《The Betrayed Pilot (Titanfall x RWBY)》Chapter 1


It has currently been 24 minutes, and 48 seconds since we made land fall, and i was concerned with our current situation, currently i could not find a viable signal that was used by anybody. And my sensors have been picking up on several rapid movements through out the forest, but it concerned me that i didn't see them, it could almost be described as if we were being, hunted.Further analysis was required for me to accurately label if these movements were neutral or enemies.

One saving grace of crash landing on this unknown planet is that the air is breathable for Sarah, if a little thin, but her respiratory system could handle the air here, and it appeared that there was little to no toxins or large amounts of carbon dioxide, so it was hard to gauge if there was sentient life on this planet.

I then proceeded to put myself into low power mode, my analysis indicates that we will not be able to meet up with any force that could help us, and my next battery may be awhile, so i decided it would be best to only keep key systems on, mainly my sensors. And so i waited...

and waited...



After a few hours of waiting for her, i noticed that she was finally waking up, i then continued to do a routine check up on her to make sure she is okay.

I woke up from a daze, i couldn't help but bring my hand up to my head as a splitting head ache went through out my head, it took me a second to adjust to it, and i tried to take deep breathes, but i noticed that the air was definitely more thin then i would like. I take off my helmet to see that the low powered lights were on and i couldn't tell what was going on outside.

"Lilia, what did i miss?" I croaked out, she took a second as i heard her systems restart.

"You have been out for 4 hours and 37 minutes since we made titanfall, i have concluded that you have a minor concussion from impact, but nothing serious, but i will do the routine check up to make sure you are fine pilot." I simply nod, and a light flashed into my eyes, making them dilate.

"Dilation working." I then saw that 4 different lights appeared in each corner of my vision.

"Please look at each light, slowly." I couldn't help but release a heavy sigh at the fact that this was still part of regulations, but i did it anyways, the only thing wrong i could tell with myself is that my neck and legs were a bit stiff after being locked up in an awkward position.

"It's good to have you back pilot, I was able to deduce a few things through my scans of this planet, it has a chance to contain sentient life, it's air is thinner then most planets you've been on, and that we may have little to no contact with any of the other factions we are used to."

I sit up in my chair and crack my neck and i heard a satisfying pop in them, "Well that should be fun, guess we should start moving then."

I then heard more whirring around me as Lilith rebooted up her ocular system. As soon as the system turned on i felt my blood go cold as ice, because a giant fucking scorpion was prodding at our drop pop. It was extremely large with a black coloration with white armor platings and highlights of red.


"Pilot, it would appear that your fear of scorpions has increased your he-"

"No shit Lilith, you know how much i'm scared of these things, c-can you just turn off the ocular system and handle it yourself, please." I put my helmet back on and i saw that the outside display turned off, i then heard a soft thud, and then a load screech as i heard the sound of Lilith's XO-16 cut through the thing's carapace.

"Our surrounding area seemed to have calmed down, returning ocular system." I was gonna retort back to her to not do it so i didn't have to look at the scorpions dead body, but as soon as the systems turned back on, i saw it turned to dust.

"What the f-" Before i could finish my though Lilith cut in,

"Pilot, i'm detecting unknown radio chatter, and what would appear a drop ship approaching at low speeds, what is your course of action?" This planet gets more and more weirder, but it would look like i had much bigger matters to attend to first. I quickly thought of the best course of action.

"Lilith, get into a resting position, make it seem as if your offline. We need to see what we are dealing with, if there is another titan present prepare upgrade core 1 so we can shred them apart with our arc rounds." She quickly followed my commands, and we waited, we were a trap, and Lilith was the bait.

I waited patiently as i heard a low hum appeared nearby, what ever the drop ship landed was outside of Lilith's ocular system, and she couldn't move it, or else she would raise suspicion, so just waited patiently. Eventually i was able to make out foot steps and voices.

