《Roads (H.S.)》15 dalis
15 dalis
Sėdėjau ant lovos krašto ir laukiau, kol Nicole sugrįš iš vonios. Mano galvoje knibždėjo įvairiausios mintys... Viskas nutiko taip greitai, kad nespėjome to sustabdyti ir tikriausiai dabar abu jausimės kalti.
Tiesiog negalėjau ilgiau laukti, privalėjau sužinoti kaip jaučiasi ji. Tad pakilau nuo lovos ir apsivilkau marškinėlius, priėjau prie vonios durų. Kai ketinau jas praverti, Nicole tai padarė greičiau nei aš, tuomet atsistojo tarpduryje ir žiūrėjo į mane.
- Ar viskas gerai? - tyliai paklausiau.
Ji linktelėjo.
- Kas dabar bus? Negalėsime to nuslėpti. - tarė.
- Dabar svarbiausia iš čia dingti, o apie tai kas nutiko ir ką turėtume daryti, pasikalbėti laiko dar bus. - šyptelėjau pusę lūpų.
Mergina vėl linktelėjo.
Po kelių minučių, viską sutvarkę, nusileidome laiptais žemyn. Iš tiesų šiame name beveik kiekviena vieta priminė, kad tarp manęs ir Nicole vyrauja keista trauka.
Netrukus grįžo Kayla su Nicole pasu ir jos manymu kelionėje mums praversiančiais daiktais. Taip pat ji pasiūlė važiuoti jos automobiliu, atrodo, šitaip bus saugiau. Taigi, atsisveikinę su šviesiaplauke, leidomės į kelią.
Kartais žvilgtelėdavau į merginos pusę, kuri visą laiką žiūrėjo pro langą. Niekaip negalėjau suprasti kaip sugebėjau įsivelti į tokius įvykius. Atrodo, vos per vieną dieną mano gyvenimas apvirto aukštyn kojomis - tapau bėgliu...
- Nejau visą ilgą kelią tylėsime? - Nicole žodžiai grąžino mane į realybę.
- O apie ką nori kalbėtis? - paklausiau, neatitraukdamas akių nuo kelio.
- Atleisk jei pasirodysiu įkyri, bet kokia buvo tavoji Michelle? - žvilgtelėjo į mane.
Nejučiomis kiek įsitempiau. Man visada buvo ir tikriausiai bus sunku kalbėti apie Mi.
- Ji buvo viena iš geriausių mano gyvenimo dalių. Jai niekada netrūko optimizmo, ji nuolatos šypsojosi ir teikė pagalbą kitiems. Michelle buvo, tarsi angelas. - šyptelėjau.
- Tikriausiai niekas negalėtų jos pakeisti, ar ne?
Kiek sutrikau dėl tokio klausimo.
- Negalėtų. Tačiau tai nereiškia, kad negalima suteikti šanso kažkam kitam bandyti į tavo gyvenimą vėl įnešti šviesą.
Nicole akimirkai labai rimtai susimąstė.
- Tu geras žmogus, Harry. - šyptelėjo.
- Nesu tikras ar esu būtent toks. - atsidusau.
Akies krašteliu pastebėjau, kad Nicole sutriko dėl tokio mano atsakymo. Visgi aš taip galvojau. Vis dar jaučiausi kaltas... Dėl visko.
- Kaip gali manyti, kad nesi geras asmuo? Iš tiesų, pirmąkart matau tokį velniškai savikritišką žmogų. - papurtė galvą lyg nieko nesuprasdama.
Nusprendžiau nesileisti į šį pokalbį, vis tiek jis būtų beprasmis. Mano nuomonę sunku pakeisti, neturint tvirtų įrodymų.
- Jei nesiruoši su manimi kalbėtis, tuomet sustabdyk automobilį, man reikia trumpam išlipti. - pareiškė mergina.
Tad netrukus sustabdžiau automobilį šalikelėje. Likau sėdėti, kai Nicole išlipo ir nužingsniavo už automobilio. Visgi mačiau ją per veidrodėlį. Kaip supratau, ji bandė kažkam paskambinti.
Visą laiką negalėjau nuleisti akių nuo merginos. Tarsi giliai viduje jausčiau atsakomybę už jos saugumą. Lyg nenorėčiau, kad ji pradingtų... Ir šis jausmas man priminė Michelle. Kaip jos netekau ir vis dar nesugebu su kažkuo apie tai atvirai kalbėtis. Galbūt pagaliau turėčiau atsiverti?
