《KristSingto One Shots》Tell Him I



"Congratulations Kong! You're two months pregnant!"Doctor Rome says, handing Kong the positive pregnancy test results. "Are you sure doc? Is this real?!"Kong says, reading the test results as Doctor Rome noods. "We have found a uterus in your body that we found out was surgically inserted in you years ago, that's how you were able to become pregnant"He says, Kong starts crying as he hugs the Doctor. "Remember to see me every four weeks okay? If possible, you need to see me weekly. Okay?"The doctor says, smiling at his patient who returned the gesture. Kong happily exits the examination room, his tears streaming from his eyes when he sees his and Arthit's parents. "What happened?"His own mother asks, standing up and giving him a hug.

"I'm....I'm pregnant mae...for 2 months. P'Arthit's the father"Kong says, looking up at the 2 mothers who gasped. "I'm so sorry mae,por, I'm sorry"He says, crying into his father''s lap as he kneels on the ground. "Son why are you sorry?"his dad asks. "I know this wasn't the kind of son you wanted. But I'm sorry, I love P'Arthit. Please don't be mad at him" Kong says, looking up at his and his lover's father with teary eyes as the two stood up, Kong followed suit. "No, don't be sorry. Sure this wasn't what we expected but you two have our support"Arthit's father Archie says, hugging Kong as the latter was squished into a bone-crushing group hug

"To the Sutthiluk manor then! Dinner's on Anya and I!"Kong's mom, Ploy says as she drags her future in-law with her. Kong was left with Archie as they walk towards the car. "So when's the wedding? "Archie asks and Kong shrugs. "I don't know por, I'll talk to P'Arthit about it when he comes home"He answers. "Just know that whatever happens, you will always be welcome in the Rojnapat family"Archie says, ruffling his future son-in-law's hair. "Thank you por"


"We need to find a way to tell him Kong, my son needs to know" Mrs. Anya Rojnapat says, carressing the crying university student's hair. "What if he doesn't want me anymore mae? I....I'm scared"Kong says between sniffles as he wipes his tears away with his shirt sleeve. "No dear, don't think like that. My son is the luckiest in the world to call himself the father of your children"Anya gives him a re-assuring smile. Arthit was away on a business trip for 5 months and wasn't coming back until 4 months from now. "I dont want him to disown us mae. I don't care if he wouldn't love me anymore, the baby deserves a complete family"Kong says, sitting back up straight as he carresses his 2 weeks old baby bump. "He won't my dear, I promise you that. No matter what happens we'll face this together okay? You have my family's support"Anya says, kissing Kong's forehead as he nodds. "Dear it's been 2 weeks since you found out, Arthit needs to know"Anya says, giving Kong his phone as he sighs. She's right, Arthit needs to know about his child. Whatever happens Kong was willing to take care of their child, with or without Arthit's support. "Okay, I'll call him now"


It was 1 am and Arthit-along with a few other collegues-were still at the office, working over-time as they were behind schedule. Arthit hears his phone ring and fishes it out of his pocket, caller id was "My Moon

"Tell me what?"He asks, increasing the volume of his phone when he hears another sigh. "Phi, I have something really important to tell you"Kong says, his voice shaking as Arthit hums in response. "But first promise me you won't leave me"Arthit's eyes widen at this as his eyebrows furrow. "No I won't, baby just please tell phi Arthit what's wrong"He says, his heart racing when he hears sniffles. "Wait...you're not leaving me are you?"Arthit says as a gasp was heard on the other line. "What? No! It's just, it's really important phi and I need you to know it now"Kong says, his voice indicates he's crying. "Okay. I'm listening. You're worrying me over here babe, please tell me what's happening"Arthit says. There was complete silence on the other line until a sigh was heard.


