《Crossroads (Lesbian Stories)(gxg)》Chapter 43: College
What inspired me to come back from a literal 4 year hiatus and finish this book? This super funny tweet: https://twitter.com/hksauthor/status/1447009465744695299?s=10
I probably won't finish "No Strings Attached" but who knows! Maybe I'll see another hit funny tweet about Ao3/Wattpad writers and become inspired to finish it.
A lot has changed since I published the first chapter. I started Crossroads in high school and now I have graduated college. I'm not the same person that I was back then and probably would've structured it differently, especially the plot. Just wanted to wrap it up. Hope you enjoyed this book.
Being an athlete in college is extremely different from being one in high school. For one, you're literally around your team 24/7. Morning practice, class, study hall, then training followed by another practice. You also live in a dorm and you probably are living with another athlete as well.
My roommate played basketball and was from the same town as well. Her name was Ally and she was a freshman as well.
After a series of physical and drug tests, the thing I dreamed about the most as a child came true: a photo shoot wearing the jersey of my dream school.
This photo shoot was solely for the 2017 recruiting class, specifically for the basketball and soccer recruits, both female and male.
When I arrived, the boy's soccer team already finished and were heading out.
Christy was getting her solo shots taken. She was doing poses holding a ball, without a ball, dribbling, and passing.
"Okay, that's great." The photographer said as he checked the photos. "Can we do one where you grip the ball and hold it in front of you?"
"Uh I don't know if I can. My hands are small." Christy said with a laugh.
"Just try?"
Christy proceeded to attempt to grip the ball but it would fall down each time.
"Alright that's fine. Can I get a duo photo with you and Ally?"
Ally walked over and Christy looked less unconformable and loosened up immediately. They snapped a few poses. Apparently those two were the top recruits for the 2017 class and UCLA somehow got both of them to commit to their school.
"Man this basketball season is going to be great. Two dominant guards that are going to shake things up in the tournament." The photographer said as he showed them the photos he just snapped. "I think we're about done with-" The photographer suddenly looked toward my direction. "Oh, Kayla right? You're from the same town as these two, right? Get over here."
I awkwardly walked over, knowing how things between Christy and I never healed, we just pretended it never happened when it clearly did. It acts like the weight for both of us that prevents us from talking like we used to.
"Kayla stand in the middle and you two stand on the side. I want you all the cross your arms and do not smile." The photographer instructed us as the overhead lights beside us flashed. "Okay now put your arms down and smile."
I smiled as the light blinded me once again.
"Alright, you basketball girls can leave now. Kayla could you please stay?" The photographer asked as he rolled a soccer ball toward me.
I posed with my foot on top of the ball, kicking the ball up in the air, holding the ball, and all sorts of other ridiculous poses.
While I was posing, I couldn't stop thinking about how Christy was able to get a full ride scholarship and that I somehow ended up being roomed with someone from my hometown. I wonder if Ally knew anything that happened between Christy and I. At least we're both barely in the dorms due to sports, so the only time we really see each other is in the morning when we're waking up and at night when we sleep.
I glance over and see Ally and Christy talking when they suddenly both start laughing. Christy playfully shoves Ally and is met with a shove from Ally almost immediately.
I do some regular poses of me just smiling before the photographer tells me that I'm finished. I walk toward the group of soccer girls I've been hanging out with. They're scanning the room and whispering among each other.
"Guys, #15 on the men's basketball team is so hot. Look at those arms!" My teammate Francesca says dreamily. She was staring at him a little too long.
#15 was alright, he had really toned arms and a toned body. He was a little too tall for me, kind of reminded me of slender-man.
"Meh, he's alright. The real cuties are on the football team and it's a shame they didn't have the photoshoot with us today." My other teammate Nicki says in a slightly annoyed tone.
Emma, the girl I've been hanging out with the most, chimes in. "Well, I personally think the cutest person here is #11 on the women's basketball team."
We all look over at the basketball girls and lo and behold, #11 is Christy. She's now sitting on the floor with Ally and a few other basketball girls, laughing again. Ally suddenly puts her hand on Christy's chest and I look away quickly.
