《Roads (H.S.)》20 dalis
20 dalis
Kitą rytą išgirdau triukšmą, kuris mane pažadino. Žinoma, vakar buvau apklaustas daugybę kartų, tačiau visada likau prie tų pačių parodymų.
Pareigūnai atrakino vienutės grotas, už kurių buvo Nicole. Aš priėjau prie saviškių ir rankomis suėmiau strypus, iš dalies nujausdmas kas vyksta.
Nicole sutrikusi žiūrėjo į farus. Ji visiškai nesuprato kas darosi. Tuomet jos akys sutiko manasias.
- Galite eiti, jūs laisva. - pasakė pareigūnas.
Mergina žvelgė į mane nesuprantamu žvilgsniu. Tiesa, juk turėjau būti paleistas aš, o ne ji.
- Ar galiu trumpai pasikalbėti su Harry Styles? - ji paprašė faro.
Šis linktelėjo ir atsitraukė, palikdamas mus dviese bei įspėdamas, kad neturime daug laiko.
- Harry, ką tu padarei? - ji kreipėsi į mane.
- Tai ką, privalėjau. - sušnabždėjau.
Nicole uždėjo savo rankas ant mano rankų ir žvelgė man į akis.
- Juk tave ilgam pasodins. - jos akyse pasirodė ašaros.
- Ei, neverk. - kiek šyptelėjau, ant jos skruosto uždėdamas delną ir nykščiu nubraukdamas riedančią ašarą.
Tuomet ji priglaudė savo delną prie mano rankos. Negalėjau net numanyti kas dabar dėjosi jos mintyse.
- Negali taip elgtis. - sukuždėjo.
- Nenoriu, kad būtum čia, kai nieko nepadarei. Kayla ir Niall pasirūpins tavimi. - paglosčiau jos skruostą.
- Harry... - tylus žodis paliko jos lūpas, kai ji užsimerkė ir leido kelioms ašaroms nuriedėti jos skruostais.
Netrukus ji atmerkė akis ir priartėjusi prie grotų, pasiekė mano lūpas savosiomis.
- Ačiū. - sušnabždėjo man prie lūpų.
- Ne. - papurčiau galvą. - Ačiū tau, Nicole. - sukuždėjau.
Spėjau pamatyti sutrikimą jos akyse, kai grįžo pareigūnas, kuris ją išleido.
- Panele, jūsų laikas baigėsi. - įspėjo.
- Bet... - ji aiškiai norėjo paklausti kodėl pasakiau būtent tai.
- Turite išeiti. - faras dar kartą ją perspėjo.
Tik šyptelėjau, kai ji galiausiai išėjo kartu su pareigūnu ir mūsų akių kontaktas nutrūko.
Atsidusau ir prisėdau ant kietos lovos. Nežinau net kokie jausmai mane užplūdę... Lyg nerimas susimaišęs su baime. Negalėjau nė įsivaizduoti kas manęs laukia.
Per pietus mane vėl apklausė. Vieną akimirką atrodė, kad susimausiu ir padarysiu klaidą, mat mane užplūdo noras susirasti Nicole ir išsklaidyti tą buvusį sumišimą jos akyse. Tačiau supratau, kad taip padarydamas galiu pastūmėti ją kalėjimo link.
Grįžęs į kamerą, radau čia kažkokį vaikiną. Jis nekreipė į mane dėmesio, kaip ir aš į jį, tačiau tai niekada netrunka ilgai...
- Už ką čia atsidūrei? - paklausė pirmasis.
Pakėliau akis į jį ir susiraukiau. Ar galiu juo pasitikėti? O gal turėčiau sugalvoti kaip išsisukti?
- Rodos netyčia užmušiau žmogų, nors manau, kad jis liko gyvas ir tiesiog pabėgo bei gerai pasislėpė. - tariau tai, kas sukosi mano galvoje.