"I'm pregnant"

As soon as Arthit hears this his eyes widen some more. "What? Did I hear that right?"Arthit says. "Yes phi. I'm. preg. nant"Kong says, stressing each syllable as he says it. "Y-you're not joking right? I heard you correctly right? It's 1 am in the morning, I haven't slept in a week and I'm starving so I don't know if I'm hearing things correctly."Arthit says, recieving a chuckle from Kong. "Yes phi, I'm pregnant!"Kong repeats, excitement evident in his voice. "And I'm the father?"Arthit asks, then there was silence on the other line. Arthit chuckles. "I know, I know. Ofcourse I am, my mind is just all over the place right now I can't think straight. Now smile, I can feel your glare all the way here"He says, smiling ear-to-ear. "So..you're not leaving me?" Kong asks, confusing Arthit. "Why would I leave you baby? I love you so much and you have no idea how happy this makes me"The latter says, his stomach erupting with butterflies. "I love you too phi"Kong says, Arthit's heart felt full.

"How long have you known? How many weeks pregnant are you? Do you know the gender? Do you feel any pain? Are you resting well?"Arthit bombards Kong with questions as the latter giggles. "Easy on the questions there love, I'm doing perfectly fine"He says"I'm 2 months pregnant, I've known for 2 weeks and aside from the morning sickness I don't feel any pain. And no, it's too early in the pregnancy to know the gender. At first I thought I was just getting fat"Kong answers, also smiling ear-to-ear. "I'm so happy baby! You have no idea, thank you so much!"Arthit exclaims, jumping up and down happily, not caring if his colleagues were looking at him weirdly. "Me too, but I have to go rest phi. I'll send you the test tresults. I miss you" Kong says, Arthit smiles. "Okay baby. I love you and I miss you"The latter says, ending the call.

He opens the text from Kong and his legs began to tremble, he was going to be a father soon! After reading the test results, Arthit's legs give in and he falls to the ground. The emotions were over-whelming as tears of joy stream from his eyes. "Arthit? Are you okay?"Earth stands up and walks over to Arthit, who gives her his phone. She takes it and her eyes immediately widen. "Congratulations Arthit!"She says as the future father stands up, wiping the tears from his eyes"What's going on here?"Todd asks, standing up from his place. "I'm going to be a father!"Arthit exclaims and the office fills with cheer. "Congratulations mister sun"Todd says, everyone follows after him. "Thank you so much guys"Arthit says, drinking a glass of water to calm himself down.

"That's great! How about we finish this early and all of us can have the rest of the day off?"Khun Danai says, earning cheers from everyone. "Okay, let's get to work"It was 5 am, the sun was beginning to shine, when Arthit was finally able to jump into the comfort of his bed. His hands reach for a specific photo frame on his bed-side table and holds it a few inches from his face. It was Kong's graduation picture. "Just 4 more months love, and I'll be back. Hold on for me okay?"Arthit says, kissing the picture before letting himself fall asleep, he was dead tired.

~>~>~>~>~>(major timeskip)~>~>~>~>~>

2 months pass by and Kong was now 4 months pregnant, the baby bump was more visible. He looks weird, but weirdly beautiful and glowing. "How's Luna my dear?"Anya says, slowly entering the room with a smile. He just came back from a meeting with Doctor Rome and yes, it's a girl and Kong's decided to call her Luna because she was going to be her family's lovely moon no matter how big she grows up to be. Moon because it is a symbol of the spiritual aspects of femininity, such as intuition, psychic abilities, creativity and wisdom. They haven't told Arthit yet as the latter was busy with work and goes home later and later each time, they wanted to spare him more rest time.


"She's fine mae, she's very well behaved"Kong answers, caressing the baby bump. "I have a surprise for you later, it's the best gift yet"Anya says. sitting beside Kong on the edge of his bed. "Is it more baby clothes from you and mae? Or toys from por? Because I already told you mae, you don't have to. You're spoiling her so much already"Kong says and Anya chuckles, ruffling his hair. "We only have 1 grand-daughter, who else are we going to spoil?"She says and the two laugh. Kong's father bought them a little house-where Kong and Anya are currently at, at the moment- for Arthit and Kong to have more privacy. They've already moved all their things and even designed Luna's room,all they needed was Arthit to complete everything.

