《BLS #2 : Challenging The Billionare》Chapter 17 - Desperate


Have you ever felt so worried about someone until you need to keep them near you until they're okay?

I was burning in anger waiting for her , I kept calling and message her but she doesn't answer them. I asked the staff with who she went out. They told me she went out with a guy and I know it's Daniel. Who else?

When she walked inside , she looked at the ground looking lifeless. I encounter her and she looked up to me. Her face is full of sadness and she looked so tired. My anger jusy go down at that time and worried about her.

"Where were you?" I asked

"I was eating dinner" She answered but her face is just blank

"Alone? For 4 hours? Do you even know what time is it now?" I asked a little bit furious until I forgot to breath

"Yeah , I just need time alone" Why is she lying?

"You're with Daniel" I said wanting to know her reaction

"I'm tired and you should get a rest too , you have schedule tomorrow" She let out a sighed and walked pass me , I turned to see her walking towards the lift and I make my way there too

"Are you okay?" I'm worried but she just nodded answering my question

"Earlier Was Laura Black my ex , she-"

"I don't care" She cut me , well that's rude

"Let's have a drink and drunk tonight" I said hoping that she can let out her sadness through drinking

With that , I dragged her to the bar and go to the corner of the room so she can freely throw her anger out. I found out girls always let out her feelings when their drunk.

"I don't want you to hangout with Daniel" I said as I take the glass



"Using me as a rebound moving on from Laura" She cut me and that got me shock. I turned to her and how did she know? Is she eaves dropping?

"He's Laura's ex" she added

"Not only that.. he's her husband Janet" I told her about the truth

She let out a chuckled and starting to drink. I put my glass down because honestly I don't plan to drink today. I wanted to her let out her sadness by drinking.

"You still love her?" She suddenly asked and that got me shock too

"Are you eaves dropping my conversation?" I asked to the point

"I was going out from my room when I heard your voice" She poured the alcohol again to her small glass

"She was my first love" I answered honestly and she chuckled

"So Daniel took her away from you?" She asked and now I'm confuse why is it all about me when I'm worried about her

"We broke up 10 years ago , we almost got back together when I found her cheating again. She was arranged married to Daniel Sergio 3 years ago" She kept drinking and drinking more. As the time goes by she doesn't say anything , she just keep drinking and now she's on her second bottle.

I was quite shock to see her drinking so much but she hasn't let out her sadness.

"Are you okay? Did Daniel do-" I asked but she suddenly turned to me. She looked into my eyes and leaned to me.

I know where this is going but..

She kissed me hungrily and cupping my face with her hands. She started to circling my neck with her arms and kissing me in a slow pace.

"If I was Laura , I won't let you go. Not even cheat" She stopped and whispered it to my ears. My body immediately froze , my heartbeat went out of control and her touch starts burning my body


I crashed my lips to hers again and kiss her with the same passion. I lifted her up and make her sit on my lap. Circling her legs to my waist. Run my hands through my back and felt her milky skin , thank God for croptop.

Her lips taste like strawberry with alcohol. I like it

I wasn't a guy who doesn't believe in love , I believe it but I was broke when Laura crush it in front of my face. I wasn't ready for one and I haven't got a girl who gave me the same feeling as I felt when I saw Laura for the first time

Until this blonde came..

"I want you" She whispered to my ears and that get on my bad side. She looked into my eyes and bit her lips. Oh freaking shit

I take her down and pulling her towards the lift. Press the button and anxiously wait for it to open. I felt her on my chest giving a burning feeling that I never felt before.

The lift opens and we both walked inside , she crashed her lips to mine again by pulling my chin. I wasn't expect this girl to be like this when she's drunk. Oh shit , if this is what she do when she's drunk. I will make sure she won't go to the bar without me , she will throw herself to a weird guy.. ah fuck. Just thinking about it already makes my anger rise

"Let's go baby girl" Dragging her out from the lift and I quickly opened my hotel room. We walked in and she quickly jumped to me. Crashing her lips again , she pulled my tie and dragged me to the bed.

I know this is starting get out of control , I hold her wrists and looked into her eyes

"Come on Sky" She smirked and my name sounds sexy

"You're drunk and I don't want to take an advantage of it" I said as I get off her

"I want too" I saw her pouting , it's adorable but- argh fuck

"You can see me as Laura" I scoffed and looked at her. My anger rise up , I walked to her and she looked at me innocently

"You're not Laura that's why I don't want to touch you unless you're sober" I said in a cold tone and that make her looking away

"I'm that disgusting huh?" She suddenly stated and that make me speechless

"Who say-"

"Goodnight Sky" With that she walked towards my door but still stumbling

"If you don't want me then I'll find someone else who is willing to-" That hit my button hard , I walled towards her and make her face me. She smirked at me

"Do you change your mind?" She asked innocently

"Are you that cheap?" I bursted that got her gulping

"Are you that cheap until you're so desperate to sleep with someone? I thought you were different from other and yet you're a slut. Desperate wanting a man to touch you" I said completely dissapointed

"You're right , I am. I'm that desperate. I'm a bitch remember? You're right from the start about myself" She looked at me with anger in her eyes

"Fuck get off me so I can find someone who will-" She took out her phone from her pocket and I took it away from her and throw it to the wall. She looked at it calmly and her eyes went to mine

"Fine! Go!" I gave up and turned away. Without anywords she walked out from my room

She always gets on my nerves real hard

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