《Crying Season》7.


My love.

It's been a week since I found my mate in the little florist shop on campus. Since then we've been texting nonstop.

Apparently, according to Laura, it is uncommon for vampire to find their mates so her and her parents had no clue what was happening when she became ill with the same sickness I had been ailing from for the past 3 and a half months. We haven't hung out or met up but I have been feeling a lot better since we started to talk and so has she.

My lovely mate has 3 little brothers and 1 little sister. She showed me a picture of her and her family and they all have the Same auburn hair and pale skin. They all looked very happy in the photo as well. The family dog was also cute but definitely not as cute as Laura.

I still haven't told my parents that I've seen Laura again but I don't think I want to knowing what Grammy told me. I'm happy right now and the smile on Laura's face tells me that she's also happy and I really don't want to take that away from either of us.

I've been wanting to take Laura on a date but I don't know where to. I mean I guess we could go to the bookstore and get lunch. She has been saying that she needs to get a book for her class.

I texted Laura to see if she was down and then it was decided. My first date with my mate would be to a book store.

A few days later when the time came for my date I wore a crop top that said meow, and some leggings that colors matched the lettering with a short heel and warm fluffy jacket.


At around 10 I left to go to one of the campus bus stops where I stayed on until we got to the shopping center the bookstore was in.

I waited until 11:30, when I saw Laura in a short floral print dress with black tights and some flats.

"How are you not cold?" I asked as I was almost shivering.

"Vampire are kinda like snakes, we get some of our heat from the sun." She said nonchalantly.

"It's overcast?" I said dumbfounded and then she winked at me.

She walked up to me and gave me a hug in greeting. I hadn't really noticed it before but she was a good 4 or 5 in taller than me even in a small heal. And her sent was still the most heavenly thing I had ever smelled.

She moved back and I had to force myself to let her go because I could stay in that position forever if she would let me but for now we had a date to begin.

We started in the bookstore where we looked around and she picked out a few books for herself and then one for school. Then we went to a restaurant where we had lunch and talked a little more about our personal lives. I told her that my mother and father were not approving of our relationship and her eyes started to water but she held her emotions in check. In an attempt to cheer her up after that I then told her about my brother and what a goofball he is and how much I love him.

"You know I'm glad that he's going to be the head of household when he turn 25. I already have enough on my plate with everything that happened." I said grabbing her hand a rubbed my thumb across the back of it. "And I wouldn't wish it any other way." I said.


I then leaned in to kiss her on her lips but she put up her finger and shook her head. I was confused until I looked around and saw my uncle at one of the tables.

She must have recognized him from the photo I had sent her of my family when she sent me hers.

I grabbed a hold her hand tighter and led her out of the restaurant as we had already paid and were just talking.

Outside I held her close to me and Laura clutched me to herself tight as well.

"For now this is goodbye, you should he's home." I said still holding to her but loosening my grip.

"Alright," She said with a tearful look in her eyes. "I had fun."

And then we both let go and started walking towards the bus stop.

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