《Forgotten for a reason》bargaining


He exited the building dragging his feet along the floor thinking about what he couldn't remember.

He felt that he was missing a part of himself. "Are you okay kero?" The prey asked him. "Don't mind me prey." He said in a low voice.

'The hell happened he was energetic a couple moments ago?' Tsu thought to herself as she noticed that she wasn't afraid of him at the moment.

"So that is the wimp that class 1-scum lost too!" A blonde douchebag said laughing.

This made the class look at him angrily except for bakugo thinking 'I can take him'

Suddenly they felt a large amount of furious rage coming from somewhere. Some turned to see the green haired with his head lowered walking to them.

They felt waves of pure fury as the young teen let out a growl.

"What.....what did you call me?!" He said in a menacing voice.

This caught off monama seeing and feeling the rage in the other teen aimed at him. Though he quickly regained his arrogant persona "Isn't weird that the best supposed students of japan got beaten by a weakling like you! That only that you can't handle yourself!" He said with a massive smug grin.

Kirishima was about to shut him up only for bakugo to stop him "let him keep talking." He whispered to him and Kirishima nodded.

"Your a savage that lived with dirty animals! Your parents probably were drug addicts that left you in this forsaken forest! I can't believe a weakling like yo-" he was cut off by a kick to the throat knocking him to the floor.

Izuku stood there with his foot still up from the blow he dealt to monama.

"HAHAHA good one now hit him again deku!" Katsuki laughed monama got up holding his neck.

"You....dare call me weak!" Izuku yelled with scrunching up into a scowl. "THAT IS WHY I AM GOING TO MAKE YOU TASTE DIRT!"

Monama gritted his teeth whipping the dirt off of him "ok tough guy you want to fight!" He said getting five feet near izuku.


Izuku charged him doing a midair spinning kick. Monama ducked under and izuku twisted his spine 360 and slammed his fist into monama's head making his face slam into the ground.

Monama gets up and rams his head into izuku's bottom jaw. He then grabbed izuku's arm and judo flipped him.

"Now I have your quirk you damn savage!" He screamed at izuku as he tried to activate it only for it not to work.

"The hell why can't I use your quirk" he said confused.

"You can't use a king's power that you don't deserve!" Izuku yelled

"What is his quirk anyways?" Mina asked as jiro shrugged "all I have seen him do is be super flexible with his spine."

Izuku lean back and slammed his head into monama's forehead making him eat dirt again.

He was about to leave to the forest till a fist smashed him into a multiple trees in a row breaking them all might yelled as izuku went flying.

"Sir that was too hard kero!" Tsu screamed as bakugo full powered blasted all might.

"DON'T YOU DARE TRY AND HURT MY BEST FRIEND BITCH MIGHT!" katsuki yelled as all might stared at him.

All might in a serious tone.

"Like I give a shit you punched deku through multiple trees you might've killed him! Not all of us can take building to the face like you!" Katsuki yelled as a tree flew from the forest smashed into all might.

They all look where it came from and izuku exited the forest all bloody with multiple bones sticking out of him due to the amount of trees he was punched threw.

"That was a cheap move to interfere with my fight." He said as more blood spilled.

Suddenly all of his bones retracted into his body and his wounds closed.

"That's is enough!" Ibara yelled trying to him her vines. Izuku just swiped his blades not even using a breathing technique slicing the vines to bit. Slicing her cheek a bit.

Class 1-b charged him "bring it on your all weaker than them any ways!" He yelled embarrassing class 1-a.


Aizawa came out and turned off all of their quirks. All might went to punch izuku again only for him to get wrapped up in a long tail that was covered in green scales.

"Looks like that is deku's quirk." Katsuki said looking in awe of izuku new form he was half snake half human a lamia.

"That's why I was afraid of him he is a literal snake ribbit!" Tsu exclaimed as tokoyami nodded in fear.

Izuku yanked of his blindfold and stared directly into all might's eyes turn him into stone. "YOU MADE USE MY LEAST FAVORITE MOVE BECAUSE IT IS TO EASY TO USE IN A FIGHT!"

"Oh shit he just turned all might into stone!" Sero yelled as izuku was shot in the arm.

Izuku unwrapped from all might and saw all the pros aiming at him with their quirks aimed at him. "Stand down midoriya!" Naomasa said aiming his gun at the boy.

Izuku looked at them with maniacal grin showing his fangs not looking them in the eyes. "I can take you all on so don't think I will go easy!" He said releasing killers intent.

"What he said! The both of us can take you all on!" Katsuki yelled with his palms glowing and popping.

"Bakugo you know that you are going against pros and your teachers!" Aizawa yelled at him.

"I don't care! All might almost killed deku by sending him flying into multiple trees! So I don't care because you guys are in the wrong!" Katsuki yelled as izuku took out his blades.

Naomasa shot bakugo in the thigh and shot izuku four times in the chest. "I don't care if he is your friend he killed the number one hero!" Naomasa yelled as bakugo screamed in pain while still standing on his feet putting up his arms up to protect izuku. "Yo-u thi-nk a toy like that c-an sto-p me!"

The class looked in horror as they saw their classmate shot along with the kid that fought the heros in self-defense.

"The hell are you doing! There just kids naomasa you didn't even ask if midoriya could reverse it!" Aizawa yelled as naomasa turned to stone. After all Izuku didn't like being shot so he turned him to stone.

The bullets popped out his body as it healed. He looked at bakugo in pain 'kacchan!?' He thought as that was his name he could only think of. He summoned a snake and wrapped it around his leg.

"Hold still she will heal you!" He told him as bakugo's open wound closed with the bullet popping out as well.

"Midoriya can you reverse the process of them being turned to stone!?" Setsuna yelled at him as she touched his shoulder being braver that the rest of her class.

"Of course I can! I can do anything!" He boasted as the teachers sighed in relief.

"Then turn them back." Mandelay said coming out of the building with the pussycats. "No! Why should I the yellow one broke my bones and the other shot me with his black metal thingy." He yelled.

"How about this we can negotiate this." Mandelay said trying to change his mind as kota came out and the classes got a message from her to stand down.

"Then speak what can you give me." He said in serious tone "I think you know what I want!"

Mandelay looked at aizawa and he nodded because they need the symbol of peace for the nation's survival. "I will let kota be your heir for your title." She said as izuku's grin grew wider.

Kota walked out with the mask and tossed it to izuku. He caught it and placed it on his face limiting himself again. "That all you needed to say don't worry you can live with him,but he stays with me!" The wild teen said pointing his own chest as she nodded.

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