《The Cool Book About Me》My likes, dislikes, and things that trigger me!!!


These are some things I like and some I dislike. I will esplain why I hate some of them, and I will esplain why I like some of them!!!

»»-----things I like-----««

꧁༺Cats; I love cats becuas they are so cute and I have 4 of them. My cats are named Muffin, Iggy, Socks, and Bertha!!༻꧂

꧁༺Roleplay; enjoy Roleplayeing becuas I can pertend I'm not myslef for once. I enjoy being the child, but can RP as mom!!༻꧂

꧁༺Nicknames; I love nicknames like Dear, Darling, Sweetie, Honey, Sugar, and more! They make me fell loved becuas I don't get much love from aneyone becuas pepole think I'm wierd and ugly and a freek :( ༻꧂

꧁༺Harry Potter; I like Harry Potter, and I'm not shure what house I woud be in, becuas they prolably woudnt accept me becuas I have cancer, Dyslexia, and Autism. Nobudy accepts me becuas they think I'm a freek༻꧂

꧁༺Takeing to freinds; I love haveing freinds becuas they make me feel speshal and happy. They don't call me mean names!༻꧂

꧁༺Aminals; aminals are realy cute and I love them. Aminals are inetrest me༻꧂

꧁༺Sleping; I like slep but I havnte slep for a few days. But evry time I slep, I see demons in corner of my room and they wake toords me and scair me a lot. I don't konw why they show up olny when I slep, they do and I really don't like that. I want slep in peece!!!༻꧂

꧁༺Lisening to Spotify wile I do things like clean the house, or read storys༻꧂

꧁༺When pepole boop me on the nose; it makes me smile :)༻꧂

»»-----things I don't like-----««

꧁༺Beans; I konw it wierd but I can't go anywere that has beans, becuas I fell queezy and My mom somtims makes beans and I can't wash the dishes that has beans on it. They make me realy queezy and I can't go anywere near them without felling queezy༻꧂


꧁༺Chores; A lot pepole hate chores, and I argee with them. Chores are not fun. I don't get mony to do them eether༻꧂

꧁༺the demons I see in my slep; prety self explanitory༻꧂

꧁༺Homophobes, racists, transphobes, and pepole who hate LGBTQ. If you hate LGBTQ then get off my paje becuas you arnt welcom to stay here in my Lesbain safe place!!!༻꧂

꧁༺myslef; I'm a mess and I hate myslef. Woud anyone even notise if I went mising? Prolably not. So why I am stil here?༻꧂

꧁༺Dateing men; I'm kinda gay if you coudnt tell from my profil :3 ༻꧂

»»-----things That Trigger Me-----««


꧁༺Death; After the death/suicides of 3 of my best freinds, I feel uncomfterble when Pepole ask me about death༻꧂

꧁༺Pepole Takeing about how i look; evryone takes about how I look, and they arnt nise about it. They say mean things༻꧂

꧁༺Wisperring; Pepole awlays woud wisper mean things about me to other Pepole and they made fun of me behinde my back༻꧂

꧁༺Takeing about Rape; I was yunger, and this guy tryed to rape me and I sayed I did not want that, but he did not lisen or care about how I felled so he keept macking passes at me and I realy did not like it. Luckyly noteing hapened so I'm still virgin :) ༻꧂

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