《The Mafia Don I dug from the grave!》Red Velvet



"I told you it's not about the size it's about the shape and firmness" Andrea said while poking my slightly exposed lemons.

They asked me to wear a beautiful floral white dress. It's a summer dress that's a bit revealing but they said I look nice in it. I hate wearing V neck cut clothes because I have a lemon sized chest, I got nothing to be proud about.

>Lily's Dress.

Andrea elbowed William. "I'm not going to compliment her chest" he rolled his eyes. "But the dress perfectly fits her and Saliva will surely be drooling saliva." he said while looking for my ankle boots.

"I don't think ankle boots suit her outfit, do you want some high heels?" Andrea said, holding a Gold stiletto.

"No. The last time she wore that she almost had a concussion." William cringed. I nod in agreement. "How about a white ballet flats?" He gave the shoes to me and I quickly wore it, afraid of Andrea's suggestion.

"Not bad. You really know how to dress Lily. Too bad you can't get any girlfriend or boyfriend" She said to William.

I sighed, another incoming argument. I tuned them out and stared at my phone's clock. It's already 5:46, Where is he?

The doorbell rang and I ran to the front door. I heard the two laughing behind me. I glared at them and hastily opened the door.

I feel myself blushing from the sight in front of me. He is wearing his usual black suit but the beard, the beard made my brain fuzzy.


He tightly hugs me. "You look so stunning." He whispered. "Hmm It's good to be back." I can feel him sniffing me.

Should I be worried about my smell? I can feel my entire body warming up from his touch, How can he be so eer perfect. I badly want to touch his face but I'm not sure if he will be okay with that.

"Are you okay? You don't look well? Should we cancel the date tonight?" He put the back of his hand on my forehead.

"N-No I-Im okay. You're j-just errr" I stuttered, I can't form out a sentence. My tongue is twisted.

"Hey what's wrong?" he worriedly asked, His hands on my exposed shoulders.

"N-nothing. Beard looks good." Why did I say that? I want to punch myself and hide under my bed.

"Oh you like the beard, I was supposed to shave it but luckily I kept it." he smirks and leans closer to me. "I didn't know you prefer men with beards, I will never shave it again." he whispered, purposely brushing his beard to my ear.

I can feel my face getting redder and my heartbeat accelerating. He kissed my cheeks and gave me his boyish grin. "We're going now. I'm lending Enzo to the two of you, don't follow or interrupt us." He sternly said to the people behind me.


"I'm not a toy but enjoy your date. I'll babysit them." Enzo said. He dragged Andrea and William to the living room.

"I prepared something special for you" He grabbed my waist and led me to his car. He removed a piece of cloth on the passenger seat and helped me with the seatbelt.

I'm staring at the window. Trying to gather all my courage to ask about the cloth. I heard him sigh and I looked at him.

"Enzo put that cloth on the seat, he thinks it will be better if I blindfolded you for the surprise but I have a feeling you will get anxious if I do that" he explained.

"Y-yeah. I'd probably get too nervous if you put a blindfold on me." He's right, something about losing one of the senses creeps me out. "B-but I trust you, I just really don't like the idea." I clarified, I don't want him to think I don't trust him.

"I know. Thank you for trusting me." he grinned and put his hand on my knee.

"Soooo where are we going?" I asked.

"It's a surprise." he chuckled. "We are almost there." his hand squeezed my knee.

I stared at the window again and tried to look for any clue on where we are but I can only see trees and light posts.

The car finally stopped in the middle of the forest. We got out of the car, he took my hand and led me to an old beaten path. I badly want to joke about being led to my murder but he is an actual mafia boss, he might be offended if I say that.

"I know you don't like blindfolds but it will not be a surprise if your eyes are not covered. Is it okay for you to just cover your eyes with your hand?" he asked.

"Y-yes but what if I fall?" I looked up to him and saw his captivating blue eyes staring back at me..

"You'll be okay, I will always be here to catch you." he smirks and kisses my forehead.

I nod and cover my eyes with my hand, I screamed when he lifted and carried me bridal style. "It's just me." he whispered to calm me down. I removed my hand from my face, I hugged him and buried my face on his chest. "Hmm This is better" he chuckled.

He starts to walk again. "What did you do while I'm gone?" he asked and kissed the top of my head.

