《Forgotten for a reason》little snake


The class stood in shock that izuku wanted the kid to be his heir. Izuku's lower halve returned to his human legs. His feet firmly planted to the ground as the rest of the pros looked at him with content.

"Midoriya, turn them back and kota can be your heir for your title." Aizawa said walking up to him with his hand out "Is that a deal?"

"Of fuckin course! I would be stupid to denied this!" Izuku yelled grabbing Aizawa's hand and shaking it super fast that aizawa felt his arm was going to be ripped off. "Kota! You are now my disciple! First I will teach you my breathing techniques!" Izuku yelled picking up kota and spinning him in the air.

"First, you will turn them back to people instead of stone." Pixi-bob said grabbing his entire mask. "Ok ya cat I will!" Izuku said with scowl.

Izuku put down kota much to his disappointment though he was then pick up by his aunt. He looked at her then at izuku and got an idea.

Izuku walked to naomasa took his gun and threw it into the forest. He took off his mask bearing his fangs and bit down piercing the stone. Slowly the coloration of detective naomasa came back as he gained his conscience back.

Izuku kneed him in the groin "THAT WHAT YA GET FOR SHOOTIN ME!" He screamed as the detective went down and all the guys shivered feeling the pain he inflicted.

He to all might and did the same to turn him back to human instead of stone.

"Looked like they were stoned." Kaminari said only for the sound of crickets then silence because tsu ate the crickets. Jiro just face palmed and ear raped him.

"Deku ya good I know I was shot, but you were shot more." Katsuki said while the snake wrapping his leg that was shot returned to izuku.


"I am the king here! Like that toy can hurt me! I am the best!" He yelled while doing a stance. Tsu walked up to him and tapped his shoulder with her finger making him fall to the side.

"Midoriya, you are pushing yourself!" She yelled at him while he was on the ground. "SHUD UP PREY I WILL EAT YOU FOR DINNER!" he yelled at her.

Tsu looked at him with narrowed eyes "midoriya you are in no condition to move due to a lack of food and energy. That is your draw back for all of your abilities. Kero" She said as bakugo picked him up.

"Fuckin deku alway making me carry you around!" He said carrying him to the bench. "So the crazy wild boy can beat the number one hero?!" Setsuna said while her class stayed silent.

"Maybe if we are nice enough he won't make us statues shroom!" Kinoko yelled with multiple mushrooms sticking out of her.

"Still though hyper-regeneration with his snake abilities along with his eye's turning people to stone? Hold on anybody he looked at all us how did we not get turned to stone!?" Momo yelled while the whole class stammered for answers.

"That is because of the mask it makes sure he can't see!" Bakugo yelled at them making them shut up. They looked at him with shock he beat them with no sight or using his quirk abilities!

"WE LOST TO A BLIND GUY THAT DIDN'T USE HIS QUIRK ON US!" Mineta yelled with bloody tears.

"My dad has been training and abusing me for my entire life AND I LOSE TO A BLIND DUMBASS THAT DOESN'T LIKE TO USE HIS QUIRK!" shoto shouted with his flames erupting from his left side in a rage filled fit.

"This is so embarrassing! WE LOST TO SOMEONE WITH OUT PROPER TRAINING AND HE WASN'T TRYING!!!" momo yelled while they all looked down.


"HAHA CLASS 1-SCUM LOST TO A JOKE OF A PERSON!" Monama laughed till a rock hit his forehead making him shut up courtesy of izuku.

"You just lost to him as well idiot!" Kaibara said shaking his head.

"He went to far! How can you keep a monster like him here!" Vlad king yelled as he looked at his injured students that he deeply cared for.

Izuku looked at him like he was going to strangle him to death. "I AM NOT A MONSTER!" He shouted with fury.

Izuku body began to transform again then it shrunk to the size of bakugo's palm "the fuck deku?!" He yelled as he held him. "Fuck! I don't have enough energy to transform into my bigger form! Shit!" Tiny snake/lamia izuku yelled with his voice being a more squeaky.

"Vlad I don't think that you can call that a monster anymore. He is more like a plushy now." Aizawa said with a shit eating grin.

The classes looked at the smaller izuku with star eyes for revenge for the shit that he made them go through. "Awe the crazy cabbage patch is fun-sized!" Jiro yelled picking him up with her jack.

"Let me go purple hair!" He yelled squirming around in the air while being wrapped in her jack. 'At least he didn't mention my chest.' She thought as kota hopped up and grabbed him.

"Don't worry I got you!" He yelled running to his aunt as the others chased him to get izuku. "Kota take a deep breath and regulate it to your body so you can use your muscles better!" Izuku yelled. Kota listened to the advice and followed them exactly. He sped up significantly dodging all of them and hopped to his auntie's arms.

"ALRIGHT KOTA! YOUR A NATURAL LIKE ME! YOUR GOING TO BE THE BEST SUCCESSOR!" Izuku yelled while kota had star eyes from the complement he got.

"Deku the hell are breathing technique's!" Bakugo yelled with his demon eyes coming out.

"Breathing what now?" Kaminari said confused how they got out ran by a kid.

"No wonder why you weaklings lost to me!" Izuku scoffed while on top of mandelay's head in his small lamia form. "Then what is it midoriya?!" Momo yelled. "It is state where users inhale the maximum amount of oxygen within a specific breath patterns to raise their physical and mental strength to the max of their body can out put. I've gained top tier senses due to me fighting blind since my time in this forest." He explained in calm fashion making for once actually sound smart.


Mineta suddenly fell over coughing loudly. "Why couldn't I do it like the stupid kid?!?!" He screamed. "He is better than you plain and simple! He will be my disciple because he is natural born genius like me!" Izuku yelled patting his head.

All might said to izuku "like you can do anything old man. I am the strongest so if you get in my way again you becoming a statue will be the least of your worries." Izuku said with a menacing tone.

'All might you better not piss him off. If goes villain we might be screwed with the stoning ability by itself.' Nezu thought as he looked at izuku with interest.

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