《The Mafia Don I dug from the grave!》Salmon Twinkle



PIZA to eiga wo ogoriatta

Mukashi wo barashiatta

Himitsu wa mou naitte

KURABU de battariattara

Naiteta yo kimi ga otoko no yoko de

...I'm a dummy

I groggily stand up from the bed after being awakened by my 2nd alarm clock that is singing the song Dummy so loud I almost forgot that I love that song. I guess my 1st alarm clock failed to properly wake me up. I slowly approach the noisy alarm clock and turn off the 2nd and the 3rd alarm clock before going to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

I have a total of 3 alarm clocks to help me wake up. The 1st alarm clock is the one on the nightstand, It was set to alarm at 5:30 am. The 2nd alarm clock is on the floor near the door, It was set to alarm at 6:00. The 3rd alarm clock is on the study table, It was set to alarm at 7 am. Yes, I know I could just set an alarm for 3 different times on my phone or on one of the alarm clocks. So Why do I need 3 separate alarm clocks? Well you see, I am a heavy sleeper and I need to be slowly awakened from the dead or I will not wake up on time at all.

After the shower, I lazily tie my wavy hair in a bun. I am now staring at the mirror, My green big eyes look tired and I absentmindedly traced the freckles in my face. I'm contemplating if I really need to go to school today. I know that my dad will let me get away in cutting classes but William? I don't think I can escape from that ass sucker, teacher's pet and goody-goody shoes best friend of mine.

Speaking of the Nerd, the asshole keeps on honking the horn and shouting at me to go outside the house as quickly as possible or he will leave me. I can't help but roll my eyes. He had been driving me to school ever since he got his car and he never left me behind because he knows that if he does that, I will not even make an attempt to walk or drive to school and will simply not attend my classes.


I make my way to the car and sit in the passenger seat with a frown. I hate seeing a Happy William in the morning, I hate that he is so excited to go to school and I hate morning in general.

"Good morning Lily Fiore! Why do you look soooooo bitchy today" William says while patting my head.

"William James! No!" I shouted while trying to remove his hand in my head. I am not even that small, okay maybe I'm a bit lacking in the height department but He is just a nerdy giant in my eyes.

"Okay Okay, Relax It's Friday. You can catch up on your sleep tonight." He removes his hand and gives me a bright smile that accentuates his green eyes and dimples. I just glare at him and he starts driving.

We arrived at Rosetta's Diner and my mood for today is starting to get better. William grabs my wrist and leads me to a booth at the back where we usually sit. This Diner is the reason why I have to wake up one hour earlier every day. William and I always eat our meals together. We go to the Diner every morning for breakfast, we always sit together at lunch and I usually cook dinner for us.

I put my head on the table while waiting for Rosetta to take our order. When I hear the sound of the heels near our table, I immediately lift my head and greet the person. "Good morning our Lovely Rosetta!"

"Eer Good morning. Sorry my name is Ana, I am the new waitress here." Ana sweetly smiles at me and I froze.

Ana looks at me with worried eyes, wondering why I was fcking staring at her with wide eyes. After a few minutes that feels like eternity for me.

William clears his throat to get Ana's attention "Hi Ana, We will have 1 order of Lily combo and 1 order of William combo." William states while smiling to the waitress.

Ana awkwardly shifts her eyes to William, she repeats the order to William and smiles at both of us before leaving the table.

William pokes my cheeks. "You scared the poor waitress. How many times do I have to remind you that if someone is talking to you it's okay to not respond but it's rude and weird to just stare at them " he says while laughing.


"I'm sorry. I was not prepared to talk to her. I froze!!" I explain, poking his arm to annoy him.

He just shook his head and pats my head. I put my head on the table again, feeling bad for Ana. Especially if she finds out that Lily and William Combo were named after us and she might think that I don't like her because of how I acted earlier.

I heard the sounds of the heels again near our table but this time I did not lift my head to not make Ana feel awkward. "Hey baby. Are you okay? Ana said you were scared of her and asked me to check on you" Rosetta asks in her sweet motherly voice. I lift my head to look at her.

"Rosetta ahmm I'm sorry, I was just shocked that someone else took our order. I didn't mean to stare at her" I softly said while staring at my hands under the table. I hear the plates being served on the table.

William pats me in the head to signal me to chin up, I stare at Rosetta and she smiles at me. "It's okay baby, I was doing something at the back and she just took the initiative to get your orders. She is not weirded out okay? She is just worried about you. No harm done" She says while giving me a one arm hug.

"I want a hug too, I'm the one who gave the orders and saved the day" a pouting William says while standing up from his chair. I roll my eyes and Rosetta gives us a warm group hug.

Rosetta is like our 2nd mom, She knows both our parents and always cares for us. "Go eat your breakfast. Be good at school and make me proud" Rosetta says while patting our shoulders. We eagerly nodded at her and she left to attend to other tables.

"I am worried about you. We will be moving out and going to college in a few months. You always froze or ran away every time someone tried to talk to you " He says while looking at me. I put down my fork to stare at him, when he notices that he has my attention he continues.

"We might be going to the same University but we have different majors and I am not sure on how you will interact with other people. Promise me you will try to be more sociable again okay? And if anything happens you will tell me." I feel like a child being scolded but I can't find any smart response to say because he was right.

Despite being sarcastic and talkative, I can only talk to a few people I like or familiar with. At School, Only a few people know my name, They always refer to me as "William's pet". Pet not in a sexual way okay? Pet because I am like a duckling following William everywhere. William made sure that we have all our classes together and we always sit beside each other in the classroom. They never see me alone in the school, I am always beside or behind William holding his shirt or bag and if William is not available I am with one of our friends. I still cringe every time I remember that almost all of William's relationships ended because of me. I was too dependent on him. I continued to stare at him, I feel bad that William is stressing out because of me. I was a shy kid before, but not like this. I can conversate and mingle with other people but ever since the fcked up things that happened to me, I became less sociable and William became more protective of me.

William pulls me out of my daze by poking my forehead and cheeks. "William stop poking me" I groaned. He stops poking me and gives me his award winning smile.

"Finish your food, We need to leave after 10 minutes" He says and he starts eating again. We finished our food and said our Goodbyes to Rosetta.

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