《Die For You ( VegasPete )》two


Tankhun with his bodyguards peacefully watching the k-drama who he wanted to watch.

Arm and Pol are peacefully sitting behind their boss, the two seems to be tired of what they are doing all day long.

They just wished that Venice, Tankhun's favorite cousin and best friend will come here and watch with him.

Arm can't count how many times he took a deep sighed on how boring the drama they're watching is. Pol in the other side slowly closing his eyes, attempting to sleep.

"Oi! Arm tell me, do you think the protagonist will die?" Tankhun seriously asked his bodyguard.

"Ey Khun! That's a comedy show, how come someone will die laughing and eating ice cream huh?" Arm said grinning.

"I know, I'm just testing you if you're paying attention to what we are watching" Tankhun rolled his eyes and turned his gaze to Pol.

"Hey Pol! Are you sleeping?! The audacity huh!" Tankhun shouted and throw a pillow to his bodyguard who is in a verge of sleeping.

"Oi Khun No, I have a fever... I want to sleep, my head really hurts so bad!" Pol whined.

"Oh? Is that so? Then go drink the frickin meds!" Tankhun shouted again that their eardrums almost broke.

"Hey, what's happening here?" The sweet familiar voice entered the room.

"Oi my sweet Venice! You're here! Are you going to watch series with me?" Tankhun cheerfully jumped out of his bed and quickly clung to Venice's shoulder.

"Yes Phi, I want to visit my most beautiful cousin" Venice gave back the vibe that Tankhun gave him earlier.

"Oi sweet talker, that's why I really like you... If you're just not my cousin, I will probably marry you" Tankhun said smiling.

Arm and Pol looked at each other with grin on their faces.

"Stop playing Phi, let's go watch this... What episode are you?" Venice sat down beside his cousin, Tankhun.

Arm and Pol stood up, Arm then tapped Venice's shoulder to catch his attention.

While Tankhun is busy blabbing about the series he's watching, Venice turned his gaze to Arm.

"Khun Venice, may we go out? I need to bring Pol in our room, he seems to have a fever" Arm said.

"Oh? Sure, you may go... let me take care of Phi Khun" Venice said smiling before he turned his head back to the television.

Arm and Pol silently sneak out of the room, Tankhun who is busy blabbing, he didn't notice his two bodyguards leaving the room.


After almost two hours watching the series with Tankhun, Venice finally got to leave his cousin's room. His older cousin is now peacefully sleeping on his room.

Venice stretch up and started to walk towards the kitchen and find something to eat.

"Hi Porsche" Venice greet the man sitting in the chair who's sipping his coffee.

"Oh Venice? You're here, Pete is not here... he is with Kinn" Porsche smiled telling Venice.

"Yes I know, I met him earlier" Venice nodded and proceed to get a bottled water.

"Did you see Khun Korn?" Venice casually asked.

"He is resting in his room, he's with Chay and Kim" Porsche fixed his position. "Why do you need something, is there a problem in the casino again?" Porsche guessing.

"No, I just want to know Uncle's condition, how are you here? It's been a year since Kinn got to introduce you in the family as his lover, right?" Venice sat down in one of the chair infront of Porsche.


"Yeah, so far so good... my brother is comfortable here and he's protected by the bastard, Kim" Porsche said.

"Is Pete doing well?" Venice casually open a topic about his lover.

"Venice, you're always visiting him here. You saw how happy and comfortable he is in here, why? Are you worried to your best friend?" Porsche narrowed his eyes teasing Venice.

"No, I just wanted him to be happy" Venice can't hide his smile when it comes with Pete.

"To ease your worries, why don't you go adopt Pete in your house, treat him like your wife and protect him at all cost" Porsche lazily said while still sipping his coffee.

"He don't even want me to tell you he's my boyfriend- ey shia! forget about it Porsche!" Venice slapped his own mouth and buried his face on the table.

"Oh c'mon don't act like you don't know that everyone knew about you and Pete dating huh" Porsche proudly said.

