《The Betrayed Pilot (Titanfall x RWBY)》Chapter 2


I reloaded my smart pistol and sheathed all of my weapons. I walked over towards a fallen tree trunk and i sat down on it, i then gestured towards Velvet so she could relax, but she still looked like she wanted to reach for the box that was on her hip. From what i've seen so far of this world i didn't like taking the chances on it of it being a fucking nuke, but i'll leave it be fore now.

"Alright first question for you Velvet, where the hell am i even, what system, and what planet?" I asked Velvet, but she looked at me like i was dropped on my head, but i got a response from Lilith first.

"Pilot, as i already stated, this world we have little chance of contact with factions we know of, my analysis concludes we are on an unknown planet." I looked back towards her, because she didn't mention this was an unknown planet, just we didn't have access to the people i was used to.

"Well that's news to me Lilith."

"My apologize pilot, my main focus at the time was not to inform you of the situation we were in, but to make sure you were 100% functional after our unique titanfall" I didn't say anything to her, because she could already guess what my response was, but i still turned towards Velvet.

"Sorry about that, but if you can, can you still tell me as much as you can about this planet." She still looked really confused, and she looked like she was trying desperately to figure out what we are, but eventually she starts to answer my question.

"Your on our planet that is named Remnant, and from what i can guess your asking if we achieved space travel, but we haven't. So were stuck here with the grimm." Now it was my turn to look at her confused.

"The Grimm?"

"u-uhm, the grimm are creatures of destruction, home to Remnant, they are attracted to negative emotions that humans and faunus give out, and they want to do nothing more but destroy everything in their paths. That is why we have huntresses and huntsman, warriors trained to fight grimm. Which is what me and my team are, hunters in training."

I leaned back a bit and i looked out at the sky, this planet had it's own problems and i had my own, but i was intrigued by these 'grimm' i guess that giant scorpion from earlier would of been one of these 'grimm'. I couldn't help but release a shiver at the thought of having to fight that thing without the aid of a titan. But then i remembered something she said that also caught my attention.

"You also mentioned faunus, what are those?" She was looking at me but then she looked a bit nervous, and i couldn't deny that made her look really cute.

"Faunuses are just humans but with animal traits in them, like myself, and because of this most people discriminate them, and because of which a lot of faunus have turned to becoming terrorist for what's known as the white fang, who 'claim' the fight for equality." So, even here people are being discriminated because they are a little different, i know the feeling all to well.

"hmmm, alright Velvet, next question, what kind of energy source do you people use for things here?" She once again, looked at me confused, and i just sighed because i felt like i needed to explain this to her, mainly because she doesn't know anything about me.


"My titan Lilith, " i pointed towards Lilith, "She may be an absolute machine of war that strike fear in the hearts of many, but she has a crippling weakness, she needs batteries to power her systems, and her nuclear batteries will only last so long before they wear off."

"N-nuclear?" When she said this i couldn't help but think that i may be more fucked then i realized. If i can't find a way to power up Lilith, then how will i be able to protect myself, i can deal with groups of people, but if there is a centralized government with scientists, then they would love to take me and my titan for research. Even if that means throwing full sized armies at me. I was soon broken out of my train of thoughts by Velvet.

"Well, i-i'm not sure what this nuclear energy your talking about is, but we use a form of energy we call dust, it's extremely volatile, but we use it for weaponry, to fuel our homes, and power, you might be able to use it for your, titan." She then threw me a cartridge of some sort, i grabbed it and i analyzed it. I can see where it got the name from, it just looked like regular dust that was dyed red.

Lilith soon came over towards me, and i handed her the cartridge, "analyzing, the container is made of iron, and carbon, similar to a bullets magazine. But the inside is of unknown materials of all known elements, i believe we would need more further analysis. But it's quite possible to change my system to take dust."

"hmmm, i think we would have to do that, we don't have much chance of getting off this planet any time soon what do you think of this Lilith." She closed her eye for a second, most likely so she could do some calculations, and eventually they open.

"Pilot, that would appear to be our best option, considering nuclear energy isn't possible here, and we have no way of creating our own batteries, our only hope would be to change my systems to take in dust. I will start working on the calculations and the changes that would be needed to be made." She then went off on her own to do more calculations.

"Alright Velvet, only a few more questions then i think you will be free to go." She simply nodded, but i could tell that she couldn't wait to get away from me and Lilith.

