《[OLD] ice ice baby - toshiro hitsugaya》Chapter 15❄️


What a night~ I sighed to myself. I gazed across the room from my bed. It wasn't a dream. The sunlight poured into the room, shining on the bed, shining onto the cloud of silver hair next to me, and of course, the abandoned lingerie on the floor.

I quickly wrap myself in the blanket, causing Shiro to stir in his sleep. I spot my normal clothes lying by the bathroom door, and quickly make a run for it. Once I grabbed my clothes, I shut the bathroom door to get changed.

Before I put anything on, I saw my whole reflection in the mirror. Did I come down with chicken pox overnight? Stepping closer to the mirror, I realize they're hickeys. Shiro left hickeys on every part of my body.

I touched them and added pressure, feeling a bruising pain under my skin. His words from last night echoed in my head.

"I can mark my territory wherever I want baby~"

I guess he took that to heart. I hopped into the shower and turned the hot water on. After a good 20 minutes, I got out and changed into my casual clothing. Stepping back into the bedroom, I saw Shiro still asleep.

I decided against waking him up, but waddled over to his side of the bed anyways. He snored silently, his torso rising up as he took small breaths, his face buried into his pillow. Resting my hand on his head, I stroked his hair softly and kissed his shoulder.

Seeing that he wasn't going to budge, I smiled to myself and started to walk away. As I turned to leave, I felt two warm arms wrap around my arm and pull me back. "Don't go.." I heard him mumble.

He stayed clinging to my waist as I played with his hair. "Good morning Shiro~" I cooed. He said nothing, but responded by kissing and exposed part of my hickey covered hip. When he opened his eyes fully, he saw the work of art he left on me.


"Did I do this?" He asked in a raspy voice, lifting up my black robes to admire his work. "Mhm~" I hummed. "Nice..." He muttered, nuzzling his head into my waist. "Shiro, c'mon get up." I whined. "Let's do something fun today~"

He sighed. "Alright, alright. Whatever you want, princess." I blushed, recalling the name he called me last night. "How about I take you to the shack for breakfast?"

I nodded eagerly, accepting his offer immediately. I was pretty hungry anyways. I sat on the bed, waiting patiently as Toshiro got ready in the bathroom. When he finally came out, we departed the hot springs, but not before bumping into a startled couple.

"Captain Unohana?" I gasped, my lips curling upwards. "C-captain Abarai I can explain—" I shook my head, smiling, and bowed to the person next to her.

"Good morning Captain Ukitake!" The flushed male in front of me laughed nervously and bowed back. "Good morning you two. Gosh, this is awkward." Captain Ukitake was a very sweet man, about ten years older than Toshiro and I. He always helped me with my work when I was new to the Soul Society, even though he had his own issues.

If he made Captain Unohana happy, I was also happy. Besides, he was always the most hardworking captain—even with his weak organs— and we all had great respect for him. Toshiro nudged me from behind, slightly impatient, and very hungry. We bowed again to the other two captains and made our way to the shack.



"I would kill for tea like this."

"I think that's going a little too far, hun."

I laughed at Shiro's response. I took a sip of my honeyed green tea, and Shiro- his peppermint tea.

After taking a bite of a complementary cookie, he rested his hand on mine and opened his mouth in excitement.


"So, I still haven't given you my Valentine's day gift,-" He gave my hand a slight squeeze. "-so basically, I convinced the head captain to give you and me the entirety of next week off. Paid!"

Yes, we get paid. Just like anyone else at any other job. But Shiro's news was exciting. "Thank god, what's the plan?" I wondered what we'd spend the week doing.

"We're going to Urahara's!"

I tried my best to keep my smile from fading on the outside. I loved Karakura Town, but there wasn't much to do there. "That sounds great Shiro! I'm excited~" I giggled.

We spent quite some time discussing what we would do there, until my phone started ringing. I glanced at my screen to see that my squad needed assistance fighting a mob of hollows.

I stood up, and kissed Shiro's head. "I have to go babe, I'm sorry." He frowned, but nodded, understanding my situation. "Do you need my help?" I smiled, appreciating his offer. "I'll be fine."

With that, I was off. I jumped from roof to roof, disappearing and reappearing into the air. I spotted the forest where the hollows were, and swooped down into the trees...

...right into a ring of hollows. My squad was nowhere to be seen. They must be deeper in the forest, I thought to myself. But if that's the case, then how many hollows are there?

There's no way I can release my sword here, so I'd have to take them out one by one. I blinked, and suddenly twice as many hollows appeared. Three of them heading in my direction. Before they could swing at me, I jumped back up, and landed on a treetop.

Every inch of the forest was infested with hollows. In the distance I spotted Shuhei and about 15 other men fighting them off. One squad alone wasn't enough for at least 200 hollows. My men looked worn out, some mildly injured, which was concerning because these hollows were the type that even my lowest rank officer could kill within a few seconds.

I sped over to them and spoke to Shuhei. "Lieutenant, you need to fall back immediately. I'm going to the head captain." The raven haired lieutenant's face fell at my words. Noticing he was still frozen, I yelled "Men— fall back. Stay by the forest entrance and fend off any hollows that try to come out."

Without waiting for a response, I flash stepped my way to the head captain's palace. In a state of panic I made no effort to request audience with him, and instead barged into his "throne" room.

"What is the meaning of this, Captain Abarai?"

I bowed. "Forgive me for intruding, head captain. But we have an emergency." I explained to him the issue taking place in the forest. "-and I can't release my shikai with the risk of destroying the nearby area."

I stayed kneeling as he nodded his head. "Unfortunately, I'm afraid you'll have to use your shikai. None of the other squads are available right now. I suggest you find another captain to help you. Now go, you're responsible for whatever happens."

"Yes sir." I flash-step away instantly. My shikai was far too destructive to let loose. There was only one other option. As I rushed back to the forest, I pulled out my phone and held it to my ear.

"Hey, I take it back. I need your help."

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