《Die For You ( VegasPete )》one


"Oi Kinn, do you really need to bring Pete with you?!" Khun No asked annoyingly.

It's been almost thirty minutes from when Khun No and Khun Kinn are arguing about me escorting Khun Kinn in his meeting with Khun Elias, one of the business partner of Theerapanyakul clan.

Arm, Pol, and I can't help but grin and cover our ears. It feels like our eardrums will explode anytime just because of this two loud voices who kept shouting even though they're so close to each other.

"Tankhun stop whining! We'll be late in our meeting!" Khun Kinn yelled at his older brother.

"So who will be joining me on watching the latest episode of my favorite drama, huh?" Khun No narrowed his eyes crossing his arms.

"This meeting is more important than that stupid drama of yours! For God sake you should be the one doing this instead of me, yet you're here whining about me having your bodyguard" When Khun No heard what Khun Kinn said he immediately looked away and turned around.

"Arm, Pol let's go! Let's watch it!" Khun No sighed and walked away followed by Arm and Pol.

All of us finally got to sigh in relief, Khun Kinn hit Khun No's weakness, the topic about him being irresponsible for the position.

"I think I lost almost thirty grams of my saliva, arguing with Tankhun" Khun Kinn sighed.

"You look like a mess, You're not yet leaving the mansion, but look at your sweats!" I saw Porsche coming from Khun Kinn's back.

Porsche shook his head as he wiped his boyfriend's sweats in his forehead.

There they are again, so sweet to each other. Hmp! Just because my Venice is not here huh?

"Are you going now?" Porsche asked facing me.

"Yes, we waste almost thirty minutes so we can't waste another time" I said smiling.

"Take care" Porsche said as Khun Kinn pulled his waist to kiss him.

Shia respect to me?

"You too, you know what you should do when I come back hmm?" Khun Kinn show a cunning smile so Porsche just slapped his shoulder.

"Bastard! Just go! Shoo go! go! I'm going to Chay" Porsche said while pushing Khun Kinn away.

"Your brother is with Khun Kim, they're probably doing something" I commented.

"What?!" Porsche's eyes widened and I saw his jaw clenching.

With a blink of an eye, Porsche hurriedly ran away probably going to attack his brother-in-law again.

"Oi Pete you're making my baby's head boiled again" Khun Kinn who is obviously want to chuckled just shook his head.

After some time, Khun Kinn and I walked outside the house to get ready. As we reach the outside where three cars parked, Khun Kinn entered the first car with Big and Ken.

The next car is for the four bodyguards who will also come with us, and the last car is the car for me. I'm using it alone, I'm the emergency driver just incase something will happen in our arrival.

I entered the car and fixed my seat.

"Hi love" I flinched and immediately pulled my gun to point beside me.

The guy beside me raised his both arms in a sign of surrender.

"Oi Venice!" I sighed in relief when I saw the cute smile of my boyfriend who's chuckling cutely.

"You're so allert huh? I thought you're going to shoot me" Venice pout.

I roamed my eyes to see if someone is still here, they might caught us. Someone might report me to P'Chan seeing me with Venice.


After all they didn't know about my relationship with the eldest son of minor family.

Venice want to introduce me to the Theerapanyakul as the man he loved, it's just me who I don't want to them to know.

I'm scared of what might wait for me in the future, I'm not yet ready to face the consequences and the expectations when they knew that I'm dating the one of the most respected man in Theerapanyakul family.

Knowing Porsche story and journey to be Khun Kinn's boyfriend is just scaring me to death. I'm not ready to pass through the storms Porsche went through.

I came back into my senses when I saw Venice's smile.

"I got startled, I'm sorry... Anyways why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be in your house?" I curiously asked.

Venice formed his lips into a thin line and pulled me a hug.

"I just missed you, I want to see you" Venice caress my back kissing my head.

"I missed you too, but I need to go with Khun Kinn to escort him in his meeting with Khun Elias. And for you, you should go back to the minor family's house so no one will see you with me" I said commanding him.

"I'll just say I came here to Khun No, I will be watching drama with him hehe" Venice again chuckled.

Ugh! This cutie, I love him so much.

"Hmm are you staying here tonight?" I tilt my head a bit to see his face.

"Do you want me to?" Venice asked in a very low voice.

"Yes..." I said shyly.

"Ok, then I'm going to stay here and wait for you to come back hmm?" Venice flash a smile and pulled my jaw to kiss my lips.

I bit my lower lip to stop myself from smiling.

"You should go inside the house, Khun No and Khun Kim will be glad to see you" I said pointing the house using my lips.

Venice took the opportunity to kiss my lips again so I gave him a narrow eyes and grin.

He just shrugged before getting out of the car, and since the two car already left the mansion. No one saw Venice leaving the car.

Before he close the car door, he mouthed something.

"I love you" he said then wink.

"I love you too" I replied.

We both chuckled in our cheesiness, Venice already entered the house while I drove the car away from the mansion.

As I was driving I can't help but smile knowing that no matter where will I go and how tired I am, I always have a person who I call home and to rest on, a home who will always wait for me after a long tired day. A home who I always wanted to run to no matter what.

Venice to me is like a miracle, I never thought I will have a chance to love and to be loved by a person like him. I never thought that a high positioned person will notice a simple bodyguard like me, I am nothing compared to him.

He's born to be an heir of minor family, he was born in silver spoon community while I was born in a northern part of Thailand who raised by my grand mother and grand father.

