《Love and Sins (VegasPete Fanfic)》Chapter Nine


Vegas wore his sunglasses, black cap and makes sure that Khun Pat will not notice his existence.

Vegas sat on corner most part of the restaurant and pretended that he's waiting for someone.

He just can't trust Khun Pat with Pete. After all, he's Khun Ja's ally.

Vegas wanted to know the intention of this Khun. To be honest, he isn't on the frame. It will only be Khun Ja.

So what is his intention in approaching Pete?

Vegas sat properly when Khun Pat arrived with not more than five bodyguards walking on the side and in front.

So he really came at 10.

Khun Pat's aura seems to be lonely, as if he has been burdened by his sins. His eyes are lonely, and his lips doesn't form a smile.

Come to think of it.

If Khun Pat smile, he resembles Pete.

Even before Vegas can take another look at Khun Pat, someone sat at the opposite vacant chair in front of Vegas.

Now, they are facing each other.

Vegas eyebrows raised and later on was changed into a surprise.

A man in his early 40's was in front of him. He had his long hair with the upper part tied into a messy bun. He was wearing a mask, covered up from head to toe.

The moment this stranger removed his mask, Vegas immediately recognized him.

Khun Gray he mentioned the name at the back of his head.

Now, it wasn't just Khun Ja and Khun Pat who's been making their moves but also Khun Gray.

Vegas had information about him. Khun Gray isn't the type of person who likes to appear and butt in with other people's issues. More likely, he is living his private life with limited information about him.

Khun Gray- among the three is known to be an observer. Unlike his older brother, Khun Pat, Gray is someone who rarely involves himself.

How come he is here? Is he also hiding something?

Because of the arrival of the third member of the Red Empire, Vegas cannot focus on spying Khun Pat.

"Vegas, right?" Khun Gray asked and even before Vegas can answer, the man grab his hand for a handshake.

What the hell is this?

"I've been looking at you from afar." Khun Gray said and smiled at him.

"What do you need?" Vegas can only ask that while thinking another plan in case that this Khun Gray in front of him also had a psychotic mind like Khun Ja.

"Hey, man." Khun Gray casually said and hit Vegas arms playfully. "You should also say hi to me."

"I'm not playing games with you." Vegas irritatedly said as he wore his black cap again.

"You're looking after my brother, right?" Khun Gray asked and the playful face turns into something mischievous and mysterious.

Why do they keep popping out of nowhere like mushrooms? Vegas irritatedly ask himself as he can feel the annoyance.

"Vegas. I am not an enemy," Khun Gray said that made Vegas turn his head and look at him.


"I've been quiet for the past few years..." Khun Gray looked at him. "I know something but I don't want to involve myself."

"What do you know?" Vegas asked and stared deep into Khun Gray's eyes.

"We might not know each other but take this piece of advise for me." Khun Gray slightly bend a little to whisper something.

To trust him or not, it only depends on Vegas.

"Make sure you'll keep Pete."

"You know him?" Vegas raised his voice but Khun Gray immediately covered his mouth.


"Damn it bastard. You're so loud."

Vegas removed Khun Gray's hands that is covering his mouth and look at him madly. "What do you want?"

"I'm just telling you. Make sure that Pete will not be in the hands of Ja or even from Pat. Things will only end in disaster if you will." Khun Gray said as he wears his facemask and cap back and started to casually walk away.

Even Khun Pat didn't feel the presence of his younger brother.

What is his intention? After all this time, Khun Gray has been silently observing that he definitely knew Pete's connection to the two.

With what Khun Gray has said, Vegas heart started to beat faster with the nervousness he feel.

Pete is locked up inside their room.

Vegas can only exhale deeply. He was just hoping that if ever he came back home, Pete will still stay.

Vegas arrived in the mansion, his hands were cold and trembling as the beads of sweats start to run from his forehead until to his neck.

I hope you'll forgive me.

When Vegas finally entered the key and the room was unlock, his whole system became heavy.

