《Wild Thing (Lesbian Story) (GirlxGirl)》28. John Lennon, Who?
A few days had passed since my appointment with Tim. I took his words seriously and our conversation replayed in my mind constantly. He had brought up past issues that I was so good at hiding and now I felt as f-cked up as ever. I guess that was part of my healing process. Now I realized just how much of an asshole I was, and now I had to work on changing my ways. I had all this time to think with just me, myself and my mind.
Mira had gotten a gig in a whole other country. I was more than happy for her. Modeling agencies were blowing up her phone and she was wanted to be in the biggest fashion magazines. She was really blowing up in the public eye and I was more than proud of my girl. I just missed her while she was gone. To stay sane, I truly needed Mira. She was like a drug like no other that naturally calmed me and put me at peace.
We'd talk, text and video chat each other but that was nothing compared to actually having her right beside me. I suffered the past few days but lucky for me, my girl was finally coming home from her business trip in London today. I had the honor of picking her up from the airport. I tracked her flight online and arrived in the arrivals area to pick her up on the dot. When I arrived, I got out of my car and walked over to the passenger's side of the sports car. I leant against it and waited for her to walk up.
It took a few minutes but I finally saw her making her way towards me. A huge smile was on her face as she walked over to me and if I wasn't mistaken she was glowing. Her hair bounced flawlessly as she walked as if she was currently on the runway. Boy, was I lucky. I met her halfway and took her luggage from her. Instantly, she pulled me into a hug and nearly knocked me down. It was good to know that she missed me just as much as I missed her. After our loving hug, I kissed her lips. "How was your trip, kitten?"
Mira followed me towards my car and I opened the passenger's door for her before putting her luggage in the truck. She didn't answer me until I got into the driver's seat and buckled up. "It was amazing, Arden! You wouldn't believe how beautiful London is! Well, actually, you've probably been before so you do, but it was a whole different experience to me! I didn't think it'd be such a big deal, but it was! The people there are so friendly for the most part and their accents are gorgeous! I wish I could've stayed longer, but I really missed you."
It was great that Mira enjoyed her trip. For some reason, it made me smile just hearing how much she enjoyed her time there. "And don't get started on the photoshoot! It was probably the hardest one I've ever done in my life. Everything was so specific to the tee, but I met a lot of other great models and I networked with some pretty important people." My girlfriend sighed happily before looking over to me. "What about you, baby? How did your session go? You wouldn't tell me anything over the phone so how about now?"
"Well, it's a long story, kitten. We talked about a whole bunch of stuff and I'm actually stuck at making this decision. I've been waiting to ask for your opinion of it. Can we talk about it over lunch? I'm kind of hungry and I'm really craving pizza. We can hit up one of our favorite spots."
Of course, just like me, Mira couldn't turn down food, especially not pizza. We got through the preposterous Los Angeles traffic and made our way to one of our favorite pizzerias in the city. We ordered the usual, waited for our food and then sat down and ate. The whole time we ate, we kept light conversation. I learned that while Mira was on vacation that she had landed a job to appear in a music video. She was supposed to be the leading women in one of The Weeknd's newest music videos. It was big news but she presented it like it was nothing. She could be so modest sometimes.
"Do you know him? The Weeknd," Mira asked as she threw her napkin in her plate.
"Of course. We've partied a few times. He's a really good guy. In his music videos, he's usually touchy and the women are half-naked but I have no problem with that if it's what you want to do. It's show business and I support you, kitten. This is a really big thing and I'm so proud of you." I took her hand and brought it to my lips. A blush fell upon her cheeks and she bit her lower lip.
"So, about your therapy session?"
I sighed and nodded my head. There was no need in withdrawing her from information any further. "Well, my therapist is named Tim. He's a really cool guy and I feel like we can somehow relate to each other even though we have two different lives. I talked to him about my aggressive past and about how my father walked out on me before I was basically born. He thought it'd be a good idea for me to try to find my father and meet him. He said that'd it'd give me closure. I'd truly find out what type of man my father was, you know? I'm not sure about it. I feel like if I met my father I would rip his eyeballs out or something."