I never thought that I deserved a person like him, a handsome, hardworking, talented, smart guy. He's also good son, cousin and friends to his subordinates.

Venice is just a complete package, he is the true definition of perfect guy. A guy who is not for a person like me, he is just far from me, yet he see me as a person who he adore the most.


To him, I became a person who I never expected to. Every time I'm with him, I felt like I'm the luckiest man in earth on having him.

It's all started three years ago, it was my three months in my job. It was also new year party held by Khun No for the Theerapanyakul family.

The whole Theerapanyakul are there, they are so close to each other, they love and care each and every member of the family from minor to main.

There I met Venice for the first time, he saved my life when I almost burn the house and myself in the kitchen. Khun No ordered me to cook more popcorns using the popcorn machine who I never use before, so I don't know how that machine will work.

I remembered what did I do that time, I poured a lot of oil inside of the machine without knowing that it's not required to put oil. The machine started to smell like a burning metal so I started to panic that I don't know what to do.

And there was my saviour, Venice who helped me to hide the burned popcorn machine and cover up my messed buy throwing the machine.

After that we both decided to buy a cooked popcorn outside, We reached the countdown so we couldn't do anything but celebrate the new year outside, together.

And that's how our love story started.


After more than one hour travel, finally arrived at Khun Elias' place where the meeting will be held.

Khun Kinn walked inside with me, Big, and Ken beside him. The rest of the bodyguards remain outside the building.

We entered the room where there's a huge oval office table and a lot of office chair.

Khun Elias who is in his middle 30's is sitting infront, his subordinates are all scattered in the corner of the room.

Khun Kinn sit down infront of Khun Elias. They greet each other and started to talk about business matter.

Me, Ken, and Big are standing behind Khun Kinn. I am standing beside the door and Big is in the other side of the door, while Ken is beside the bodyguard of Khun Elias.

After some time, I felt my abdomen flipping.

Oi shia! Why the hell it should be now?

I bit my lower lip and turned to look at big. He also look at me with questionable look.

"I want to pee" I mouthed silently.

But he seems not to understand it cause he's kind of far from my position.

"What?" Big mouthed.

"Ugh! I want to pee!" I said emphasizing the the word 'pee'

Big nodded when he finally understand it so I rolled my eyes, he nodded to me as I sign that I should go.

I silently and smoothly left the room, and quickly search for the restroom.

I roamed around the empty hallway until I found an open door. I noticed that there are no people around so I just enter the room and search for another door until I found the restroom.

I immediately ran towards the cubicle and peed.

After I'm done with my business, I left the room and was about to go back to the office where I left Khun Kinn.

"Hi there young man" A soft voice came from behind me.

I turned around to see who is it and I saw a young woman in his red casual dress.

"Uh- sawadee khub, Khun?" I bow to show respect.

"Prim, I'm Prim" she flash a smile.

"Sawadee khub, Khun Prim... I'm Pete, I'm one of Khun Kinn's bodyguard, I just used to restroom there and I am planning to come back to my boss" I smiled awkwardly.

"Oh? Is that so, hay I thought I have a guest... you know it's my birthday and no one even came to visit me" she pout and lean her back in the wall.

Oh that's why she's wearing a red dress, I thought it's just his trip to dress up like a party girl.

"Oh? Do you mind if I ask Khun Prim where your friends are?" I asked.

"Hmm, I don't have a friend... I just invited anyone I saw last week and I thought they are going to attend... but I don't have a visitor" I can see her face turned into disappointed one.

"Khun Prim, do you mind if I attend your birthday party now?" I said and I saw his lips quickly draw a smile when I mentioned it.

"Really? I would glad to" Khun Prim smile open wide and dragged me in random room.

We both enter a huge room filed with random blue designs. There are a tarpaulin saying happy birthday and a lot of ballon, a three layered cake, party curtain and some other birthday design.

"Is it beautiful? I'm the one who designed it" Khun Prim cheerfully announced as she swaying her arms.

"It's so beautiful, Khun! You're talented and beautiful!" I complemented her.

She gave me a suspicious look and narrowed eyes.

"It's not what I meant, Khun. You're just beautiful but you're not my type, I have a boyfriend" I casually said as I wandered my eyes around mesmerized by the color motif.

"HMP! Anyways it's ok, the important is someone's here to celebrate with me! Yehey!" Khun Prim cheerfully jumped as she run towards the food.

We both enjoyed the party, we took a photos, play a games although it's just the both of us, sang karaoke like what I used to do with Khun No. Eat a lot of food, this is the highlight of her birthday party, I got to eat all the food I want without minding anyone.

I also sing her a happy birthday as she blow her birthday cake. After eating the first layer, the rest of the layer, we played with it. Khun Prim is very happy to have me in her birthday.

We drink a couple of glass of wine but most of the time we did, we eat, took a photo, play with the balloons, mess the design, and sing a heartbroken song even though I'm not heartbroken.

Bonding with Khun Prim just remind me how Khun No and I used to do when I'm in the house. Khun Prim is quite similar to Khun No regarding the way they act, they act like a child who enjoy playing without minding anything.

But unlike Khun No, Khun Prim knows how to listen. When I say I don't want to do it she just pout and do anything else that I'm favor to do.

Khun Prim and I enjoyed the day without minding what's the reason I'm here, I forgot who I came with. All I think is how to make this day a perfect for Khun Prim.

To the point I forgot that I should go home with Khun Kinn cause Venice will surely waiting for me.


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