"Alright, mind me asking why the hell Coco, didn't care for your life when i held you up at gun point, most times when i do that, everyone stops moving and panic, but yet she kept moving forward like she didn't care about you, why is that?" As soon as i mentioned this her face turned red for a second, but the next second she just looked away from me, like she was embarrassed by something.

"I-i would r-rather not talk about i-it." She was stuttering like crazy, and i knew better then push her on the topic, i may be able to kill hundreds of people in a day, but i'm not cruel enough to push her to say something she doesn't want to say.

"fair enough, i'll respect that for now." She seemed like she was relieved that i dropped it, but i noticed that she stole a quick look towards Coco. But i decided to ignore that for now, i think i only had one question left for her.


"Okay, i think this might be my last question for you, and that is there somewhere i can find work?" She looked away from her unconscious leader towards me, and she tried thinking really hard.

"I guess it depends on what type are you looking for, i would assume it would be combat with your expertise i saw, but the most i can say is just becoming a huntress to help us. Of course there is always the mercenary option, but i'm not sure how well that will work with you."

She was right, going for a merc. again would be rough, i could do it by myself, but with Lilith being with me, it would be hard to hide her. I wonder if i could get a strong ally in one of the governments on this planet, that could work out for me. I decide to think on this latter, there was a lot to do.

"Alright Velvet, i think that is all i have to ask, I'll leave you be, make sure your friends are all alright." I then walked towards Lilith, and she opened up her hatch and i walked into my chair. I was about to close the hatch, until i heard Velvet shout towards me.

"Just who are you?" I turn towards her and i gave her a grin.

"I am a former IMC pilot instructor, but now i'm part of the Apex Predators, a band of pilots with their own titans that can change the tide of a battle, so long as you have the money we will fight for you. But you can just call me Sarah." I then close the hatch and started to walk away to find somewhere where i can hide and think on my next actions. But as soon as i did Lilith had a warning sign appear.

"Pilot, i'm detecting several more drop ships incoming, all of them appear to not be in known records of ship designs, they are most likely from this planet."

"Great, just what i needed, something to get in my way. Are the arc rounds ready Lilith?"

"Negative pilot, they are at 74% till activation."

I couldn't help but start to bite my tongue in annoyance, as much as i can do with Lilith, it was always hard to fight anything without arc rounds, the XO-16 only had so many bullets and damage. But this is a new planet, so here's to hoping that this won't get too messy if need be.

I took control of Lilith and i just surveyed the tree's waiting for any form of contact to appear.

"An unknown model of specters appear to be moving in on our location, what will be our next course of actions pilot?" As soon as i heard the words specters i got excited, time to get my own private army for now.

"Open up the hatch Lilith, tell me if anything new happens." The hatch opened up and i saw that a confused Velvet was still next to her friends, i gave her a wink as i put my helmet back on and i turned on my cloak.

I ran through the forest for a bit before i saw a large amount of humanoid machines walking, i saw that there was a few people behind the small army, but i couldn't get any details so i focused on getting my own army. I pulled out my ice pick which was also used for hacking electronics, if these things ran on the same coding they will follow my command. So i stuck my ice pick through the head of one and i saw the numbers start to fly by as it hacked it slowly.

"What is going on with that knight?!" I heard a loud commanding tone, it was obvious he saw the drone was hunched over as i hacked it, but thy couldn't see me thankfully. I looked to my left to see what looked like a general with graying hair was walking towards me, but it was too late for him because i saw the last number sync through the machines code.

The machines hunched over, and soon they rebooted and looked around and aimed their guns at the man and his companions behind him. Then in a rough voice he looked at me in pure and utter anger.

"Who are you?" I assumed he saw my figure finally, so i disabled my cloak and he looked shocked at the fact that someone could go nearly invisible.

"I want to speak with those who have the most amount of power here" I spoke in as much of a commanding tone i could muster, and i see that the man in front of me was about to pop a vein, but then i see another man with graying hair walk forward with a cane, and a mug? What is actually wrong with this planet. He's being held up at gun point by their own robots, but yet his coffee is more important?

"That would be me, and the general here." The man with the cane pointed to the who i thought looked like a general.

"And might i ask what happened to my students?" He gave me a very cold look, i looked back behind me, I'm assuming that he was referring to the 4 from before.

"They are back there, but don't worry, they aren't hurt. I just want to do some business, to secure my own safety." The general then took a step forward towards me, and he looked like he was ready to fight me.

"And why would we ever do anything to protect you, especially with that tech, you have no idea how much that could help us." I looked at the man like he was an idiot, i'm not about to give tools of destruction to a planet that is vastly behind us in technology.

