《Love and Sins (VegasPete Fanfic)》Chapter Two


Vegas dialed the same number all over again as he hide the folders Win gave him on one of the office cabinets. He then placed the keys in his pants pocket.

"Dammit!" He cursed as Win was not responding on his call.

Vegas chose to hide the documents in the Company's Office to avoid Pete's getting suspicious. He knew that Pete doesn't check the cabinets and the folders in the office because he's afraid that the spirit of Khun Kan might disturb him.

As Vegas wanted the answers as soon as possible and to confirm that Pam was indeed Pete's mother, he tried to contact Win. The problem is, Win isn't responding to his calls and messages.

When Vegas went outside the office, he found Pete talking to their bodyguards casually having a conversation.

"Where are you going?"

The moment the bodyguards saw Vegas, they all leave immediately leaving only the two of them.

Vegas promised that he will not lie to Pete and tell him everything but he isn't prepared for this. In addition, he doesn't have the full information.

He will just tell Pete once he have the evidences. Or if their family is really involve in the death of Pete's mother, Vegas is afraid with the possibility that Pete might hate him.

Vegas slightly smile at Pete. "I have some errands to run."

"Do you want me to help you?"

"I think someone will be here to talk about the transaction next week. Can you talk to them for me?" Vegas said as calm as he can.

Pete then nodded. "Okay! Just go home immediately."

Vegas smirked. "Why? Missing me that fast?" He asked and went near on Pete for a hug.

Pete immediately blocked his way. "Damn! There are lot of people here." Pete said in panic and roam his eyes where there are some people indeed.

It didn't even stop Vegas and went nearer. He then kissed Pete's lips.

"They are not even looking." He said, "Behave properly, okay? I'll come back immediately." Vegas said and left Pete who's now dumbfounded with what just Vegas did.


"There are lot of people! Damn!" Pete cursed in embarrassment.

Vegas went to the jewelry shop alone. As he was walking, he noticed the crowd in front of jewelry shop.

There are murmurings and people were whispering to each other. It seems like they are looking at something or a big news.

Vegas can't even walk close since they are blocking his way. He slightly tried to sway some people to get out of his way.


"What's happening?" Vegas casually asked an old man beside him.

"Oh? The owner of the jewelry shop committed suicide." The man answers without even looking at him.


"You mean, Win?" Vegas asked to be clear.

"Yes. I don't even know what gotten into his head to kill himself."

How come that Win killed himself when the last time he talked to him was he was excited to go to America and attend his daughters graduation?

"What did he do?" Vegas asked again.

"He shot himself. What a pity."

He shot himself? Vegas then moved forward so he can clearly see the situation.

There are already police in front and detectives that were looking at the crime.

"He must have lots of problem."

Vegas heard the people around talking about Win. They all assumed that he is suffering from depression that made him kill himself.

When the police went to the side to talk with one another, Vegas took that opportunity to take a peak.

Without crossing the line, Vegas tried his best to look at what's inside.

He then saw Win's dead body covered with white blanket.

Vegas eyebrows met when he saw Win's hands holding a gun.

This isn't suicide Vegas told himself.

Somebody might be behind this and it was after Win gave him those folders. The whole store was still clean, there are no broken mirrors or any sign of someone stealing. It may look like a suicide but Vegas believe that it is murder.

Vegas then walked away, clenching his fist.

Somebody is probably behind this.

How did he know?

Win was holding the gun with his right hand but from what Vegas can remember it is different.

The way Win handed him those folders, when he was holding to tobacco or when Win tried to swept the dirt in his clothes- he always use his left hand.

If Win is left handed then probably, it will be easier to pull the trigger with his left hand but now, he was holding the gun with his right hand.

Vegas felt so uneasy.

Someone is probably after the folder which includes the information that is connected to Pete.

Who is it? He doesn't have any idea.

Vegas arrived in the office carrying some curry for their lunch. He also added chocolates to make it up.

While he was approaching the office, he can hear Pete talking to someone.

"Really? I will check it next time." Vegas heard Pete said and laugh.

He is probably talking to someone.

When Vegas entered he found Pete talking to a tall man, wearing a black tuxedo, with eyeglasses and looks like he's in his mid 20's.