Were they together? Ally never talked much about whether she was seeing someone or not, but then again, we barely talk in general.
"Looks like your girl may be taken considering how #10 is touching her." Nicki says snarkily.
"I thought we were simply looking at the menu," Emma stated calmly. "Besides, we'll see if she's single at the party tonight. I heard the basketball girls are coming. I think the boy's basketball and soccer teams will be there too."
"That's fun! Who do you think is cute here Kayla?" My head snaps up and I look at Francesca who tries to include me in the conversation, noticing that I have been quiet for a while.
I quickly scan my eyes across the huge room and try to find someone who's not Christy or Ally to mention. "Uhhhh, #15 on the girls basketball team I guess."
They glance around the room until they spot her. She was sitting down with Ally and Christy in a big group with her legs crossed and her arms holding herself up while she leaned back. She had a thin black headband on and her blonde hair was tied in a tight ponytail.
"Good choice," I thought to myself.
"Oooo Kayla, she's really cute!" Emma says excitedly. "You should go talk to her!"
I immediately glance at Christy who is still chatting with her group of basketball friends, not paying me a single ounce of attention. "Maybe at the party I will!" I say in a fake happy tone.
"Yeah! You and I can go for the #15s of the basketball team." Francesca says in a slightly seductive, slight joking tone while wiggling her eyebrows.
We all laugh when our coach walks up to us.
"Okay girls, we are all done here today. You have today and tomorrow off, but on Sunday we are going to hit the ground running and start practice at 6 AM sharp. I will see you guys on the pitch then." She leaves and goes up to the photographer, checking out the photos that they snapped of us today.
After the photoshoot, Ally and I head over to my dorm. We have gotten pretty close lately, especially since we are from the same hometown and now play on the same college team. There's definitely not anything between us, especially since Ally is rooming with Kayla. We have more of a gay best friends and bros type of relationship.
"So, are you going to the party tonight?" Ally sits down on my bed and lays down.
"Hm, probably. I mean what else is there to do? Plus it can be 'team bonding' in a sense." I sat down next to her.
"Do you know that the soccer girls are invited too? Just so know that Kayla might be there," She said with a sincere tone. God, she really cared about me and I really appreciated our friendship.
"Thanks, Ally." I gave her a small smile and I sighed. "You know I'm kind of tired of walking on eggshells whenever the topic comes up. Yeah, we were together before in the past and we tried it a few times and it didn't work out because of something that was not in my control. It happens, you know? And we might have ended up picking the same college where we both play sports so there will always be some overlap between us, so what you know?"
"Yeah, I totally understand." Ally says with a sympathetic look.
"I appreciate you warning me, but let's move past this. No more worrying about if Kayla is going to be the places I'm going to be at or know the same people we do. So what! We're in college, we have to live it up and not let anyone hold us back!" I exclaim happily.
I look over and saw Ally with a huge smile on her face. She leaned in and gave me a hug. "I'm so happy you feel that way!" She pulled away from the hug, "We are going to live our best lives and no one is going to stop us!"
I gave her a big smile. I am so lucky to have such supportive and understanding friends like this. It truly means the world to me, especially when I'm going to be away from home for so long.
We end up heading to the dining hall to grab food with the other people on the basketball team.
I look at all the options available and opted to go for some pasta with white sauce, vegetables, and a bread stick. I also grab a bowl of fruit as well for dessert before heading to the table and sitting next to Ally and my teammate Lily. They were excitedly talking about the party tonight.
Sarah, who is sitting across from me, looks directly at me and asks, "So, are you and Ally together or?"
Suddenly everyone in the table stops talking and looks at Ally and I. I glance over and she's mid-bite, about to eat a piece of chicken.
"What?" She asked looking around in confusion.
"They asked if we were together."
Ally put down her fork, looked around, glanced at me, and we burst out laughing. Everyone at the table looked so confused.
"Guys, Christy and I are not together. We're just good friends, we came from the same hometown. We are both gay though, so that's why things might have seemed a little fruity between us." Ally laughs still catching her breath.