"Huh? What do you mean? You knew all these time?" Venice's eyes widened in shocked.

"Yuh, even that brat Thankhun... it's obvious bro, the way you look at him and care for him." Porsche said directly.

Venice can't do anything but sighed in embarrassment, he thought he's the best on hiding something. Yes he is, but when it comes to his feelings for Pete. He can't and hide and fake it, because every move he does for Pete, it will just expose his genuine love for the man.

In the middle of their conversation, Venice's phone rang with Macau's name popped on his screen.

"Hello? Macau?" Venice stand up and stay away a bit far from Porsche.

"Phi, sorry to disturb you but you need to come back here... Pa wanted you to attend a meeting with Thanayut"

"Huh? Why does it seems like it's urgent?" Venice frowned scratching my forehead.

"It is Phi, please come back... Pa needs you, he's totally in stress" Macau's voice is a bit worried.

"Ok I will be there in about thirty minutes" Venice said before dropping the call.

Venice turned to look at Porsche who is still sipping his never ending coffee.

"Urgent?" Porsche guess.

"Hmm, I need to attend a meeting for Pa. He has a lot of paperwork these past few weeks, that's why I need to help him" Venice kept his phone on his wallet.

"Then go, I'll tell your wife that you have an urgent matter" Porsche gave Venice a thumbs up and then smiled.

"Thanks Porsche, I gotta go... Anyways stop drinking too much of that, you'll get diarrhea" Venice pointed the cup of coffee before he half running and half walking towards the main door.

"Yes sir!" Porsche shouted and then chuckled.

After some time, Porsche finally done drinking his coffee and put the cup on the sink.

He was about to go upstairs and rest, but he saw someone walking through the hallway.

A five nine feet tall man with his slick back hair, a piercing in his right ear, a black leather jacket, and a denim pants entered the house.

"Venice?" Porsche called the man, it looks exactly like Venice but the only difference is he's wearing a different clothes on what Venice is wearing earlier.

And this guy has a piercing while the Venice be used to know, hates piercing and doesn't want to ruin his body.

The man stopped walking when he saw Porsche, the man raised his eyebrows stare at Porsche from head to toe questioning his existence.


"Who are you? One of Kinn's slut again?" The man asked raising his eyebrows to Porsche.

Porsche's eyes widened as he heard the man said, now he is so sure that this is not Venice because Venice knew him, and Venice is not a type of person who will randomly ask a stupid question like what this bastard did.

"What? You fcker!" Porsche got triggered on what this man said and there Porsche's fist flew in that man's face.

"Oi Porsche?! What's happening?" From behind Porsche, Tankhun with Arm beside him quickly approach Porsche.

"This bastard here insulted me! Why the hell he looks like Venice? " Porsche yelled while pointing that man's face.

"Vegas?" Tankhun turned to look at the man who's lips is bleeding.

"Vegas?" Porsche and Arm asked in unison.

"Nice to see you, again Khun" Vegas flash a cunning smile while still holding the edge of his lips bleeding.

"You stupid idiot! Why are you here?! After five years you dare to bring your god da+n body here!" Tankhun who is kept yelling and scolding Vegas is eventually approach his cousin gave him a warm hug.

"I'm not staying permanently" Vegas hugged back and then pulled back.

"Who's that Khun No?" Porsche still confused.

"Awe yeah, you didn't know Vegas... this is Venice's identical twin, Vegas Theerapanyakul" Tankhun introduce Vegas.

"Venice has a twin??" Porsche asked Tankhun again.

"Isn't it obvious? How many times did your mother gave birth to you, you kept asking the same question" the cold face of Vegas just annoy Porsche.

"I only asked once" Porsche replied with the same tone as Vegas.

"Oi you stupid why did you insult Kinn's wife? He's Porsche, he is Kinn's commander you know?" Tankhun said introducing Porsche.

"Oi bastard Khun No! I'm not his wife!" Porsche pulled Tankhun's hair.