- Hm... Aš patekau čia už vagystę. Kadangi čia ne pirmas kartas, man tikriausiai paskirs metus ar daugiau. - trūktelėjo pečiais lyg jam tai net nerūpėtų.
- Jau buvai teistas? - smalsavau.
- Kelis kartus. Tačiau nebuvo nieko blogo, tik smulkūs nusikaltimai. - nusijuokė.
- Ar man tik pasirodė, ar tau netgi patinka ši situacija? - susiraukiau.
- Nebijau kalėjimo, jei tai nori žinoti. Visi žino kas esu, kaip ir tai, kad manęs geriau neužkabinti. - pažvelgė pro grotas.
- Tik neįsižeisk, bet tu neatrodai vienas iš tų, kurio reikėtų bijoti. - nelinksmai nusijuokiau.
- Žinoma, štai kodėl taip lengva suklysti. Turiu džentelmeno išvaizdą, tačiau net ir tokie vaikinai gali būti bauginantys. - atsisuko į mane. - Beje, aš Leo.
- Harry. - tariau.
Jis linktelėjo ir vėl žvelgė į grotas.
- Kodėl ten žiūri? - susiraukiau.
- Kai ko laukiu. - trumpai atsakė.
- Ko? - sutrikau.
- Savo merginos, spėju. - pažiūrėjo į mane lyg į idiotą.
- O taip, žinoma. - nusisukau.
- Neturi manęs bijoti. Manau tau pravers mano pagalba kalėjime. - nusijuokė.
Tik linktelėjau. Tuomet kitapus grotų pasirodė žavi raudonplaukė, ji žvilgtelėjo į mane, o tada visą dėmesį skyrė Leo.
- Kaip sugebėjai įkliūti? - paklausė ši.
Vaikinas atsistojo ir priėjo arčiau grotų, raudonplaukė pasilenkė arčiau jo, jį pabučiuodama. Kai jie atsitraukė, Leo pažvelgė į mane.
- Širdele, susipažink su naujuoju mūsų draugu Harry. - mostelėjo ranka.
Kiek sutrikau. Kas per velnias?
- Ir vėl? Kodėl tavo draugai visi tik iš kalėjimo? - susiraukė mergina.
- Claudia, šis vaikinukas nėra nusikaltėlis. Nejau nepastebi? - jie abu žiūrėjo į mane.
- Nenoriu kištis, bet aš esu čia, todėl prašau, nekalbėkit apie mane. - susiraukiau.
- Tu teisus, jis kitoks. - staiga tarė Claudia, kai jos žalios akys vis dar žiūrėjo į mane.
- Aš nesuprantu, kas dedasi? - pakilau iš vietos.
- Užteko vos kelių žodžių, kad suprasčiau jog nesi nusikaltėlis. Ir aš nemėgtu, kai kalėjime sėdi niekuo dėti asmenys. Taigi, siūlau tau savo pagalbą. - tarė Leo.
- Patikėk, jei ją priimsi, išeisi iš čia žymiai greičiau. - įspėjo Claudia.
- Man siūlė pagalba ir kai kas kitas. - prisiminiau.
- Kas? - susiraukė tamsiaplaukis.
- Tardytoja.
- Mila? - nusijuokė vaikinas. - Velnias, o tu tikrai kažkuo ypatingas.
Nusprendžiau nutylėti apie Michele, kaip ir apie Nicole. Vis dar nežinau ar galiu pasitikėti Leo, ar jo mergina Claudia. Tačiau giliai viduje kažkoks keistas jausmas sako man priimti jo pasiūlymą... Tad ką turėčiau daryti?
Ar Harry turėtų pasitikėti Leo? Ar jis iš tiesų nori jam padėti?
Nuomonių & votes.
