《Love and Sins (VegasPete Fanfic)》Chapter Four


As there are only two bodyguards surviving, Vegas immediately sent them to the hospital. He orders some of his men to prepare the vacant warehouse he own to be the shelter of Dome and Fin.

Vegas can't let them stay to the hospital for a long time and visit them since he knew that Pete will easily find it out.

"Is there any news about Brew?" Vegas asked.

"No, Khun Vegas. He disappeared."

After Vegas changed his clothes, he immediately get his phone from his pocket.

Maybe it's time to face Khun Korn.

Is Khun Korn behind this problem? Did he really sent Pete's mother to be a spy and died in the hands of Vegas father?

Those were the questions Vegas wanted to be answered so badly.

Vegas dialed Pete's number. Vegas cannot count on how many times he lied to Pete in a short amount of time.


"Vegas!" Pete cheerfully called his name that made Vegas smile.

"I might go home late is it okay to-"


"Huh?" Vegas exclaimed when he heard the way Pete ask him. "Are you happy that I'll be gone for a while?"

Vegas can hear Pete chuckle on the other line. It seems like Pete was so happy.

"I'm not bastard. I will also go somewhere."

"Where?" Vegas asked coldly.

"Meeting with a client." Pete answered and he doesn't sound like lying.

"Okay. Bring Nop and the rest with you."

Vegas will only feel relief if Pete will be accompanied by his men.

"Huh? I'm not a kid. It's just a meeting with a client besides I'm a former bodyguard, I can take care of myself." Pete said sulking on the other line.

"Bring Nop."



"I thought you will do something? Hang up the phone now and I'll go too. See you later!"

Even without letting Vegas speak once again, Pete already hang up the phone.

So where's my I love you? Vegas ask at the back of his head.

Even though Pete already declined to be followed by the bodyguards, Vegas still contacted Nop and the others to keep an eye on Pete.


This isn't the right time to freely go outside and wander around. Vegas is afraid that maybe someone is also following Pete's every move.

However, this past few days- there are no doubtful move or any person that has been stalking them.

It is so difficult to know the enemy's next move.

"Khun Vegas, we are here." Op spoke as the car stop in front of the Main Family's Mansion.

"Be prepared." Vegas warned all of his bodyguards.

When Vegas entered, everybody was looking at him. Their hands are already holding their guns ready to shoot him once he made a wrong move. Their eyes are already preying on Vegas.

"Oi! Why are you here?!" Khun asked who's now at the veranda looking at him.

"Where's Pete?" Khun asked once again but Vegas didn't even flinch.

"Where is Khun Korn?" Vegas asked once of the bodyguards where he was immediately guided to the owner's office.

"You're not here to mess around?" Khun then came out of nowhere.

"I am not." Vegas said in irritated voice and look at Arm and Pol. "Make sure to tape his mouth." He ordered.

Even before his eardrums become totally damaged of Khun's voice, he already entered Khun Korn's office.

The old man was sitting on his old swivel chair, staring at the window. Vegas can only see his back that made him more eager to know things.

This was the same person who made everybody's life miserable. He treated everyone like a piece of character in a game he created.

It is no doubt that he can be the reason for today's chaos.

"What made you come here, Vegas?" Khun Korn asked without even looking at him.

Khun Korn might have sense that he will come or Khun's voice was just so loud that it even penetrated inside this cold, old eerie office.

"Pam Saengtham."

The moment Vegas mentioned the name of Pete's mother, Khun Korn turns and look at him.

"She's Pete's mother, right?"

Vegas can see the subtle sly grin formed on Khun Korn's lips as if a secret he kept was finally getting discovered.


"Yes." Khun Korn answered with honesty.

"I found Dome and Fin." Vegas said as he sat on the vacant chair in front of Khun Korn.

"Dome and Fin?"

"My father's former bodyguards."

Khun Korn then nodded as if he already remembered.

"They told me that Pete's mother worked for you."

"Once worked for me." Khun Korn corrected him that made Vegas even more mad.

"What do you mean?"

"I guess you already found out that Pam was Pete's mother."

"I know!" Vegas shouted in frustration. "I also know that she was killed by the members of the Minor Family. Dome and Fin told me that she's working for you!"

Vegas then loudly placed his hands on the table that made his palm went numb.

Vegas fiery eyes stared at Khun Korn almost looking into the depth of the old man's soul.

"Tell me. Did you made here a spy and she got killed by my father?" It was the cold merciless voice that was desperate for an answer.

"Pam was from a small island. I trained her to be a spy and make sure that she will get information from the Minor Family." Khun Korn spoke in a calm voice.

Khun Korn's eyes was both cold and mysterious as he then stare at Vegas. "But she left the Main Family, Vegas."

Vegas takes a few steps away to calm himself. "Pete's mother left the Main Family?"

Win didn't wrote about this.

Khun Korn stood up, went near on Vegas and patted his shoulder.

"Just like Pete.

With confusion, Vegas can only look at Khun Korn and continues to listen.

"I am not the only enemy your father have." Khun Korn said and laugh a little. "I am not the only person who wanted to destroy the Minor Family. Unfortunately, the person Nong Pam fell in love with is also a great enemy."

"You're not the Red Empire?" Vegas asked in a composed tone.

"I am not." Khun Korn immediately answered.

So she left the Main Family for another group which is the Red Empire.

"The person Phi... Pam likes belongs to the Red Empire? Who is he?"

"I don't know. There are few people inside that group that no one knows who's Nong Pam's lover."

"Why didn't you know?"

"The moment Nong Pam left the Main Family, she's none of my business anymore."

Vegas knew that Khun Korn will not tell him additional information. As if it will help him though.

Khun Korn is not connected to the death of Pete's mother.

Vegas is still being conscious knowing that Khun Korn likes to play with people's minds.

When Vegas was about to leave, Khun Korn gave him a last advice.

"Why don't you try to find Pete's father? And you'll know everything."

The problem is... Who's Pete's father?

After the long day of finding the information and even confirming if Khun Korn was behind this, what Vegas only wanted to do it to take a shower, lay beside Pete and sleep.

Vegas eyes narrowed when he saw an unfamiliar white car in front of their gate.

He stopped and tried to look at it properly.

"Thank you, Phi White." Pete thanked the man with a smile as he went out from the car.

"We are hoping to meet Nong Pete next week."

Vegas didn't even bother to look at that view anymore. He went outside the car, closed the door with so much force that it almost break and went in between the two.

"Vegas..." Pete called his name and held his hand.

Vegas stare at Pete coldly as he removed Pete's hand that was holding him.

"Still a business?" Vegas ask with his sarcastic tone and face White.

"I will be leaving now, Khun Vegas." White said with a smile that made Vegas blood boil in anger. "Khun Ja wants to meet the two of you next week."

White's confidence to smile at him was getting into Vegas nerves that he wanted to slice White's neck and make sure that every veins he had will be distorted.

When White finally left, Vegas looks at Pete.

"Let me explain." Pete said with his hands already trembling in fear.

"Having fun?"

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