《Bear trap (statehumans CalTex)》Guns


I made a cover because I can't keep forcing everyone else to do that for me.

And yes, Cali is shirtless

Therianthropes don't concern themselves with pointless attire

Also btw, I found out that there are people out there who identify as therianthropes (or just therians) and I read up about it a lil bit.

I am just making it clear that my version of therianthropes has nothing to do with them, especially by their own definition.

Irl therians (from what I can tell) don't claim to be the actual animal they identify with, nor do they believe they can physically morph into them. Tbh, the way it was described seemed a lot more just like a 'spirit animal' type thing, as opposed to otherkins and furries.

Irl therians (from what I understand) are more like "yo, I'm a wolf, but like, not that I'm a wolf, wolves are kinda just my spirit animal y'know? Like, I'm a human, but wolves are fuggin sick man,"

And one therian blatantly said that the therian lifestyle has nothing to do with bestiality and therians have no trouble functioning in society, and don't think they're special snowflakes for identifying with a certain animal so I'm chill with sharing the 'therianthrope' title

Again, to be clear, my version of therianthrope has nothing to do with irl therians, both by intent and our own definitions of what therianthropes are, so again DONT GET IT TWISTED

The next few weeks, California snuck over at night to hang out with Texas. Texas wasn't a man with many friends, so he always welcomed these visits.

"Hiii!!!" California exclaimed as Texas opened the door for him. California threw his arms around Texas in a bear hug.

"Hi! Wow, you're always so full of energy, but are up all night! When do you sleep?" Texas asked. California shrugged.

"Whenever I feel tired, I eat when I'm hungry, scratch where it itches, all the simple things. Humans make their lives so complicated and scheduled," California said. Texas shrugged.

"Well, I do have a job y'know?" Texas said.

"Oh yeah, you're a farmhand... why's there only one farmer in the village? Why does he only have one farmhand? In my village, pretty much everyone has their own garden... or they contribute to the community garden," California said.

"Therianthropes live to survive, we live to make surviving complicated for everyone but our individual selves," Texas said. California frowned.

"That's sad... well, whatever.... how's Britain doing?" California asked. Texas sighed.

"He's in a coma... France is taking good care of him, but I'm still real worried...," Texas said.


"Britain... Is he your dad?" California asked.

"Oh, no, just the orphanage caretaker... we're not related," Texas said.

"That doesn't matter, I'm not related to my family," California said.

"You're adopted?" Texas asked.

"Hm?" California said.

"Adopted. You're not related to your family, so you're adopted," Texas said. California shrugged.

"I guess so... I mean, a lot of therianthropes don't know their family, so we all kinda stick together... we usually house ourselves by species. Me and my friend Montana- who's like a sister to me- live with three black bears. West Virginia is like, fun uncle-ish. He lets us get away with breakin rules and is a lovable foodie. Louisiana is more like the mom of the house. He keeps us all in check in a very loving way. Alabama would be the dad of the house... he's really nice and caring, but a bit strict," California said.

"Huh... man... I wish humans could just group together like that," Texas said.

"Do you have a family?" California asked. Texas looked down and sighed.

"No... I don't," he grumbled sadly. California frowned.

"I'm sorry... what about the farmer? He bosses you around like a dad would," California said. Texas sighed.

"I'm just his employee," Texas said. Suddenly, a rooster called the breaking of dawn. Sometimes Texas wondered if it was just France in her rooster form.

"I gotta go......," California said, feeling guilty that the conversation made Texas sad. California tried to think of how his family would always comfort him. California pulled Texas into a tight hug. "Any family would be lucky to have you in it... maybe someday soon you can meet mine!" California said. Texas smiled, and wrapped his arms around California. They stayed like that for a moment, when California pulled away.

"I guess you have to go...," Texas said. California nodded.

"I'll be back soon, I always am," California said. Texas smiled and nodded, and California walked off into the forest.

When California got home, he saw Alabama angrily waiting for him.

"Um.... hi," California said.

"Are you still sneaking off to the human village?" Alabama asked coldly.

"N-no! Why would I? Humans are stupid!" California exclaimed.

"Uh huh, then why'd Minnesota see you near the lake by the human village?" Alabama exclaimed.

"Why is she a prime source?!?? She's a f*ckin loon!" California exclaimed.

"Rude!!" Minnesota exclaimed.

"I DIDNT THINK YOU WERE HERE SORRY!!!" California exclaimed. Minnesota just waddled off in a huff.