"Sarah, you owe me $20 now!" Shannon nearly shouts from across the table.
I look over and gave her a confused look.
Sarah grumbles and passes up a $20 bill up to Shannon who holds it up like a championship therapy. She sees my confused face and realizes what I'm referring to.
"Oh! Sarah thought you and Ally were dating but I knew you guys were friends. It's like Sarah has never seen two gay girls just be friends before. You two aren't the only gay ones on the team and I thought it would be an easy way to make $20 off, Sarah." Shannon laughed cheekily.
Ally and I looked at each other and nodded. Smart move.
"That's totally not fair you had an advantage, Shannon!" Sarah whined.
"Don't worry, if you're still upset later I could give you a kiss to make it up to you." Shannon blew a kiss toward Sarah's direction.
Sarah made a disgusted face and pretended to swat the kiss away. "Ew, no thanks!" But there was no hiding the slight red tint that suddenly emerged on her cheeks.
My eyes widened and I look over at Ally, who's also looking at me. We spoke to each other without words, giving each other the "Is she, you know?" look before she shrugged.
Suddenly, an arm is placed on my shoulder and I'm pulled toward Ally, but there's someone in between us. It's Shannon who has her arms wrapped around the both of us. "So, my little gaybies, you guys can come to my place to get ready. I'll text you my address." Shannon pulls us in a group hug before letting go. She looks up and makes eye contact with Sarah, "And you can come if you want too, cutie." Before giving her a wink and walking back to her seat.
Sarah blushed even redder, making me think that the blonde had a crush on Shannon. I don't know if she's gay though, she's dressed very femininely and even has some make up on.
We finish our food and head out. We decide to stop by Ally's place first and get her clothes before heading to my place to grab my outfit.
"Do you think Sarah has a crush on Shannon?" I asked her curiously as we walked across the campus, the hot LA sun shining down on us.
"Oh, most definitely. The way she blushes when Shannon "flirts" with her is so obvious and kind of cute honestly!"
"Do you think coach has a rule against dating players? Wouldn't it make it awkward?" I ask curiously.
"I think as long as it doesn't impact the play and team chemistry it should be fine." Ally shrugs as she opens the door to her dorm with the swipe of a card.
We walk down the hall and receive a few hellos. A few girls ask us if we're going to the party tonight and we nod. They giggle excitedly before whispering within their own group again.
Ally unlocks the door to her room and Kayla is there, sitting on her bed while scrolling on her phone.
"Hey!" Ally says while throwing the keys on her desk and heading directly to the wardrobe.
Kayla glances up at Ally, "Hey," she says in a monotone voice. She then glances at the door, realizing its still open and sees me. As soon as she does, she shoots up and sits upright. "Oh, hey."
"Hey Kayla." I say with a slight smile. I didn't feel anything for her anymore, but it was a little awkward to be in her room but at the same time, it was Ally's room too.
"You going to the party tonight?" I ask while leaning up against the door, waiting for Ally to pick out an outfit as if she isn't pulling out every shirt she owns as we speak.
"Yeah! The soccer team and I are going." Kayla says as she gives me an awkward smile.
"Cool." I put my hands in my pockets and look around the room. The room was pretty bare aside from a few pictures, string lights, and photos that were put up.
"Ready to go?" Ally says while carrying a stuffed tote bag.
"Yep. See ya!" We head outside the room and head for my dorm.
We walk in silence for a bit before I chirped up. "You don't think I gave her the wrong idea, do you?"
"No, you were just being civil. I thought it was more mature than simply ignoring her in her own dorm room."
When we arrive into my room, I grab a black t shirt, ripped skinny jeans, a gold necklace, a strapback, and my vans. I toss it into a bag and turn to see Ally looking at me with a raised eyebrow.
"Your outfit is so basic." She says as she rolls her eyes.
"Yet the ladies love it. Ally scoffs and gives me a shove. "Well what are you wearing?"
"Just a cropped blouse with some shorts. A lot better than whatever you had."
We start heading to Shannon's house, which was only a 15 minute walk from campus. When we get there, we knock on the door and are greeted by Shannon, who is wearing white tee with a black and white flannel.
