《Crying Season》12.


Meeting the parents.

The following days after my shift, I tried to see Laura as much as possible. Everyday instead of studying after class I would go to the flower shop or to her apartment.

I found out that she was a botany major and is planning to open her own florist shop one day. I had never really thought about what I wanted to do after college. I've been listening to wants my parents wanted from me for so long that I didn't know what I wanted. I'm in a financing major but I only chose it because my father wanted me to join his company.

I've noticed that my grades have been slipping but I've been trying to ignore it. I want to spend as much time as I can with my mate. I know I should take a step back because this is getting really obsessive but I can't.

My parents have called me three times since my 18th birthday and they want me to come home tomorrow so they can tell me some sort of good news.

I really hope they're not pregnant again my little brother already has a superiority complex because he will be head of the house hold once he turns 30.

For now, for today, I'm going to focus on what I want to do. My parents know that I'm still at least talking to Laura but they haven't said anything about it yet since they put parental controls on my phone.

I know what I'm doing with Laura is kind of stupid of me since I have no income of my own and my parents could easily disown me, but I want to be with my mate.

Right now I'm headed to the flower shop so we can head to Laura's apartment and then we're going to meet her parents. I walked into the shop and headed directly to her.


"Hey! How has your day been?" I asked leaning on the counter.

"It was fine, some of the customers were kind of rude today though." Laura said with tired sigh.

I reached up and caressed her cheek while playing with one of her auburn curls.

"Well you just have five minutes left so let's hope it's a good 5 minutes." I said winking.

"Go away idiot." She said laughing and pushing me away from the counter as a customer came up. Laura checked them out and once that was done it was the end of her shift.

"Wait out here for me while I get my stuff." She said while locking the cash register and heading to the back. I heard her talk to someone, probably her boss, and then she came back out with a coat on her arm and her keys and wallet in her other hand.

"You ready?" She asked


We got to her apartment, where I went to lay down on Laura's bed and she went to change out of her uniform which consisted of a green apron and a black T-shirt with the store logo. She came out of her closet in a black jumper dress and a cream colored long sleeve shirt.

She sat down on the bed and put her shoes on the ground next to her. She then turned to look at me with a loped sided grin.

"What?" I asked right before she flopped down on top of me with a stream of giggles following. Laura nuzzled her nose into the crook of my neck and took a deep breath in and then sighed.

"I which we could stay like this forever." She said. I put my hand on the small of her back and the other one gently behind her head.


"Yeah me, too." I said.

We stayed like that for about 5 minutes before I reminded Laura that we had planned to meet her parent tonight at 9 pm.

She groaned before getting up and putting on her shoes. Then she asked if was ready and I told her yes.

We left the apartment, and got into the car. It took us about 15 minutes for us to get to her parents and the entire time she was holding my hand.

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