Mira sat across from me and her eyes never left from me as I talked. She sat there and listened to each word carefully. That's how I knew she cared for me and about what I had to say. "Tim may be right. Closure tends to help people, Arden. I think you should try to meet your father. I'll help you if you need any assistance. I'd actually like to be there in the room when you meet him, if that's okay with you. I just want to be there to make sure you don't do anything crazy, but if you're not comfortable with that then maybe you should meet him at a public place so you know you won't lash out."
"If I'm angry enough, I don't think being in a public place can stop me from lashing out, kitten. I know you will though. If you were there then it'd be perfect. I wasn't sure about meeting him but since you think it may help me then I will. I'll call my mum and see if she knows anything about where he could be." Mira smiled at me before leaning over and kissing my lips gently. "I love you," I told her softly.
"I love you, too."
I spent the rest of the day with Mira, doing anything that she wanted to do since we hadn't seen each other in days. We ended up going to an arcade and we literally dominated the table hockey machine. Kids kept coming up and watching us as if they wanted to play next, but we played at the table for hours together. You would think that would get old after the first thirty minutes, but it didn't. Anything with Mira was like the best thing ever.
"I win again," she squealed as she twirled around with her hands in the air. "Fifth time in a row, baby! You should really up your air hockey skills because I'm kicking your ass!" She stuck her tongue out at me and began dancing to the background music that was playing. Ironically, the song she was dancing to was my very own.
I smirked as I watched her swing her hips in celebration. "You look really hot when you dance to my song, just saying," I told her with a wink. She instantly stopped dancing and frowned.
"This song is yours? It really sucks!"
My jaw dropped as she began giggling uncontrollably. I put down my puck on the table. "Oh, you're going to regret saying that, missy." I began running towards Mira and she threw her puck and began running the opposite way. She was still giggling loudly as I chased her throughout the arcade. We were having more fun than the kids there. The parents were staring at us as if we were on drugs but I couldn't give less of a damn. "That song is currently number one in the United States," I yelled after her as she dipped and dodged people.
I ran into a few but I yelled apologies and kept pursing Mira. She had finally got to a dead end when she stopped in front of a ball pit. She turned to look at me and then at the pit. "You're not getting me," she screamed before jumping in the pit. I chuckled and cannonballed into the sh-t fest of balls. "Wait, I didn't think you'd follow me in here," Mira said with a giggle when I landed right beside her.
"Now, what was you saying about my song," I asked her as I put my hands on her hips.
"I was saying that it was literally the best song I've ever heard," she lied. "I mean, you're better than the Beatles, Elvis and Michael Jackson combined! John Lennon, who?"
I chuckled as she pretended to act clueless. She was too adorable to stay mad at. "You're lucky that you're cute," I told her before pressing my lips against hers. She smiled against my lips before wrapping her arms around my neck. Our kiss got a bit intimate and we began legit making out in a pit full of snotty balls. It was getting hot and heated and I actually wondered if anyone had ever had sex in a ball pit. If not, I wanted Mira and I to be the first.
We made out until a head suddenly popped out of the balls beside us. We quickly jumped back and looked down at the little girl who had just came up out of the balls beside us. "This is a ball pit! Not a sex pit, ladies! Get a room," she huffed. Both Mira and I both looked at each other before nearly bursting a lung laughing. The little lady got out the ball pit and tramped off, probably to go and tell her parents on us.
"You know, maybe she's right. We should get out of here." I wiggled my eyes at Mira so she would get my suggestion and she nodded.
"Yes, we should."
Needless to say, Mira and I f-cked but it wasn't like any other casual f-ck. That sh-t was intense. The kissing was as passionate as ever and we took our time. There was lot of giggling between our kisses and smiles of adoration as we took off each other's clothes. The sex was more emotional than physical which led me to what felt like the best orgasm of my life. It felt like Mira and I had crossed a whole new line and we were in a whole new territory of our relationship. It was like we leveled up.
She spent the night and surprised me with breakfast the next morning which only confirmed how much of a keeper she was. Mira was wife material and it wasn't hard to see that. I was genuinely in love with every aspect of her. "How do you say delicious in Hungarian, kitten," I asked once I finished the food.
