《[OLD] ice ice baby - toshiro hitsugaya》Finale❄️



Four year old Ichika ran to her mother who walked through the door after a three day mission.

"Hello love, I'm so glad to see you!" The woman smiled, kissing her daughter on the forehead. "Have you been good to your father?"

As she said that, Ichika's father stepped into the foyer. "Ah, you're back honey. How was it?" He asked, cupping her cheek and giving her light pecks. "Tiring, but if it means I can come home to this I'd do it a hundred times over." She smiled wearily.

The man rested his hands on his wife's shoulders, gently massaging them. "Go relax dear, I'm going to take Ichika to her uncle's." The couple smiled at each other.

"I'll come with you. It's been too long anyways." She laughed and got up, walking to her shared bedroom to change.



Ichika knocked on the door, holding her mom's hand, and her dad standing next to her. Seconds later, the door opened, and she felt herself being lifted off the ground. "Uncle!"

The man holding her beamed at her. "Hey there kid! Did mommy and daddy bring you here to hang out?" Ichika nodded her head, and pointed at her parents behind her.

He placed her back down on the ground as he approached her dad.

"It's good to see you, Renji."

The two men hugged briefly and faced each other once again. "Nice to see you too, Captain Hitsugaya."

Toshiro smiled. "It's just Toshiro. We are brothers now, right?" Renji returned the smile and patted his back. "Right!"

Ichika's uncle turned to face Renji's wife. "Rukia," he leaned forward for a small hug. "Glad to see you." Rukia bowed before hugging him, smiling with a gleam in her navy eyes.

"How's my sister?" Renji cut in, inviting himself into his brother-in-law's house. "She's in the living room with Kaito." Toshiro looked down at Ichika. "Do you want to go see the baby?"


Ichika jumped up and down in excitement. "Yes uncle!" And with that she zoomed into the house, Rukia right behind her.



"Auntie!" The shrill voice of a little girl echoed throughout the house.

I looked up to see my niece running towards me. "Ichika, princess! How are you?" I held her close to me with my free arm. "I'm good. How are you auntie? How's the baby?" The ball of energy exploded into questions, until she spotted the sleeping baby boy in my other arm.

She went silent, and I smiled as she stared at the baby with big eyes. My brother and his wife, along with my husband, walked into the room, grins plastered on all their faces. "What brings my beloved brother and sister here today?" I chuckled, standing up to greet them.

Renji's face lit up when he saw the mini human in my arms, and completely ignored me while reaching for my son. "Kaito! It's me, your uncle Ren-Ren!" I snorted, and let him hold the baby as I rushed over to Rukia and toppled her over in a hug.

"Ah, it's been so long since I've seen you." I said, embracing my sister-in-law. "I know, we just wanted to stop by to see how you were doing." Rukia smiled and hugged me back just as tight.

"Dad! Dad! Can I see?" Ichika clung to her dads leg as she jumped to try and see the baby. "Yes hun, let me give him to your mother first." He handed my son over to Rukia as she and Ichika sat on the couch, cooing at him.

"Hello my dear." Renji exclaimed sarcastically, enveloping me into a hug. "Hello Renji." I giggled, returning his embrace.



After a while, Ichika and her parents left, wishing Toshiro's family all the best.

Y/n sat on the couch, snuggled up with Kaito and Toshiro, kissing each of them every so often. "Isn't he just precious?" She sighed, tearing up. "He is, an he's gonna have killer looks, just like his mom." Toshiro grinned, reaching to push his wife's hair from her face.


She rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes, recalling her now husband's proposal nearly two years ago.


It was a beautiful night. I sat by the river, staring up at the starry sky. I felt my lover approach me from behind and he slipped his hand into mine. "Princess, it's been 11 years since we first met, here at this very river."

"Mhm." I hummed in response, pondering on old memories. Toshiro took a seat next me, eyes begging for contact. "You know, if you hadn't been there I probably would've died. We wouldn't have been friends, or grown up together. I wouldn't have been the Squad 10 captain, and most importantly I wouldn't have been able to love you every single day."

My eyes met his, both filling to the brim with salty tears. "Please don't say that stuff Shiro. I couldn't imagine a world where I didn't meet you." I whispered, tears rolling down my cheek.

He wiped them away quickly and replaced them with kisses. "All I'm saying is that you're the reason I'm alive right now, and you've always been my reason for living. You're not only my girlfriend, but you're also still my best friend."

I licked my dried up lips, tasting the salt from my tears that failed to stay in my eyes. Toshiro took me into his arms and shuffled around.

"And..." he stuttered placing something into my hand. "I'd really love it if you could be my wife as well." My eyes widened at the sight of a beautiful silver ring, with tiny little diamonds encrusted all around.

I did nothing but cry even harder, jumping back into his arms. He ran his hand through my hair, patting my back. "So?" He smirked.

"Yes! Of course Toshiro!" I buried my face in the crook of his neck. "I love you!" I cried out, earning a few laughs from my fiancé.

"I love you too."



"Waaah!" The baby in my arms started to cry. "I think he's tired babe." Toshiro soothed, taking his son into his arms. I nodded. "Yeah, let's go put him in his crib."

We took Kaito to his room, bouncing him up and down softly until he fell asleep, and placed him in his small blue crib. "Sweet dreams my love." I caressed his face.

Toshiro held my hands from behind and kissed my neck. "Thank you for giving me a family, princess." He croaked, his heartstrings had been tugged at the sight of his wife and his son together.

"Thank you for allowing me to." I whispered, turning to face him, pressing my lips against his. The same electric shock from the first time we kissed flowed through me, entangling me further into the intimacy.

I felt his arm slide under my knees as he scooped me up. The mood immediately changed.

"I think Kaito needs a little sibling, babygirl." He purred in my ear, sending a rush of blood all over my body.


"No buts! Only this butt." He slung me over his shoulder and slapped my rear. I yelped, startled.

"Oh, and love?" Toshiro stopped walking for a second. "Yes hun," I grumbled, trying to seem unamused even though I was excited for some long awaited intimacy. He chuckled before opening his mouth.

"I understand you'll have a lot of screaming to do, but please, try not to wake our son."

A/N- anndddddd that's a wrap! (xtra bonus chapter coming up) i really did expect this book to hold out longer but i guess it just lost its spark so i'm putting a stop to this monstrosity. welp if you've read till the end then thanks for the support. prepare yourselves for more crappy works ;)


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