《Bear trap (statehumans CalTex)》Can we keep him?


(I'm writing this on my Chromebook because my phone has left me for an indeterminate amount of time, so if the formatting seems off, that is why)

Texas woke up the next morning in Frances house, Spain sitting next to him with his head in his hands.

"U-um... good morning," Texas said softly. Spain looked at him with tears in his eyes and clutched Texas's hand.

"Are you ok?" Spain said softly. Texas took a deep breath.

"Y-yeah... I'm ok," Texas said.

"You should go let Confederate know. He's rallying the village against your bear friend," France said. Texas sprung out of bed and rushed to the town hall. Confederate stood on the steps, shouting profanities about therianthropes.

"I watched a bear try to kill the young farmhand! My dog alerted me of the danger and I chased it away! But he will be back for blood!" Confederate shouted. Confederates dog sat silently next to Confederate, with the demeanor of an animal who has endured many beatings

"Oh shut up!" Texas exclaimed, standing in front of Confederate. "Everyone, he's spewing nonsense! The bear didn't attack me! He ran away after hearing gunshots! It was after the bear ran away that I got attacked!" Texas exclaimed.

"Really. Who attacked you then?" Confederate said skeptically.

"You did," a voice shouted from the crowd. People turned to see a young man in a hat.

"Cali...," Texas whispered, terrified for his friends safety.

"I watched the whole thing! When the bear ran away, you tackled Texas from behind and stabbed him with four knives tied together... just perfect for feigning a bear attack," California exclaimed. Confederate crossed his arms.

"And who might you be?" Confederate asked.

"Don't change the subject. You're faking bear attacks just to instill fear in the village. I'm sure your plan was to kill a random bear and then parade around like a hero," California said. Texas wanted to kiss California so bad for downright saying exactly what he was thinking to one of the biggest a**holes in town.


"I second this notion," Spain said. "I saw you stab my farmhand. The bear wasn't even a threat, you were. I'm sure you would've killed Texas if I hadn't scared you off," Spain said.

"Are we really trusting what a senile old man says?!" Confederate exclaimed. There were murmurs in the crowd. Suddenly, Britain walked up to them, with the help of France.

"Well, if our old senile memories truly are so worthless, I'm sure nobody will mind if I tell them that you attacked me, not a bear," Britain exclaimed. Confederate had a look of rage on his face. He knew he was screwed. California walked up to him and Texas and grabbed Texas's hand.

"I think you owe some people an apology," California said. Confederate glared at California, before ripping his hat off of his head.

Everyone gasped upon seeing California's bear ears.

"The bear! He's here! He is trying to make me look guilty! I'm sure he threatened these poor souls into telling these lies!" Confederate exclaimed. There were fearful murmurs, and some men were rushing to get their guns.

"Run boy, run!" Britain shouted. California turned into a bear, and began to run away.

"Wait!" Texas called. California paused for a moment, and Texas jumped on his back. Together, they fled to the forest.

Soon, they made it to California's village. California stood up, forgetting that Texas was on his back. Texas fell to the floor.

"Ow," Texas said.

"Cali! There you are! I thought I grounded you?!" Alabama exclaimed.

"I'm so sorry I had to save Texas because I knew that he could've been used as false evidence but I accidentally almost got myself killed! this is all my fault and I am deeply sorry!" California exclaimed.



"Oh Jesus.... are you alright?" Louisiana asked, helping Texas up.

"Y-yeah, I'm ok...," Texas said. Suddenly, Confederates Boston terrier ran up to them. Texas was nervous that Confederate would follow, but suddenly the dog turned into a human.

"I am SO sorry about my human! He's a stupid jerk!" He exclaimed.

"Oh my goodness it's ok! my human is stupid too!" Virginia exclaimed.

"Honey!" Texas exclaimed.

"Massachusetts? where have you been?" New York exclaimed upon seeing Massachusetts.

"I visited town one day and some human threw a collar around me and beat me every time I tried to escape. Have I missed much?" Massachusetts asked.

"Not too much, but can you confirm? did that douche really fake the bear attacks?" California asked.

"Pft, yeah he did. He wasn't even fully convinced therianthropes existed! He just wanted attention," Massachusetts said. Texas groaned.

"I knew he was full of sh*t...," Texas said. Suddenly, Montana ran up to them, the deer family following.

"Oh my goodness! you weren't lying!" Illinois exclaimed.

"Does it speak?" Nebraska asked.

"Of course it speaks! don't be stupid," South Carolina exclaimed.

"It's really cute! can I pet it?" Michigan exclaimed.

"Stop! we're scaring it!" New Hampshire exclaimed.

"I thought humans would be waaay taller...," Pennsylvania exclaimed.

"Michigan! stop poking it!" Georgia exclaimed. Texas was just standing stiffly in the middle of the deer crowding around him.

"Stop, children," A tall moose therianthrope said sternly. The deer all backed away and bowed their heads like guilty children.

"Sorry Alaska," They said in unison. Alaska walked up to Texas, observed him for a moment, and then turned to Alabama.

"What should we do about him?" Alaska asked.

"Are they edible?" Montana asked.

"No, he's not. And he has a name," California said, holding Texas's hand.

"TEXASSSSSS!" They heard someone shout from the trees. The three mockingbirds flew around him, before shifting to their human forms and giving him a hug. Texas excitedly returned it.

"Oh my goooosh!!! you're here!" Arkansas exclaimed happily.

"I'm here!" Texas exclaimed.

"We gotta show him around! Introduce him to everybody! EVERYONE! THIS IS TEXAS!" Mississippi exclaimed.

"Oh my gosh! We've heard such great things about you!" Arizona exclaimed.

"Do you have seeds?" Maine exclaimed. Texas smiled and took out the bag of seeds he carried around for his mockingbird friends. He tossed them on the ground, and all the bird therianthropes shifted and started feasting. California smiled.

"Something tells me the birds will want you to extend your stay...," California said.

"That's fine with me, now go on, show me around!" Texas exclaimed

ok thas it for now

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