to get a more in depth view of how you fight. Do i have any volunteers to fight someone, anyone at all?" I waited on people, and nobody did anything, and i was starting to get frustrated at the silent classroom.

"If nobody goes i will pick for you, so it's better to volunteer before i loose my patience" Nobody did anything and i could tell my patience was already starting to get thin, but right before i called someone at random, someone raised their hand.

I looked at my attendance sheet and it looked like it was Pyrrha Nikos, i nodded to myself satisfied that someone decided to take the initiative compared to the rest of the class. "Did you have someone in mind Ms. Nikos?"

"I'm sorry if this is rude, but i was wondering if i could have a rematch against you?" I looked at her confused and most of the class did as well, i guess it did make sense. I did hear about how much of a fighter she was, and i did eliminate her quickly when i was fighting every one. But i wonder if it was just for her pride or what.

"Hmmm, i don't mind," Everyone in the classroom looked at me like i was crazy accepting her request so readily, "but let me ask you something." She looked at me confused for a second.

"And what would that be?"

"I'm just wondering, why a student like yourself would want to duel me, especially since you already saw me fight before?" She looked uncomfortable like i just corned her into something. I just simply smile at her, and she scratches the back of her head awkwardly.

"Well it's because i was bested by you before, i wasn't expecting it, and i hope to learn more from you from fighting you again." She gave me a genuine smile and a slight bow. To be honest i wasn't expecting this answer. She is obviously a good fighter from what i read about her, but to think that she wants to keep improving. I could tell i like her already.

I give her a big grin as she moved towards the locker room to get her gear, "good answer Ms. Nikos." She gives me a slight bow as she moved into the locker room.

I waited for her patiently and she came out with her spartan like armor from before. She got into the arena and we both pulled out our weapons.

"To a good fight to you Ms. Nikos"

"To you as well."

We both nodded to each other before we charged at each other.

A/N - haha, i'm cutting you off early, i'm sorry it's so short, i really wanted to write the rest of this fight and end it there, but i've been really busy the last few days, and today is the last day of season 10 in lol, so i was gonna play that with my friends. So i'm sorry that this chapter is so short, but i hope you enjoyed this chapter nonetheless, i tried out a different writing style then i'm used to, and i hope you enjoyed it. I will try to update by Wednesday, i'll see you then weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee*slides out of chair*

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