"You're grounded," Alabama said.

"What?!" California exclaimed.

"Don't act like you don't deserve this! I want to keep you safe Cali! we had ONE rule! And you broke it!" Alabama exclaimed. California started crying. "Although that breaks my heart, it won't work again. I'm doing what's best for you," Alabama said. California wiped his eyes.

"B-but... what about my friend?" California asked.

"Hm?" Alabama asked.

"I-I.... I made a human friend.... I promised him I'd visit again.... he's so lonely and doesn't have a family and I don't want him to think I abandoned him," California said sadly. Alabama frowned apologetically.

"Okaaaay.... you can see him one last time... but that's it, ok? The mockingbirds can relay notes if you want-,"

"Why are they allowed and I'm not?!" California exclaimed.

"Because you're a f*cking bear!" Alabama shouted. California flinched. "You are a bear! You are big game! It's not impressive to kill a tiny bird, but you want to know what is impressive to those humans?! A disembodied bear leg sitting in a humans f*cking sitting room like it's a trophy! Wake up Cali! Humans are dangerous!" Alabama shouted. Louisiana grabbed his arm.

"Come inside Al, you're getting worked up," Louisiana said. Alabama was shaking, and fell to the ground, staring at his missing leg with tears in his eyes.

"They'll f*cking.... they'll hurt you.... why don't you understand?" Alabama whispered shakily. Louisiana picked Alabama up and brought him inside. California stood there somberly, watching him be carried away. Suddenly, a cactus wren landed on his shoulder and cuddled against his neck and hair.

"Hey Ari...," California said. Arizona flew off his shoulder and transformed into his human form.

"I'm sorry Alabama yelled at you," Arizona said.

"It's not that... it's just... I feel bad for him. What kind of human would do that?" California said.

"I don't know...," Arizona said. California thought back to a conversation he and Texas had...

"Do you know any bear who would've attacked Britain?"

"Of course not! What kind of therianthrope would do that?"

"I guess it doesn't matter if they're a human or therianthrope... anyone who has the gift of empathy and sympathy, yet still decides to harm others for fun shouldn't be considered human or therian," California said.

Meanwhile, Texas was plowing the field, when he passed out from exhaustion. Spain noticed this and carried Texas to his house to rest. A few hours later, Texas woke up and realized Spain was plowing for him.

"Sir! You're sick!" Texas exclaimed, running up to Spain and trying to take over.

"Well, the field won't plow itself, and you seem awfully tired," Spain said.

"I'm sorry sir! I promise I'll get back to work!" Texas exclaimed. Spain put a hand on Texas's shoulder.

"What's keeping you up at night, mi hijo?" Spain asked.

"Um... a friend...?" Texas said. Spain started laughing, and Texas couldn't understand why.

"I see, I see... be careful boy, you're too young to be a father," Spain said. Texas was even more confused. "What might this 'friends' name be?" Spain asked.

"Um... California?"

"Is she nice?" Spain asked.

"It's a guy...,"

Spain looked at Texas with surprise, and then shrugged.

"Even better, now I don't have to worry about any girls carrying your children," Spain said. Texas was struggling to understand, but then it clicked.

"Oh my god! No! That is NOT what I meant!" Texas exclaimed. Spain was cracking up, and Texas couldn't help but laugh with him.

"But seriously, why would he visit at night rather than during the day?" Spain asked.

"Oh, I dunno... I guess he just visits when he's free," Texas said. Spain nodded.

"Well, let him know he should come in the afternoon and leave at dusk. You need sleep,". Spain said. Texas nodded.

"Ok, I will,"

That night, Texas was waiting patiently for California to arrive. He soon did, but instead of a warm greeting, Texas was met with the young bear grabbing him and running off into the forest with him.

"Cali!!! What are we doing?!" Texas exclaimed. However, California was in his bear form, so he couldn't respond. Suddenly, they heard the loud crack of a gunshot. "CALI! HUNTERS! LET ME GO AND GET TO SAFETY!" Texas shouted. California was looking around wildly, but when another gunshot cracked, California let Texas go and started running away as fast as he could. Texas stood up, but was suddenly tackled from behind. He felt four blades stab into his lower thigh, and they felt like either bear claws or teeth. Texas screamed in pain. Suddenly, he heard more gunshots...

And sudden silence.

"Texas!¡¿estas bien?!" Texas heard Spain shout. He picked Texas up and carried him to France.

Meanwhile, California watched everything from the bushes.

"That f*cking monster......,"

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