Neilgai trukus Nicole grįžo į automobilio saloną. Kai ji prisisegė saugos diržą, aš uždėjau vieną ranką ant vairo, o kita suėmiau raktelį, tačiau pažvelgęs į kelią, nesugebėjau pasukti raktelio ir pajudėti iš vietos. Kažkodėl būtent šią akimirką supratau, kad sėdžiu už vairo, kai maniau jog po avarijos nebevairuosiu. Matyt iki šiol to nesupratau, nes mano mintys buvo labiau su Nicole nei su Michelle.
- Harry, ar viskas gerai? - mergina kiek susirūpino.
- Nežinau. - patraukiau rankas nuo automobilio ir išlipau laukan.
Atsistojau šalia ir atsirėmiau į dureles, bandžiau suprasti kas vyksta aplinkui mane, ir kas dedasi mano galvoje, kurioje tikra sumaištis.
Nepraėjus nė minutei, išgirdau atidaromas keleivio dureles ir netrukus rudaplaukė stovėjo priešais mane. Ji lėtai žengė arčiau manęs ir atsargiai uždėjo savo delnus man ant skruostų. Kiek įsitempiau, mat jos rankos buvo šaltos. Mergina žvelgė tiesiai man į akis.
- Neprivalai viską iškęsti vienas. Gali man tai papasakoti. - sušnabždėjo.
Stipriai užsimerkiau po šių jos žodžių ir viskas, ką padariau, tai dar stipriau apkabinau merginą. Toks mano gestas nė kiek jos nesutrikdė, nes ji taip pat mane apsikabino.
- Kad ir kas tave slegia, aš šalia. Ir tu gali manimi pasitikėti. - tyliai tarė žodžius.
- Visada šalia nebūsi... - sukuždėjau.
- Būsiu, H.
Tą akimirką mano lūpas palietė tyras ir nekaltas merginos bučinys...
Gana seniai pradėta, bet tik dabar užbaigta dalis. Lauksiu jūsų votes & komentarų.
- Nessa
- In Serial49 Chapters
Sorcery in Boston
The timid daughter of some of the greatest spellcasters ever to have lived has found herself in another world, courtesy of magic gone awry. In Boston, Massachusetts, in the year 1935, she finds some kind souls in a hard era. In the heart of the Great Depression, as war looms around the corner, she seeks to find her place, and must come to terms with both who she is and what she truly desires. Author's Notes: Release Note: I recently realized what the hold up is. My current mental state is not compatible with the planned ending. If I wrote the ending according to what currently feels right, it will be a wretched, cruel ending that feels monstrously unfair and invalidates the work of the various characters... because that's how my life feels at the moment. The planned ending is coming out hollow and awkward, no matter how I write it, and so I've been bashing my head. I will finish it, once I manage to either brute force something decent out, or once my head gets screwed on straight. Audience: This story is not for young children - it contains some profanity, sexual content, violence, gore, and significant adult themes. Most of these are handled delicately enough not to upset teens or adults (hopefully), hence the lack of relevant tags, but it is nonetheless unsuitable for youth. It's fairly slow paced, and focused on the development of very human, very flawed individuals. Length / Completion Estimates: The outline currently involves two books. Book 1 is expected to be done with Chapter 43. It'll probably be completely finished by sometime in March of this year. I expect to move on to the far-more-lighthearted Of Gods and Dungeons (currently in progress / on hiatus). Afterwards, I may decide to redo Book 1, or write Book 2, or actually start sharing the story most dear to me, that I've been working on for several years now. Draft 1: Please be aware that this is first draft material. I do intend to come back to do a second draft after the story is complete. If anyone notices any issues whatsoever with the story, please let me know (pm, etc) so that I can improve the second draft. Writer's Pledge: I've taken the Writer's Pledge, meaning I'm commiting to completing this story. I'm a proud member of WriTE, a group dedicated to finishing stories. It will be done! Behind the Scenes notes: This picture was commissioned from an inked artist by the name of DanP. Up until the time of the protagonist's arrival, history has proceeded as before. Some places and characters have been borrowed from wikipedia entries of interesting figures from the time. I will make note in the chapter comments when such things come up. Naturally, I've taken a great deal of liberty with them. In interest of respecting individuals, I've either attempted to portray them as accurately as possible, or modified them sufficiently enough that they're simply an inspiration, instead of a real portrayal. I've attempted to be as accurate to the era as possible, but I'm not a historian. If you're aware of inaccuracies, please, bring them to my attention so that I can correct them.