He doesn't know what awaits inside. Vegas doesn't have any idea on how Pete will react to what he did.

Vegas bit his lower lip as he slowly pushes the door.

"Pete..." Vegas called Pete's name in a low voice afraid to find Pete's reaction on what he did.

Vegas admits that he did it unreasonably but due to the stresses and pressure he has been, that's the only thing he can do. That's the only option he have right now.

"Pete..." The room was dark, no sign of someone's presence.

Vegas was about to reach for the switch to turn on the light when he heard a sob.

Vegas immediately turn on the light and found Pete at the edge of bed, sitting on the cold floor and hugging his knees. Vegas can't see his face because it was buried between his knees.

"Pete. Pete." Vegas called his name and went on Pete's direction.

Vegas sat on the cold floor and the first thing he noticed were Pete's trembling hands.

"I'm sorry." That was the only thing Vegas can say as he hugged him.

"Bastard!" Pete shouted at him and immediately slapped Vegas shoulders.

Vegas saw Pete's red eyes as those tears were running through his cheeks. Pete's nose was also red and the eyes became swollen.

It must have been frightening for him to found himself locked up once again.

"I'm sorry," Vegas apologized all over again and tries to reach out for Pete.

However, Pete keep pushing him away.

"Why did you lock me up here again, huh?!" Pete angrily asked Vegas.

"I can't..." That was the only thing Vegas can say. "I can't tell you."

Vegas isn't ready for the consequences.

"I am asking you!" Pete went near him and immediately faced Vegas. "Why did you lock me up?!"

"I can't tell you!" Vegas shouted as he avoided Pete's gaze.

How can he tell him? Vegas doesn't have the courage to say it.

"Just stay here... Pete ... Please, just stay here."

If Khun Gray is indeed telling the truth, what Vegas can do is to keep Pete and make sure that neither of the two Khun will approach Pete.

"Vegas!" Pete called his name in all madness. "Why don't you tell me everything!"

It seems like Pete has loss all of his patience.


"No... I can't tell you."

"Vegas! What's happening to you?!"

Vegas was also near in loosing his sanity from all of the information he knew. It is like a stack up rocks on his head that has been smashing his skulls hundreds of times.

"If I tell you... you'll leave me." Vegas said in a soft voice without maintaining an eye contact with Pete.

"Leave you? What do you mean that I'll leave you?"

"Just stay here." Vegas said in exhaustion.

"What do you mean?! It's so hard to understand you, Vegas? Why do you want me to stay here?!" Pete shouted.

"..." Vegas didn't reply.

"Are you afraid that I'll leave you because your father was involved with my mother's death?"

With Pete's question, Vegas immediately looked up and stare at Pete in shock.

"You know?" Vegas asked as he exhaled deeply.

Pete's eyes softened and stare at Vegas.

"You know that my father is involve with your mother's..."

"I know." Pete's voice became calm. Maybe he finally said what he wanted to reveal.

With the revelation, Vegas finally collapsed on the floor. He wanted to close his eyes as all of the air in his body started to get out of his lungs.

"How... How did you know?"

"I tried to open the cabinets in the office and found the files." Pete admitted. "I know when you asked about my mother."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Vegas asked as he can feel is body was already surrendering in too much stress.

"At first, I cannot process that Khun Kan might be the person who killed my mother." Pete said and slowly reach for Vegas hands.

"I thought you knew that she died from pneumonia." Vegas reason out.

Pete shakes his head. "I grew up believing that she died from pneumonia. But weeks before I came here at Bangkok, my grandparents confessed that my mother was killed." Pete admitted.

"I'm sorry." Vegas said and takes a deep breath. "My father might be the one behind her death."


"And you might hate me." Vegas confessed the worry he has been carrying for these past few weeks.

Vegas closed his eyes as the tears started to roll on his cheeks. If Pete will walk away at this very moment, Vegas might not be able to take it.

He thought that Pete will leave but he feel Pete's body close to him.