- In Serial16 Chapters
The Little Black Umbrella
Gillean had just lost his best friend and is feeling utterly miserable and lonely. Being smart doesn't fend off loneliness. If nothing having the combination of smarts AND the lack of forward planning got him into the state he currently was in - rejection and the feeling of being a failure. Cue in the sounds of angelic trumpets. RaRa, his best friend, returns to "save the day". Well. What she thinks of as saving the day that is. Corny ideals, lame ideas. The two get into one last patch of trouble together as they sneak back into RaRa's home. Just what kind of family secrets has RaRa been keeping from Gill. In blood and thunder, Gill finds out. Please read the content warnings (there may be spoilers within though) if you have triggers. Also there is a slight mention of LGBTQ+, so please don't read this short story if even a short mention bothers you. ======================= My first short story (It's short - 5 chapters, 10,000 word-ish kinda short! And also completed *self pats* that I will be releasing in mini chapters (of 500-800 words each) on Fridays and Saturdays.). Happy to hear actionable and constructive criticisms on how I can improve, but please don't be too harsh okay? :) I know it's not perfect. But hey, we all have to start somewhere.
8 144 - In Serial129 Chapters
The Legend of the Fake Hero
*I don't own the cover image**This has the Tragedy Tag; please no genre hate. Bad things can happen to good people, just like in real life (not that they will. I almost didn't put the tag there as it doesn't really fit the genre. I like happy endings.).The year is 201X, and the line between reality and the imaginary has become blurred. Approximately nine months ago, the event which became known as "The Convergence" occurred. People on Earth began to obtain powers. Some received them for seemingly no reason while others had obtained them after they had returned from the many different worlds that they had unwillingly been abducted to. These new worlds existed beyond time and space, and many could have different rules different from what we know as standard reality. That is because these many worlds seem to have traits taken from imagination. Things from stories and myths, like magic and plots, existed in these worlds as if they were inspired by them, and that was only a start.On earth, there was a young man. On appearance, he could be considered only slightly better-than-average. The only thing he was known for was his incredible mind that left him feeling bored and out of touch with reality. But soon he would leave this reality altogether. One moment he was lying in his bed. The next, he was face-to-face with a beautiful young lady who he had just woken up upon him falling into her bed. This young man has an incredible fate and will soon visit many worlds, gain many powers, and meet many women who, like the young girl whose bed he had fallen into, will blow him away.Upload Schedule (Updated 3/28/2021)Upload one chapter every-other-weekend PST (with rare exception, typically due to length).Breaking Fate/Origin Arc (Done) Albion Arc: Vol 1 - Origin, Vol 2 - Rise of the Red Dragon (Done) New Earth Arc: Vol 3 - New Earth (Done) Dealing with the Past Arc: Vol 4 - Ghosts of the Past, Vol 5 - The Dracul Descends, Vol 6 - War of FateBound Fate Arc Fake Hero Arc Vol 7 - Martel Side Stories #1 Shield Hero Arc Vol 8 - Second Chance Vol 9 - The Adventure Begins (Current) Vol 10 - First Quest Vol 11 - TBD (Writing [37%]) (Multiple Future Volumes TBD)Currently ONLY posting on Scribble Hub, Royal Road, and Wattpad (Same user name)If you find my work on other sites please let me know!