"Sarah, i detect that there is most likely 4 different people approaching me, what should be do?" I simply raised my finger for her to be quiet, i wanted to be patient with this one, eventually once of the figures got closer, it was a girl in, i don't even know how to describe it, it was like a blend of modern clothes and Victorian, with a studded handbag? The hell is she supposed to do with that?!

"So, this is the thing that landed here huh? You think it might be an Atlas prototype?" She spoke to people that weren't visible, i then saw a large dude with a very large sword come out, he had greenish armor on and reminded me of a Samurai in a sense, or maybe a warrior monk? I decided not to focus too much on him, he was too big for my plan.

"It seems to be extremely advanced, it's possible that it's Atlas, but they wouldn't just leave this here, there not that stupid." The two talked to each other, i then saw two figures on walk in, he had dark skin, and an orange zipped up vest, he also extremely pale eyes so it was possible that he was blind, i kept that in mind.

"I can't really tell if it's Atlas or not, but i'll trust your word on this, should we call Ozpin? He should be able to get in a call with General Ironwood if it's their?" The blind guy said the the weirdly dressed girl.

"Well, if it's Atlas, this has to be top secret, so let's try to hurry up, i don't want to be part of some hit list, come on Velvet." She spoke to the other figure that was hiding behind the blind guy, i'm not sure how i didn't notice it before, but there was a girl with rabbit ears, who i presumed was Velvet. She was in a some sort of armor, not gonna lie she looked kinda cute.


"Sarah i noticed your heart rate went up, are you up to handle the situation up ahead, or do i need to take the lead, again." I'm was offended by Lilith, but i just flipped her off, and i think she got the idea.

I quickly analyzed all of the people in front of me, and which one would work best for my plan, the big guy was too troublesome, i couldn't use him, it would probably be better to leave the blind guy, he didn't appear to be a combat threat. So that left the other two, i thought the leader ,who i presumed was the weirdly dressed girl, would be the best option, but i noticed that the girl with the bunny ears, she seemed to be special because she was hiding behind all three of them. She is most likely the weakest of the bunch, but she would do.

I then turned on my neural link to Lilia, "Lilia, on my mark, open the hatch, trust me, i have a plan." she gave me a quick understood, and i analyzed the 4 teenagers in front of me.

"Something's inside of it, i don't like that." The blind guy got into a combat stance with weapons on his elbows? I was just confused, well in this case, gun beats, elbow blades, i guess? So i pulled out my side arm, the smart pistol mk6, i hated to use it, because it lacked skill, but it would do for now.

The teens then all entered a combat positions, and i checked my mag, 12 bullets, 3 bullets per person, i smiled to myself and i put it back into the chamber, "Alright Lilith, now."

As soon as she heard me i saw the hatch open and i turned on my cloak, i then quickly and silently rushed behind everyone and grabbed the rabbit girl and i dragged her away from her friends while covering her mouth so she couldn't call for help for now.

"Fox, you said you sensed something inside of there? Well there's nothing in there." The strangely clothed girl said to the blind man i now know as Fox.

"No i did Coco, wait, it moved!" He quickly turned around and pointed his blades at me, i was surprised he saw me even though i was nearly invisible, the large man also turned around, as well as the girl i know knew was Coco.

I then pulled up the smart pistol and i waited as i watched the bullets locked onto each and every one of their heads, all i had to do was pull the trigger 12 times, and they would all fall to the ground. I also made sure that the gun as pointed towards Velvet's head just so they knew not to mess with me.

"You can stop hiding coward!" the large man yelled at me aggressively, so i turned off my cloak. As soon as the all saw the gun to Velvet's head they all took a step forward, but i stopped them by speaking.

"I don't think so, if you care for your little friend here, i say you take a step back and drop your weapons, or your all as good as dead." the girl i knew as Coco walked up to me and looked over confident.

"You think i care about a little dinky pistol?" I couldn't help but release a laugh at her pointless bravado.