"Get some rest dear, while you still can. Because when Luna comes out sleep is just a dream, I'm telling you"Anya teases him and Kong laughs before nodding. "I'll be back later with my surprise, call me if you need anything"Anya says before leaving. Kong walks around the nursery and imagines a small female version of Arthit running around the room and suddenly without notice, a tear falls from his eye. He laughs at himself before wiping it. They wouldn't need this room until Luna was 3 as her crib would be in Kong and Arthit's bedroom. "Oh my princess I hope you'll love this room"Kong says, sitting on the bed when he feels a kick. "Yeah? You love it?"He repeats, feeling another kick.

He caresses his belly before smiling. "Yeah, I love it too. But until you turn 3 we wouldn't be needing this room yet, okay? Are you okay with sleeping with dada and papa until then?"He asks, chuckling when he feels another kick. "That's my good girl"Kong says, yawning as he gets out of Luna's room and walks over to the adjacent master bedroom. It was simple, yet very comforting and homey. "Let papa have some sleep okay? You rest too"Kong says, laying down on the bed to sleep. Not knowing the big "surprise" was coming


Unbeknown to Kong, Arthit's plane just landed after a 4 hour, 47 minute and 24 second flight from Japan to Thailand. The company finished everything they had to do early, and were therefore sent home early. He couldn't wait to see Kong and his family after 3 months. "Arthit!"He hears his name being called out and he jerked his head towards it's direction, he smiled when he sees his mother and his future mother-in-law waiting for him. "Mae"He calls out, running towards them and giving them a huge hug. "We missed you"Anya says, showering her son's face with kisses as they walked towards the car.

"Did you tell Kong?"Arthit asks, placing his bags in the trunk. "No"Ploy answers, getting inside the driver's seat. "I just came from visiting him actually, he's sleeping now"Anya says, taking her place in the passenger's seat with Arthit at the back. On the way there, Ploy and Anya updated Arthit on everything from finding out the baby's gender-also telling him the name- to moving into the new house to designing Luna's bedroom. "Thank you so much, the both of you for your help"Arthit says and the two moms chuckle. "Arthit, a parent's-specifically a mom's-job is never done no matter how old you become"Ploy says. "True, and you're our sons, we love the both of you so much"Anya adds, smiling as Ploy stopped at the front of the house.

"Ohoh, this looks great"Arthit says, gaping at the house as they entered. "Wait, let me go in first"Anya says, opening the door with her spare key, Arthit hides beside the wall of the door as it opened. "Aw, mae. Back so soon? It's 9 pm already, what are you doing here so late?"Kong's voice echoes in the room and Arthit's heart melts. Oh how he missed that voice. "Remember I said I have a surprise? It's from your mother and I"Anya says as she and Ploy entered the house, not closing the door. "What is it?"Kong asks, smiling at the both of them. "Let me call for it, Ploy will you do the honors?" Anya says and Ploy chuckles before nodding.

"Oh surprise, where are you?"Ploy says in a sing-song voice.

Arthit comes out from his hiding place, pushing his bags with him, arms spread wide open. Kong gasps, his eyes widening and his heart racing. There stood the man he's loved and the only one he ever will love, at the doorway, instead of miles away from him. With tears streaming from his eyes he runs towards Arthit, jumping into his arms. "I missed you too love"Arthit says, wrapping his arms around Kong securely. "Why are you back so early?"Kong asks, breaking the hug as Arthit places him back down. "We finished everything early. I missed you"Arthit says, both of them share a passionate kiss that was full of love and longing before pulling away.

When his eyes land on the visible baby bump Arthit crouches down to it's level, placing a gentle hand on it. "Hey there my little princess"Arthit says, smiling. "Can she hear me?"He asks, looking up at Kong who nodds, placing a hand on Arthit's. "Hear that baby? That's dada, he's home"Kong says, dragging Arthit's hand to where the little kicks can be felt. "She's kicking!"Arthit says, Kong chuckles at his boyfriend's behavior. "We'll get you two settled then we can leave you kids alone okay? We'll talk about the wedding later"Anya says, dragging Ploy with her outside the house. Arthit waves good bye to them as they locked the door.