8 155 - In Serial30 Chapters
Post War Rules
Life on Torus Terminal is usually fast paced, but simple. A frontier Terminal has little room for easy living, but the great, circular station does boast shopping and culinary experiences from many Imperial races and cultures. Any star is, by its nature, extremely far from its neighbors. But laser highways, and the great shimmering sails of the light-rider spaceships make the trip into only about ten years. Still, the denizens of Torus Terminal eagerly await the day when the Anti-Euclidean Engine their station is built around finally comes online. Once that is done, they will have unfettered access to the entire Empire. Instantaneous travel and trade across hundreds of stars. Torus Terminal does boast one other oddity: a creature which calls itself Human. As he says, the last of his kind for now. He has made quite the life for himself on Torus Terminal, especially in the darker corners of the station. The elites of Torus Terminal praise his name, for once he took up arms, crime began to fall. What they did not realize was that was because he had claimed the seedy underbelly of Torus Terminal for himself and his own goals. The elites praise him as a paragon of law. The criminals fear him as a ruthlessly clever crime boss. Those closest to him, know him as the General. This story was originally posted on the Humanity Fuck Yeah subreddit, where it evolved from a simple play on a historical figure in a science fiction setting into a full blown space opera. I kind of took it as an opportunity to explore a setting I've had rolling around in my head for years. I also decided that it would be nice to have it in a place where I could more easily come back and edit it later, so I'm reposting it here. Here's a link to the original posting if you're interested: https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/e9cwpl/post_war_rules/ If my genre and tagging is subpar, let me know. I'm still new to Royal Road and I'm open to help. Feel free to comment and make suggestions, or discuss. I love comments, and so long as we keep things civil I also love criticism.
8 116 - In Serial20 Chapters
Whispers from the Deep
The story of two boys: one, a human with a miraculous gift, thrust into a world of magic and mystery; the other a Prince, veteran of the mystical world, intrigued by the mundane, who combine forces at the behest of an ancient prophecy to save the Seven Seas from imminent destruction along with several of their friends in an unforgettable adventure.
8 147 - In Serial87 Chapters
Ode to Freud
For those who do not understand the reference, "wish fulfillment" is before anything a term created by Sigmund Freud in the 1900's. In psychology it is a state of satisfying unconscious needs and desires by the use of fantasy and delusion. In literature it is the very base of fictional work, but also the name of a style of writing where the author sacrifices the key elements of good storytelling in order to fulfill his own psychopathic, neurotic or perverse needs and desires, usually through the use of the characters in weird and forced situations. What I meant by the title of this story is that it is a trashy, badly written, shitty story about me getting some wish fulfillment by the use of some characters and a fictional world of my creation. Not the good kind of fulfillment, since my wishes are of the bad kind and I intend to fulfill those, not yours. Also, being a total amateur and not writing a proper plot before starting are two big indicators that this story is going to go bad. I guess Royal Road call this kind of stories the "Mary Sue" kind. So, unless you are a very ugly piece of trash (at least as much as I am) don’t bother reading it. Now, if you ARE messed up on the level of a clinically depressive, lightly suicidal, lolicon/shotacon aligned morbidly obese hikikomori vermin who sold his virginity to a prostitute and is currently living at the costs of his widowed mother after expending all the money he got from his father’s inheritance, all the while masturbating furiously to beast/furry dickgirl hentai, then be welcomed. Please feel free to get a serving at my antidepressants and also at the canned tuna I have stored in the fridge. There may be some cheese somewhere, and I am pretty sure I bought some juice the other day, but I have no idea where it is. Anyway. You may dislike what I write because of all the amauteur(ish) writing, or you may not. Who knows. Give it a try and write a comment. It gets lonely writing to no one. Also, feel free to grant me inspiration not only by making comments about the world and/or characters, but specially by suggesting a music for me to listen while I write the next chapter. Be warned : I do get influenced easily by the background music I listen while writing. If you exist, of course. I'm seriously doubting anyone has read anything after the "lolicon hikikomori" thing. Also, I have a tiny dick.Just so you can feel better about yourself a little more. Or maybe I have just degraded psychologically a little more and now I am into shame-play. I wonder if the psychiatrist would increase my meds a bit if I told her about it.Hope I never get to penispanick, though! Self-mutilation, especially of the castration type, would be baaaad. After all, I do like my prostitutes. And having sex with them when I can afford it. Oh, yeah, the story. I will just write the first chapter in a few moments.Until later, b(i)each.
8 165 - In Serial17 Chapters
Best Friends Brother
In which a girl unexpectedly falls in love with her best friends brother, but is scared to tell anyone, in fear that she will loose him and her best friend."Walk through fire for you, let me just adore you"
8 114