《Diavolo Reader x Vento Aureo》Chapter 1


I opened my eyes once again. I simply sat, and waited for whatever was going to kill me to come. I sat for what must have been hours, before my stomach growled, symbolizing my hunger. What the? I haven't felt hunger since the millions of deaths based around starvation and dehydration. To be more specific, I couldn't! But I already starved to death, did Giorno's Requiem run out of ideas? I sighed and stood up. I appear to be in a sewer of some kind, and a few homeless are sitting around a fire. I groaned and remembered where I am. The beginning of my curse. I stuck my hands in my pockets, only to see my outfit. I looked at my reflection in the clear blue water and was surprised.

Credit where it's due

I looked at my reflection and touched my face. I'm Doppio? No, I still have control of myself. So why? Am I going ti go through all of them again as Doppio? I remembered I felt something in my pocket. I found a wallet with a note that explained what was happening.

Good, let's see here, Afternoon Y/n. As you know, I placed you in a death loop due to your attempt on my user's, Giorno Giovanna's life, and congratulations, unlike every other version of you, you didn't give up hope! So as a rewards, you have been freed, and I'm giving you an option. You can either help this Diavolo, named Diavola, avoid her fate, or continue your selfish ways, and kill Giorno, her, and everyone else and resume control of Passioné. I also left enough money for you to get a meal, and to give the homeless people some money! Sincere apologies, Requiem.

I put the note in my wallet and found about, let's see, I've died in America last, so about, 200,000 dollars in lire! I thought to myself. I looked over towards the homeless only to summon King Crimson. It raised it's fists, and I stood behind it.


Requiem: Oh, don't mind me, just do what you were doing. I want to see how this plays out.

The orange juice changed to milk, and Requiem dipped an oreo before it changed back.

Requiem: Here, if you can't move while the person who made you die every way possible watches. I'll make it easy.

I can feel my eye twitching. King Crimson's fists clinched and it's grimace changed to a glare. She simply smirked before taking a drink if her orange juice and making a 'go on' motion. I blocked her out, and walked over to the homeless people. There are three of them, so I just decided to give them all of the money except about 20 bucks. I walked out, only to see a smug Requiem smirking and looking out over the water.

Requiem: Now, was that for them, or because I was looking?

Me: Can you please leave me alone? I literally can't when you're near me. All I feel is anger and fear, on top of every cell in my body wanting to leave the planet. You leaving would be really beneficial for me.

Requiem: Then I'm staying right here.

Me: If I try to hit you, will I go through all of those deaths again?

Requiem: Ooh! No one else has gone for me, maybe I'll fall for you due to our clashing personalities, and the forbiddenness of all of it during your thousandth death! Obviously, but this time I'll just send you to hell. I'm trying to help you redeem your soul. Doppio has been waiting forever for you.

I groaned, and had King Crimson stand in front of her, but her presence alone is making me uneasy, and the fact it feels like my own stand is generating it is worse. I ignored her and walked into a McDonalds, only to see her. I see. So this is a week before she meets Luka. I remember choking to death on every single possible food option here. Every combination, and even everything they have here. She is going to order a number 22, a Sprite, and then she's going to go watch a movie. I don't understand why she's, well, a she.


Bizarre. I walked up to the cash register, and just got some nuggets and a soda. I sat down, and started eating, only to freeze up, and remember choking and drowning on both while eating, when Requiem appeared.

Requiem: Haha! Oh, the rush of trauma when I am around you is exhilarating for me! Feel more fear! More hatred!

I couldn't move, I couldn't chew or anything. Dammit! Don't use King Crimson, because Giovanna may either come back or look through the window while leaving.

Requiem: Ugh. This is lame. You never do anything! Here, what are you thinking?

She placed her hand on my forehead, in what I would find to be tenderly, had she not killed every way possible.


Requiem: Because, I find it fun, and it makes me feel satisfied. I even use your suffering to get off sometimes.

She took her hand off my face, and kissed me before pulling away.

Requiem: I'll be back to make you suffer later~

She disappeared, and I finished my food. I threw away my trash and walked outside. I need to get to my apartment where I was staying, and talk to Diavola. I arrived, and knocked. I could tell she was about to skip time and leave, so I skipped myself.


What the!? The floor cracked, and fell apart, just like when I use King Crimson. I looked around, and saw a male open the door and close it. He looks just like me. Who is he? Time continued, and he walked up to me.

Me: Who are you?

Y/n: I'm Y/n. I'm you, er Doppio, well, I think I'm both. Doesn't matter, please, just let me explain this to you.

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