8 115 - In Serial60 Chapters
Black Wind, White Lotus
In this world, there are haves and have nots. The former are pureblooded humans, some of whom are capable of manipulating qi, the mysterious energy that flows through every living creature, to miraculous results that defy the laws of nature and physics. Wen Feili was one such cultivator. However, she allied with the have nots- the anthropomorphic hybrids incapable of channeling qi-and dabbled in forbidden demonic arts, seeking to change the very composition of reality. This did not end well for her, and she was consumed by her own flames. A decade later, far in the northwestern mountains, her daughter Wen Fengli is working as a lowly servant of the minor Shuangshan sect. In between sweeping the floor and avoiding bullies, she secretly trains with a wooden sword, hoping to become a warrior cultivator at some point in the future. However, since she's part-human, part-wolf, it's just a pipe dream. ....or so she bitterly thought. However, one day a mysterious amulet that belonged to her mother falls into her hands. A deranged old master, a terrible conspiracy, a mysterious past? None of that matters to tomboyish wolfgirl, who only seeks to become stronger. She embarks on a journey of adventure and self-discovery, towards the mysterious southern lands where pure demi-humans are said to live...as spectre of war once again envelops the world of man. This is a Chinese-themed fantasy story set in a fictional world. You can classify it as xianxia, if you wish, but it's a rather low fantasy variant; the heavenly realm is silent, no one reached immortality in generations, and magical artifacts of old are locked away and feared. Magical beasts and spirits have been driven to the corners of civilisation, and "ordinary" abilities such as flying or controlling swords through telekinesis are considered spectacular feats. The main plot of this book revolves around a kemonomimi girl who seeks power, no matter the cost. This story also features multiple character pov, and will not always follow the perspective of the mc- there are two major plotlines, one connected to conspiracy and war ongoing in the political background of the presented world, and the other focusing on the main character's physical and metaphorical journey. The cover image was drawn by minyaxj, per my request, on a commercial license.
8 97 - In Serial7 Chapters
Wrote this two years ago and edited it last night. A man receives a parcel with a strange creature inside. He raises it and discovers its potency for death.
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Advice Master Megumi!
It's no secret - 14-year old Kanazawa Megumi is an extremely plain and average person.She has no interesting talents, no special traits - and no friends, either. Megumi had gotten used to being a loner....and only existing in the background. But here's the twist - secretly, she absolutely hates it! Living her life as a 8th Grader at Sakuragaoka Junior High, she has had enough of her life as a wallflower. In a fit of rage, she created her other persona - the cheerful and charismatic Madoka - and suddenly, Megumi's once boring, grey life began to bloom!But as Madoka's popularity rises, more people begin to seek out Madoka's real identity...can Megumi protect her secret?
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The Kind Devil
Five veteran players of the old-fashioned but outdated VRMMO game, Orge's Bone, meet in the game for one last time before leaving forever. As real life friends, they were torn apart by certain matters, and now decided to say goodbye in the way they know best; a free for all battle royale. However, little do they know that fate has a twist to spin. As they fight it out in a folorn map, they stumble upon a secret teleport gate. Out of curioisity, they all enter it. They find a world more graphicly advanced than the current number one game, and NPCs that really don't act like they should. The game settings are similar to Orge's Bone; there are no levels, only physical strenght gains, which is gained by killing monsters and completing quests. They treat the hidden world as their greenhouse– a place to retreat when the real world treats them unfairly. But after a while, they discover no everything is as it seems– that the hidden world is far more dangerous. Michael is a cultivator whose goal in life is to change the tragic martial world, where killing is like breathing, into a land of peace. It will center a lot around how he'll change the perspectives of those around him, and how he tries to draft more cultivators to his cause, starting with the toughest nut to crack, the ruthless, bloodthirsty and easily-triggered Rector. Last but not least, with how he is met by the greatest tragedy and is forced to make the hardest choice.
8 142 - In Serial13 Chapters
Strongest Slayer
Suddenly 72 years before portals started opening in this world and Demons and Monster that came out of those portals devastated the earth. Any human weapon was useless against those Demons and Monsters, but luckily humans also started awaken new powers to fight those monster. these humans with special powers were then called THE SLAYERS. In this new world where power was everything, those with no powers were treated as trash. This is the story about a young boy who was born in very powerful family, but got disowned by the family and was even betrayed by the girl he loved because he was powerless. This is the story of Jason who became worlds STRONGEST SLAYER.
8 407