《The Cool Book About Me》Medical Stuff!!!!


Welcom to the second part of my about me!!

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I aplogise for any speling erors, I have Autism and Dyslexia, so I struggle to spell some things. Plaese don't make fun of me. It hurts my fellings when people make fun of me for my speling. Plaese just be rispectful 🤍🤍🤍

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╰┈➤ I have Dyslexia, and it's goten worse sinse I have goten older. It's been hard but I try my best to get throuh it~

╰┈➤ I have Autism, and it's goten better since treatment but not much better. The treatment has been helping a little bit~

╰┈➤ I have ADHD, and i was diganosed at the age of 5. I have lots of enregy and I have a hard time focusng on things~

╰┈➤ I have Stage 2 brain cancer. I was diganosed with it at the age of 13 (a yaer ago)

It statred when my hair was faling out, and I got headakes a lot. I'm currenty going throuh Cemotherapy and I'm going to have a sugery on August 10th, 2022, and I'm so nervus~

╰┈➤ I am near-sighted, and have slight colorbilnd. I have Protanomaly type

color-bilndess. I can't tell the diffrense between red and green. They look the same and I have sturggled with color-bilndess sinse the age of 8.

I hate shcool projects where we have to color stuff with spesific colors. I have sturggled with being near-sighted sinse I was 10 years old~

╰┈➤ Recently I have been having trubles seeing out of my left eye. In that eye, I see litle white dots, but when I look at them, they disapeer. It's not a huge deal but I'm slightly worryd. It has goten slightly better~


╰┈➤ I have sturggled with depreshun sinse the age of 11. It's goten worse and I havn't had anyone to talk to. I tried tharepy for a yaer, but the prolbem was, my mom didn't let me wear my wig to shcool, so people would make fun of me for my baldness, because of cancer. Pepole would make fun of my cancer, and my mom says that if I want to wear a wig to shcool, I have to rayse my own mony and buy one. I've been sturggling with intursive thouhts, and it's been a huge sturggle for me. Pepole make fun of me for my Autism and Dyslexia becuas I sturggle to spell some thigns~

╰┈➤ I have teribble social anxiety, and anxiety in genral. Let's start with my Social Anxiety; it has goten pretty bad sinse shcool last yaer. Crowds make me realy anxous to go out in pulbic places. I have reglar anxiety as well, and it makes me have panic attaks befor tests at shcool, I panic a lot when anyone asks me to do somthign for them, becuas I don't want to mess it up, becuas evreyone already thinks I'm a screw-up. I get major panic attaks when I cook food in a micorwave becuas one time, I bunrt the food and alomst started a homes fire.🏠 I also get bad anxiety when waking alone down a sidewake. Somtimse my mom ask me to wake to the stoor and one time I coudent find the exit and I had to stop myslef from haveing a panic attak. Pepole give me wierd looks when I go to the stoor becuas I don't have as much hair as them. It make me realy self-conshus~

╰┈➤ I have recenly been sturggling with OCD, wich is "Obsessive compulsive disorder"


(Had to copy and paste from goggle)

Wehn me and my mom go to stoor, I get felling as if I have to touch the shelfes. When we wake down the store illes, I touch thigns like Cups, Toys, Cans, Cheese stiks, water botles, and other things. When I wake to the stoor by myslef, I touch the leafes on trees that I can reech. I like to organise things in spesific ways and my mom hates when I do that. It's been ocorring more resently and it start hapeneing a cupple month ago~

╰┈➤ I have sturggled with frogetting things esily so if the speling of somthing that I say changs, then it's becuas I don't remeber how I speled it befor. I sound out the words and take a guess. As I said erlier, don't make fun of my speling, I'm going throuh a lot rigte now~

╰┈➤ I used to starve myslef when I was yunger and so now it hurt to eat fodd. I'm wokring on ficsing it~

That's all that I can think of for now!

I'll have to look at my medical papers with my mom to see what else I mised :)

And plaese don't point out my gramer erors. If you can undersatnd what I'm saying, then plaese don't point them out

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