"Welcome to my home, gaybies." She says as she gestures us inside.
She leads us upstairs to her room, where it is already full of girls getting ready. There were a few upperclassmen basketball players and a few other girls I didn't recognize.
I did recognize Sarah, who was sitting on the ground, doing her make up in front of a full body mirror between two girls who were also doing their make up.
We walk over toward them and Sarah sees me coming from the mirror and starts to make space for us.
"Wow, fancy seeing you here, Sarah." Ally teases as she sits down and pulls out some make up.
Sarah blushes, knowing what we are referring to but pretends to look annoyed.
Since I don't wear any make up, I just start getting changed. It doesn't take me long since it's just a shirt, pants, and a necklace.
The two girls sitting on the side of Sarah introduce themselves.
"I'm Macy." The girl with light brown hair and freckles says with a huge smile.
"And I'm Paige!" The other girl with dirty blonde hair says warmly. "You guys are freshman, huh?"
"Yeah we are. I'm Christy and that's Ally." I point to her and take a glance. Sarah is putting some make up on her while she fidgets. Sarah has a visibly annoyed look on her face, probably because Ally is moving so much.
"So are you guys gay?" Macy asks curiosuly.
Shannon pops in out of nowhere. "Yes they are, just like everyone here."
"Hey, I'm not gay!" Sarah says with a pout, her face red again.
Macy and Paige laugh and they give Ally and I a look.
Everyone else finishes getting ready, downs a few shots of horrible tasting liquor, and heads out to the party.
When we arrive, the party is already packed and it looks like everyone is a student athlete. There's music blasting, people making out, and people throwing up on the side of the street. Just how I thought a typical college party would be.
Macy grabs my hand and leads me to the kitchen where the counters are packed with every existing type of liquor possible. She expertly mixes a few types of liquor together and finishes it off with a splash of coke.
I take a sip and my face scrunches up. "Oh god, it's so strong."
"Long island iced tea! Gets me wasted quickly!" She giggles and pours us a round of shots and we down it. Then she pours another and the alcohol is burning my throat intensely at that point. She then takes my hand and dragging it to the dance floor.
The alcohol is making me warm inside and the music is thumping. Macy and I are dancing while taking sips of our drinks.
A girl comes up to me and starts dancing on me, grinding her body up against mine. Her ass moves up against my crotch while my hands are around her waist, guiding her but still letting her have control the tempo. At this point I'm feeling every ounce of the alcohol I had and I'm just letting it do its thing.
Macy gives me an excited look before heading somewhere else, leaving me and the girl alone to dance. We dance for a few songs before she turns over and faces me, her face inches from my face.
I take a good look at her for the first time. She has wavy light brown hair and is a few inches taller than me. I can't make out any of her other features since it's dark. I'm guessing she's thinking the same and curious how I look like because she leans over and says, "Let's get another drink."
She grabs my hand and leads me to the kitchen, where it is lit normally. I'm still feeling the first few drinks I had but I scan the kitchen and spot a familiar blonde who's sitting on the counter giggling with a girl standing in between her legs, who's whispering into the blonde's ear.
I squint a bit before I realize that's Sarah and Shannon. Sarah makes eye contact with me, blushes, buries her head into Shannon's shoulder.
I grab a Truly from the ice chest before I'm led by the mystery girl into the backyard. The backyard is packed with people making out, sitting on the lawn, and people who probably had too much to drink and are laying down. You can still hear the bass of the music coming from inside the house, but you could hear people more.
I take a good look at the girl who's been dancing on me. Her brunette hair is complimented by bright green eyes. Her eyebrows are sharp but natural looking, with her eyelashes being perfectly curled despite us dancing in a hot sweaty room for a while. She also had a cute little nose and the most perfect pair of lips ever.
We take a seat where people and sitting and chatting. I pop open my Truly and take a sip.
"You having a good time?" She asked, her voice was higher than I expected, but not an obnoxious pitch.
"Yes! It's good, but it got really good when this girl came up to me and started dancing on me."
- End448 Chapters
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