"You're not Khun Kan." Pete whispered as he pulls Vegas for a hug. "You don't have to feel sorry for the things you didn't do."

With the words Pete just said, Vegas hugged him back as he cried louder.

"I thought... you will hate me." Vegas said with all honestly.

Vegas can feel the back of his shirt getting soak with Pete's tears.

"Stop blaming yourself from what your father did." Pete said and caress Vegas' back. "You're my Vegas and you just have to be honest with me."

"I'm sorry." Vegas buried his head on Pete's shoulder. "I was just afraid... afraid that you might not accept me."

He heard Pete laugh a little as if the problem they had a while ago didn't even exist.

"Just be honest with me, Vegas." Pete let go on their hug and stare at Vegas. "Promise me that you'll be honest with me."

Pete placed his palm in between Vegas'cheeks. "Vegas, I am willing to listen."

Vegas nodded as he close his eyes when Pete's thumb run across his face to wipe away his tears.

"But your father..." Vegas said. This is another problem they must conquer.


"Khun Ja." Vegas mentioned his name. "Khun Ja wants to get you."

Vegas saw how Pete looked at him- doubtful.

"Khun Ja?"

"Khun Ja is your father and he wanted to get you back." Vegas says and held Pete's hand tight. "Your father wanted to have you back. What can I do?"

Vegas felt Pete pressed his hands tighter.

"I always thought that Khun Pat was my father." Pete replied jokingly.


"We resemble each other." Pete said.

So it wasn't just Vegas who saw the difference in their facial structure.

"Wait for me here."

Vegas followed Pete as he went through his things, finding for something.

In the end, Pete went back holding the wallet he had way back in the island.

Pete handed him an old picture. The colors are already messed up. However, a familiar face can be seen.

It was the young Khun Pat.

At the back of the picture, Khun Pat's name was written.

"Khun Pat is my father, Vegas." Pete said.

"I realized it when Khun Ja introduced him to us. That's the picture my mother left. It's just I totally forgot about him since I didn't grew up having him." Pete added.

After all this time, Pete knew everything about the death of his mother and the existence of his father.

With all of the secrets and lies Vegas said, he can already feel the guilt enveloping him.

If it's not Khun Ja, then why is Pete named after him?

Is that the reason why Pete wanted to meet Khun Pat this morning? What is Khun Pat's intention?

Does he know that Pete was his son?

"But Khun Ja said that he will get you."

Now, he's been clueless as if he's back to zero.

If he's not Pete's father then what is his intention?

"Do you want to be with your father?" Vegas asked despite the fear of Pete's answer. "What if he wanted to have you?"


"Khun Pat or Khun Ja. What if the two of them tries to get you? Are you going to choose them?" Vegas asked with fear in his heart. "Khun Ja has been targeting you Pete."

"I always wonder what it feels like to have a father." Pete said that made Vegas loss his hope.


"I grew up being the center of insults as someone who grew up without his parents."

Vegas can see Pete's smile but he can also see the sadness in his eyes.

"Now that I know where is my father and who he is..." Pete didn't finish his sentence.

Vegas can only sadly looked at Pete. He is still craving for a presence of a father.

Pete looked at him and fix Vegas hair. Pete gently rub Vegas hair and patted his head softly.

"But it was before." Pete said and smiled at him.

"What?" Vegas couldn't even believe on what he just heard.

"I am not a kid anymore. I already grew up without even his presence. Meeting him was enough to say that my father is alive." Pete answered.


Pete then smile widely that makes Vegas heart soften. "I am going to choose you over my father because you chose me first." Pete said and landed a soft kiss on Vegas lips.


"If Khun Pat or Khun Ja is after me. If they want to get me, I will not allow it. I'll stay by your side." Pete said and hugged him once again. "I won't leave you here. My life with you is the best thing and their absence isn't a loss for me."

Vegas didn't hold back his tears and cried once again.

"Vegas..." Pete called his name.


"Let's run away."

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