There was a slight blush on her cheeks but she answered my question, "Finom."
"Finom," I repeated as I pointed towards my clean plate.
She laughed at me as if I was the funniest person in the world. "Baby, please just don't...don't ever say that again!"
"You make the language sound so...ugly."
"Why are you always insulting me," I asked as I chuckled at her. I thought I sounded pretty damn good speaking in Hungarian. "When we get married and have children, don't you want them to know Hungarian as well? You have to teach me so I can teach them with you!"
"I can teach our children on my own, baby. No worries," she told me with a smile. "Your accent is naturally sexy just not with the Hungarian language. You need some work."
"Then, teach me," I told her finally. "I want to learn everything you screamed to me last night in Hungarian. It's always sexy when you talk it during sex but I never know what you're saying so inform me!"
Mira became flustered and she shook her head shyly. "No, baby."
"Why not!? You could be calling me an asshole while we're having sex and I would never know. Here, I'll compromise. Just translate what you always say in English. I don't even need to hear the Hungarian part. I'm just curious."
"I just tell you that I love you a lot and then I say a couple of swears, but most importantly that I love you," she told me with a shrug. A huge smile spread across my face because that was the last thing that I was expecting. "What?"
'That's so cute, kitten!"
She was turning redder than a tomato at the moment and I was enjoying it. "Okay, let's change the subject! We need to find your father," she switched up the whole situation on me. I chuckled a little before getting serious. She was right. It was time to get down to business.
When I called my mum to ask about my father she was more than surprised. She thought I'd be the last one to ask about his whereabouts. Unfortunately, she had no idea where he was but she still kept in contact with his mother. When my mum talked to my grandmother, they never mentioned my father but if I was to call my own grandmother and ask her about his whereabouts then I was sure to get some answers. My mum gave me her number and my stomach turned. I was about to talk to my very own grandmother for the first time.
When I told Mira, she sat beside me and put her hand on my back. She rubbed my back soothingly and encouraged me to make the call. When the elderly women said, "Hello," I had a loss for words. I couldn't even say anything so Mira did.
"Hi, ma'am. Um, this is Mira Caspari. I'm here with your granddaughter, Arden Scott. Her mother is Lydia." There was a pause on the other end and I thanked Mira for taking over with my eyes.
"Yes. I, well, I never expected for any of my grandchildren to call. How are you, Arden?"
"I'm fine," I finally got the courage to answer. "I'm so sorry for never contacting you but my father just leaving my mother kind of cut all ties for me. But I would love to talk to you more now. I'm actually calling to see if you may know where my dad is? I want to get some closure and talk to him."
"Your father?"
"Honey, I hate to tell you this but your father passed away. Lydia never wanted to hear anything else about him since he up and left when you were born. It was a major conflict for me because the same night you were born, he came to me crying. He said he couldn't stand to see any of his kids, or his wife and especially his newborn baby girl. He was holding a secret and living a lie. He was never the type for Lydia or your brother or sister to see as weak, Arden. Sweetheart, your father had cancer. He didn't want Lydia or the kids to find out. Right when it was announced that Lydia was pregnant, he also found out he had a year to live. He didn't want to see you and know that he wouldn't be able to see you grow up so he left and he came to me. Your mother just treated him leaving as if it was a stunt at first but when she noticed he was truly gone, she signed for divorce. He agreed and there was no legal battles. A few days after the divorce was settled, he passed away and he made me promise not to tell Lydia or any of his children, but I've been holding in that secret for twenty-one years now, Arden. You out of all of them who never got to meet your father deserves to know the truth. You've probably been resenting him this whole time but I swear he was a good man. He treated your mother with respect. He was faithful. He was such a hardworking and honorable man up until he was diagnosed with cancer."
I was at a lost words. All this time I've been hating a dead man. Tears actually fell and I didn't want to be rude but I couldn't hear anything else from my grandmother at the moment. "Thanks for the information. I just-I need to go." I hung up the phone and instantly Mira pulled me into her arms where I cried like a baby.
How do you feel about the news on Arden's father?
Do you think this moment will make or break Arden?
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