"I'm so happy you're home"Kong says, hugging Arthit tightly. "Me too"The latter says. Kong does a little house tour for Arthit after the latter settled his things inside the master bedroom. "You guys really outdid yourselves with her room"Arthit says, walking out of Luna's soon-to-be room, closing the door behind him. "Ofcourse, she's our little angel"Kong says as they enter the master bedroom. "You must be tired and it's late, how about you get some sleep?"Kong says and Arthit nodds, laying down on the bed, beside the former as the latter easily drifts off to sleep while the former settled into his pregnancy pillow

Soon Luna was growing restless, she kept kicking and kicking, it was hurting Kong. "Baby girl, calm down please? It hurts"Kong says but Luna was still restless. Kong sighs as he stands up and goes downstairs, towards their garden at the backyard. He sits on the bench outside and places his legs on it comfortably, his back towards the door as he looks up at the moon. "You see that up there princess? That's the moon, that's you, you're going to illuminate this dark town with your light when you grow up"Kong says, smiling as Luna's kicking slows down. "Doctor Rome told me you're going to look more like your daddy, then what about me? It's not fair, so I named you after a title I was given before, campus moon"He says, carressing the baby bump, eyes not leaving the moon.

"The only reason I ever won that title is because of daddy, he was the one who nominated me to represent our faculty, your daddy's so weird at times you know? He wouldn't admit his feelings even though they were already obvious"He says, chuckling as Luna's kicking very slowly but eventually stopped. "Just talking about your daddy calms you down huh? Me too"Kong says, enjoying the cold night breeze outside.


Arthit jolts up from the bed when he no longer feels Kong's presence, he immediately goes alert as he runs downstairs. But his racing heartbeat calms down when he spots Kong out in the garden, talking to Luna about anything and everything. He walks over to the garden and leans on the doorway, far enough for Kong not to notice him but near enough for Arthit to hear Kong. "The only reason I ever won that title is because of daddy, he was the one who nominated me to represent our faculty, your daddy's so weird at times you know? He wouldn't admit his feelings even though they were already obvious"Kong says, Arthit hears him chuckle as the former keeps his eyes on the moon"Just talking about your daddy calms you down huh? Me too"The former says, causing Arthit to smile.

"In my defence I was still confused about my feelings when I nominated you"Arthit says as he sits on the space beside Kong, placing the latter's legs on his lap. "Yeah sure"Kong says, rolling his eyes as they both share a good laugh. "Why are you out here?"Arthit asks. "Nothing much really, Luna was getting kinda restless and so I came out here"Kong answers, earning a chuckle from Arthit. "You came here to talk about me?"He says and Kong playfully smacks his arm. "Baby look, Papa is hurting me"Arthit says, avoiding Kong's smacks as the latter chuckles. "How about we go back to sleep now?"Arthit says and Kong nodds. Both of them go back to their room upstairs as Kong and Arthit lay beside each other. Cherishing each other's warmth

~>~>~>~>~>(major timeskip)~>~>~>~>~>

A year and 5 months have passed, Kong and Arthit got married and Luna was finally born. The family have been living together in a home full of peace and love-and lust occasionaly. "Papa, wook at me"1 year old Luna says as she tries to balance herself on the armrest of the couch. Kong gasps as Luna wobbles her way to him, her body too heavy for her tiny little legs to hold. Kong catches her just before she falls and hugs her. "Did you see that papa?"She says, smiling that dimpled smile she got from her father. "Yes baby girl, very good"Kong says, kissing her cheek as she giggles. "I see a little cuddling session happening here without me, that's not fair"Arthit pouts, sitting down on the last step of the staircase. Kong chuckles at his husband's reaction before smiling widely.

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