Vegas immediately walked in almost stomping his feet just to make sure that the two will notice that he arrived.

"Good morning, Khun Vegas." The man greeted him and gave him a polite smile.

"Who?" Vegas asked Pete shortly.

"He's Phi White. He is the representative of Khun Ja." Pete explained in behalf of the visitor.

Actually, it wasn't Vegas concern since he was expecting a representative of Khun Ja- one of their clients but what Vegas was starting to hate is the way how White looks at Pete while explaining.

"Is your meeting done?" Vegas asked Pete.

"Yes. He is about to leave also." Pete said and smiled at White.

If there is some sort of animation, Vegas face is probably turning red with smoke coming out from his nose and his horns are already showing.

"We are expecting for a clean transaction, Khun Vegas." White said and look at Pete. "Can I ask for Nong Pete's number?" He asked with such confidence and a kind smile.

What the fuck?

Both Pete and Vegas look into each other. Pete then handed White a business card.

"You can contact us with that number." Pete said without even noticing how Vegas rolled his eyes and was starting to frown.

"Then I will be leaving now. Goodbye Khun Vegas and Nong Pete. Let's meet again sometime."

Vegas knew that the last sentence wasn't meant for him but only for Pete.

When White left, Vegas lazily sat on the couch.

"Don't talk to him again." He seriously said.

"Huh? But he's our client."

"And he's looking at you too much!"

With what Vegas said, Pete can only smile and sat beside him.

"Jealous huh?" Pete teased.

"Pete. Don't get me started. If that guy mess around with you then he surely end up floating on the river," Vegas warned with such fierceness in both of his eyes and voice.

Pete just laugh off the situation. "Damn! As if I am that attractive to be liked by other people."

Pete then laid on the couch with his head resting on Vegas lap.

"So you don't have any idea how likeable you are?" Vegas said while bending to look at Pete properly.

Pete then looked up and smiled. "The only person who I know will always look after me is the bastard named Vegas."

Vegas bent down and pressed a kiss on Pete's lips.

Pete only smiled at him while Vegas was brushing Pete's black hair with his hand.

"Pete..." Vegas said hesitating if he should ask him.

"Hm?" Pete's response as he close his eyes.

"Your real name is Phongsakorn Saengtham, right?"

"Yes. Why?"

With the sudden question, Vegas shrugged his shoulder and immediately changed the topic.

"I saw a restaurant with a name Phongsakorn." He lied and smile.

"Really?" Pete giggled.

"How about your mother's name?"


"My mother?"

Vegas nodded. "You never mentioned her name to me."

Pete looks at him as if he remembers something. "That's right! I never told you about my mom's name."

Vegas can only feel relief. He thought Pete will get suspicious about his answer.

"Her name is Pam."

Vegas world just went on his shoulders after hearing that from Pete's mouth.

It was really his mom.

"She died years ago, right?" Vegas asked once again.

Vegas saw how Pete pouted as if he remembers a bad memory.

"Yes. She died before my first birthday. My grandparents said it was because of pneumonia."


It's a natural cause and not because of murder?

"Yes. My grandparents said my mother needs to work immediately so she went back to Bangkok to work. Maybe exhausting herself, that's why."

How come it was pneumonia if she was crossed out with a black mark?

Vegas felt so confused. If she wasn't murdered or killed by anyone from the Minor Family then did Win gave him the wrong information?

How on Earth Pete's mother became a spy?

Those were the questions Vegas had in his head.

"Do you want to meet my mother?" Pete asked.


Pete just laugh and erased that taught. "Nevermind."

"Pete... Will you be mad if you find out that..."

"That?" Pete looked up and stare at him intently.

Vegas can only stare at that bright eyes.

What if those eyes stop shining? What will Vegas do?

"Nothing." Vegas said and placed his palms on Pete's eyes to cover it from the bright light in the office. "Do you want to sleep?"

Pete nodded. "I'm too sleepy."

With that position, Vegas couldn't help but to feel his heart beating faster.

He wanted to tell Pete what he knew so badly but he was also afraid.

Vegas can't just tell him that his family was involve in the death of Pete's mother.

This is not yet the right time. Vegas told himself.

If one day, what Win wrote was true...

Will Pete stay?

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