《[OLD] ice ice baby - toshiro hitsugaya》Chapter 3❄️



After that day, I never saw him again.

He didn't show up to the river the next day, or the day after that. But that didn't stop me from waiting there, every single day.

After a few months I gave up, he wasn't coming back.

I still thought about Toshiro from time to time, especially when I walked past the river.

Renji was inducted into the Soul Society, and was a member of Squad 6.

I took a deep breath as I approached the academy. My chest slowly rose and fell under my bright white robes, which were tucked into my baggy red pants.

My eyes roamed around the large classroom, looking for the best seat. A boy sat in the middle of the room, slightly to the right. He had very familiar white hair and golden tan skin. He almost looked like—

"Toshiro?" I approached him nervously. The boy turned around and his big turquoise eyes widened. "Oh my— y/n? It's really you!" He scooted over, making room for me to sit.

"I never thought I would see you again." I smiled as I sat down. His face fell, and he stared at the floor, looking guilty. "About that, I'm really sorry I never came back."

"I don't have parents, I live with my grandmother. That day that we met, she fell ill. I refused to leave her side." He looked up at me with sad eyes, hands slightly trembling. "She's finally recovered though, so maybe..."

"...we could finally get to being friends?"

We graduated our four year course at the academy. Toshiro and I graduated with top tier grades, and were preparing to be filtered into different squads at the Soul Society.

A week later, we got our results back. As I opened the letter my eyes widened.


"Rank: Squad 9, Lieutenant"

I turned to tell Shiro, and found him holding up his own paper.

"Rank: Squad 10, Lieutenant"

Shiro and I haven't been on great terms.

I'd recently dated the lieutenant of squad 3, Izuru Kira. He was charming, caring, and sweet. At least, for the honeymoon phase. It was a short and sweet relationship, but it only went downhill.

I mustered up the courage to speak to Toshiro— the new captain of Squad 10– again, who immediately opened his arms to me.

I may never find true love, but I'll always have my best friend.

I think I like Toshiro.

I've been depressed lately. My own captain betrayed me, and left me alone to carry the entirety of Squad 9. There's been a lot of disarray in the Soul Society, and it's getting to me.

But Toshiro was by my side the whole time, he was my remedy.

The time had finally come to face Aizen in the world of the living.

While we had minor setbacks, it was clear we had the upper hand. That is, until Toshiro stabbed Aizen through the gut.

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