"No, but you would be surprised how many pilots I've killed with this pistol alone, and i think dear old Velvet would like it if a gun wasn't pointed at her precious little head." She stopped for a second, most likely in surprise at me knowing her teammates name, but she kept on coming at me.

"Ho, you approach me?"

"I can't beat the shit of of you without getting closer"

"Then what about your teammate here?" i was starting to really get concerned because she kept on walking and she didn't stop.

"She is no longer a teammate that matters to me" I just released a sigh, i stole a brief look at Velvet and i saw that she looked a bit depressed. I mentally sigh, i'll try not to make this messy.

I started by knocking out Velvet by hitting her in the temple with the butt of the smart pistol, and i let her body drop to the ground. Doing this made the pistol loose it's targeting for a second so i had to lock onto the other three again, but i only had time to focus on the girl in front of me, because she was the closest. And in the split second it took me to re-lock onto her, her bag turned into a fucking mini gun. I was surprised by this, but i had to live through this, so i just use my jump kit to go directly over her, so i was in the sun and she was blinded by it. I took the chance to fire 2 bullets into each of their chests, aiming for non-vital parts of course.

Although as soon as the bullets made contact, they bounced off, like some sort of shield was on them, so i simply just aimed for their head, the force of the pistol should be enough to knock them out. So i aimed and fired at Coco, and then the big guy, they weren't able to react and the bullets hit their mark and knocked them out, i also noticed that the shield surrounding them seemed to slowly dissipate. Good to know they weren't all powerful.

I ignored this for a second and i landed on the ground as soon as i landed i watched the Fox guy rushed me with his elbow, blades, thingy. I quickly noticed that i ran out of bullets in my pistol so i rely on my unique form of melee combat. I pulled out a custom made pulse blade that was in the shape of a push knife, it didn't go far but it was great for close combat. In my other hand i held the ice pick.

I then used my ice pick to parry his first thrust at me and using my pulse blade i predict that he going to swipe his other blade across my neck so i used the small blade to guide his weapons away from me. I took the opportunity and ducked under his swings at me as i head butted him with my reinforced helmet, it seemed to work and dazed him, so i take the moment to roundhouse kick him in the head knocking him to the ground, the force field he had wore off and i was pretty sure they were all unconscious.

"Nice job pilot." I looked back over towards Lilith, who was powering up her systems once again and started walk over towards me, i then jumped onto her back, where i kept my emergency pack for supplies, aka, duct tape. I then proceeded to use it to tie up each and everyone of them, until i got to the girl with the rabbit ears. She was already awake, and took a picture of me? What the hell is up with this planet.

She then quickly got into a combat stance and was about to reach for a box behind her, but i really didn't want to fight her so i stopped her.

"You know there is no need for your weapons, i would rather not fight you." She looked hesitantly at me, but i just watch as Lilith came over and she seemed like she understood that she had little chance of fighting, especially with her friends in danger. So she looked at me in disdain.

I then leaned back into Lilith's leg, and took a deep breathe, it's definitely harder to fight on this planet, the air was far too thin for my liking, I decided to help relax the girl, Velvet, a bit so i took off my helmet, and i let my brown hair fall down to my shoulders

"I'm sorry about earlier, i didn't know what else to do, but at the very least, all of your other friends are only unconscious." She still looked at me wearily. I just released a heavy sigh.

"Look i'll cut you a bit of a deal, i can ask you some questions, and i leave you alone like nothing happened, you get to go away with your friends, and i get the intel i want. We both win." I leaned back a bit waiting for her response.

"Fine." I smiled back at her.

"Good, I'm glad you can work with me, it would of been the best for the both of us. And i have my own ways to make you talk if i needed to." Lilith then pulled out her XO-16 and showed that they REALLY had no chance.

"Don't worry about it, you picked the easy route. Now onto those questions."

weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee*slides out of chair*

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