"well general, you don' have much of a say here, because who holds all of the cards right now." I then pointed towards the robots who aimed their weapons at the men in front of me.

But then the man with the cane just took a sip of his coffee, and using his cane he pushed the general back a bit, i could tell that from this and the way he carried himself he had a lot of power, i think it would be best for me to secure a deal with this guy. Either that, or he has a screw loose, both were very possible.

'i second this Sarah, the man in front of you appears to give us a higher chance of survival.' I got spooked a bit because i wasn't expecting Lilith to speak to me through my neural link, but i agreed with her statement despite my second opinion of the man.

"Listen, i don't know who or what you are, but what are your demands, so you can let us go?" I could tell i already like this guy with the cane.

"well it's a bit of a long story that needs a bit of back ground, so you know the situation I'm in" i then gave them roughly what happened to me, how i'm not from remnant, and how i learned a bit of their world from Velvet, and how i was a mercenary for hire. Of course i didn't mention Lilith yet, better to leave that detail out, for now.

"hmm, i see, i was wondering why that 'meteorite' we detected earlier was so strange, that would explain that it was you. But you still haven't told us what your demands are?" I then lean onto one of the robots and started relax on it, i could tell that the general was more then ready to kill me with his bare hands and i couldn't help but smile underneath my helmet.

"Because I'm not of this world, and the technology i have with me is highly valuable to you, i would like it if i could be protected. It's obvious that both of you hold a lot of power in this world, so if i can be granted protection, i can work for you, for now." The general still look extremely pissed at me, and the man with the cane looked like he was heavily considering this.

"Okay, pilot, i think i can meet your demands." The general looked absolutely shocked and turned towards the man with the cane.

"Ozpin, you can't be serious! You would leave this thing to do what it wants, after it held all of us up at gun point with our own robots?" The man i now knew as Ozpin just waved his hand like he was dealing with a child.

"James, which nation are you in? Because last time i checked, we were in Vale, which is my domain, not, yours." The general that i also now knew as James just looked like he was just done with this shit, it was obvious that he was practically a punching bag right now.

"So Ozpin," he turned towards me waiting for my question, "if i agree to work for you, what can you offer me?" That was when he smirked at me and he just took a sip of his coffee mug, i wanted to laugh, but i decided to hold it in for now.

"Well i am the headmaster of Beacon academy, a well known school to train future huntsmen and huntresses, it's possible i could find a spot for you in there as a student, so you can learn about our world for now. You will be housed, fed, and safe, I'll personally make sure of it."

I thought about his offer, but something about the way Ozpin hold himself just gives himself an air of trust around him, but something about him is off, but i don't think he means harm.

'Sarah, i believe that Ozpin is our best option, he is the most trust worthy person we could of run into for now, for now we should trust in Ozpin.' I nodded in response to Lilith and i looked back at Ozpin.

"I think I'll take you up on that offer Ozpin, but on one condition." He then raised his eye brow at me,

"and what would that be might i ask?" I just smirked under my helmet, and i took off said helmet, and i don't know if they were more shocked at me being a normal human girl, or what, I'm pretty sure they were expecting an alien with like tentacles or something.

"If you don't mind, as i explained earlier, i worked to be a pilot instructor, for over a year, and I'm a bit too old to blend in as a student, so it might be possible that can work for you as an instructor?" Before Ozpin could respond the general took a step forward.

"Don't make a mistake here pilot, Ozpin's school trained some of the deadliest warriors in this world, and not just teach someone how to fly a ship." I just rolled my eyes at how naive this general was, how did he even become a general?

"I don't mean to be rude, but pilots is what we call our super soldiers, we are stronger, smarter, faster then most people, and we can fight to the end like the best of them, so if you want, you can put me up to the test to see if I'm up to it, General." I look directly at the general and he looked more then ready to fight me.

"that won't be necessary you two," I looked backed towards Ozpin, and i backed off of the general.

"Very well pilot, if you can prove to me, that you can fight, and can teach my students, i will allow your request to make you a full time combat teacher at my academy, or at least until you deem my service is not needed." I was happy with these terms, so i move my hand forward in a handshake.

"sounds like you have yourself a deal Ozpin," he then shakes my hand, "Pilot Sarah from the Apex Predators, at your service."

To say i was kinda excited to see what my new life entailed was an understatement, i will learn how to hold myself up and provide for myself, especially after what that bastard Blisk did to me.

weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee*slides out of chair*

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