"Nothing m-much. I attended my therapy and watched some shows" I answered.

"Did you watch our show while I'm gone?"

"N-No. I just eer rewatched the shows we already finished. I promise" I shook my head, thank goodness I did not wear any makeup or his coat will be stained by now.


"I believe you my angioletto." he chuckled. "We are here, I want you to cover your eyes again." He helped me stand up and I covered my eyes. I heard him clap, he took the hand covering my eyes. "Open your eyes."

I opened my eyes and my jaw dropped. It's a Gazebo in the middle of the forest, it's surrounded with different kinds and colors of Lilies. There are also fairy lights and lanterns to light up the place.

He led me to the table and pulled out a chair for me, I sat down and looked around. This place looks like it came straight from my imagination, my fantasy date.

"H-how did you k-know?" I stuttered.

"My nosy cousin told me. I also kind of figured out that you love flowers." he smirks and pour wine in my glass.

"My name literally means Lily flower." I giggled.

He removed the covers of the food on the table. "I had to ask Enzo twice for your name, I even thought you were Italian"

"I only know Four Italian words." I smiled.

He sliced my steak to cubes and seasoned my salad. "Four words?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Fiore, Cara, Angioletto and" I laughed.

"And what?" He asked.

"Aaaaannnnd Stronzo" I winked at him.

He stopped drinking and laughed out loud, almost choking on his wine. "I remember how serious your face was when you asked me if Stronzo is my name. My innocent angioletto."

I angrily chewed my steak and rolled my eyes. "I'm not that innocent."

"Really?" He gave me a questioning look.

I stood up and leaned to his side. I licked the sauce on the side of his mouth, and kissed his cheeks.

"Don't tease me if you don't want to be ravish on this table." he warned and winked at me.

I sat back to my chair and giggled. I started eating again, the steak tastes so good. "How was your trip?" I asked.

"It went well, We were able to accomplish our goal."

Why is his answer so vague? Does he not trust me? I sighed and continued to eat.

"Don't pout my angioletto. I'm just not sure if you're ready to hear it." he explained.

"That bad?"

"It might be too much for you and I don't want to scare you away."

I stared at the man in front of me. He's right, why am I asking for something I'm not sure if I'm ready to hear. "So-sorry" I whispered.

"You don't have to apologize, I'll slowly introduce my world to you. Sounds good?" he smiled at me.

I nod my head. "Y-yeah. I have been reading stuff about the Mafia but the information from the materials doesn't feel right."

"I think the media and the government only know so little about us. Because no one ever gets out of the Mafia alive unless the organization intentionally keeps them alive" he shrugs.

"D-do you guys do torture? Murder someone? or exploit people?" I eagerly asked.

"Hmmm We do torture and kill people BUT" he emphasized the word (but), he reached for my hand and held it tightly. "We only do it to people who deserve it, people we do not consider human anymore. We do not exploit people or hurt anyone that is innocent. I love to believe that we are on the good side, we might not go to Heaven but we do save people from their Hell on Earth"

I looked up and saw him anxiously staring at me. He is worried on how I will react. I'm not scared of him, and I know that he told me the truth. I went to his side and hugged him, He hugged me back.

"You said I'm your angel right? I assure you if heaven does exist, I'll make sure to bring you there with me because I will never leave you." I softly said.

"Why did I get so lucky that the universe gave you to me?" he pulled away from the hug and stood up. He pulled out his phone and the song Can't Help Falling In Love by Elvis Presley played through the speakers of the Gazebo.

"May I have the honor of dancing with an angel?" he bowed and extended his hand to me.

I nod and take his hand. He pulled me close, his hands on my waist. My knees are getting weak and I instinctively grabbed his neck. We are slowly swaying on the beat and I can feel my entire body melting, who would have thought a simple skinship can bring so much warmth on someone.

"When I was away and missing you badly, I decided to create a playlist of songs that reminds me of you. This specific song perfectly describes what I currently feel for you" he whispered and kissed my ear.

My heartbeat became erratic when he sang along with the song. His blue eyes gazed at me full of love and affection.

"Darling, so it goes

Some things are meant to be

Take my hand,

Take my whole life, too

For I can't help falling in love with you

For I can't help falling in love with you

Lily Fiore, My Angioletto Will you please be my girlfriend?"

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