"Ouch! You brat I really hate you!" Tankhun yelled back and attempting to slap Porsche but Arm stopped him.

"Wife? Kinn has found his game changer huh?" Vegas shrugged. "Not bad at all" Vegas added pertaining to Porsche.

Porsche keep his cool and stayed calm as far as possible, knowing this is his boyfriend's cousin and Venice's twin.

"I gotta go, excuse me na Khun No" Porsche rolled his eyes to Vegas before heading upstairs without waiting for Tankhun to talk.

Tankhun turned his gaze to Vegas.

"So what are you really doing here, are you going to go back to the family?" Tankhun asked still raising his eyebrows.

"I have errands to run here, I arrived from Europe yesterday." Vegas casually slid his hands in his pocket.

"Oh? Gosh you bastard, why don't you visit your Pa and twin, Macau is also in the country right now" Tankhun said crossing his arms. "Venice is also here, I don't where that perfect guy goes" Tankhun roamed his eyes around the hallway.

"He left a minute ago before Khun Vegas came, Khun No" Arm said catching Vegas'attention.

"No need, just like what I said. I'm not staying permanently, I have something to talk to Uncle Korn. I'm going to get my papers and I'll go" Vegas leaned his back against the wall. "And I don't want Macau to see me, I'm sure he'll just beg for me to come home... I can't" Vegas added massaging his temple.

"Oi you still hold grudges to your father huh, that's a very long time ago-" Tankhun got interrupt when Vegas covered his mouth using Vegas' back palm.

"I'm going to treat my swollen lips, is there any available room I can stay just for tonight?" Vegas changed the topic.

"Excuse me Khun Vegas, there is no available room this time because Khun Korn hired a lot of bodyguards this month that's why all the room including the guard's quarters are full occupied" Arm explained in a nice tone.

"Can I share a room with you, Khun?" Vegas asked his cousin, Tankhun.

"No! I am not allowing someone sleep in my fancy gorgeous room, it's for me only!" Tankhun said turning his back from Vegas and quickly walked away with Arm behind him.

"Hayst this brat" Vegas said himself.

After some time, Vegas decided to straight to his Uncle's office to talk about his urgent matter.

Khun Korn greeted him and was happy to see his nephew after half decade. And just like Tankhun earlier, Khun Korn also asked Vegas to come and visit his Pa and siblings, but Vegas being Vegas who really don't want to see his Pa cause he doesn't want to bring back the anger he used to have to his Pa when he is seeing his face.

After Khun Korn and Vegas talked, Vegas searched for an available room just for tonight. He go to Kim but the man doesn't allow him to stay in his room because Chay is with him.

Vegas scratch his head as he walk downstairs, Guard's quarters. A lot of door are there but no one is available. All the rooms are closed and has a signage saying 'occupied' so Vegas doesn't have a choice but to sigh and go back upstairs.

As he walk through the hallway, one wooden door caught his attention. It is quite far from bodyguard's room and it's quite different from the other room regarding how big the door is.

Vegas peacefully open the door and took a sneak inside the room. When he saw that no one's inside the room, he just shrugged it off and proceed to walk inside.

"Just one night, I think the owner is not here so let me sleep here just a few hours" Vegas said himself throwing his body on the bed.

He stretch his body as he fix his position in the bed, a sweet but manly scent of the bed registered in his nose. It make him feel dizzy a bit, knowing that the scent is just his type.

Not minding the surroundings, Vegas undress his leather jacket and throw it in the floor. A minute after, he finally got to close his eyes and take a rest.


Vegas was in the edge of teleporting to his dreamland but something just made his sleepy eyes wide open.

He felt a warm thing wrapped on his waist, Vegas' neck got tickled when he felt something soft thing stick to it.

"Baby, are you mad?" A soft and low voice whisper in his ears.

Vegas can't move immediately when he felt his heart started beating fast, and because of a warm soft body that stick to his back, his manhood start to feel hard and sensation.

This isn't good, who the hell are you?


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