
In every pains there is always a blessings that will come but how long can you endure the pain when it pushes you to your limit.


As soon as I open my eyes white walls white curtains Is all I see around I panic where I am as I look further just then I realize that I am in the hospital.

Just then the door burst open and Charles look at me asking me if I’m ok I just smile and at him telling him I’m ok. I thank him telling him he don’t need to bring me here that I am only bothering him.

I am happy to help you don’t need thank me nor to complain he said while smiling.

As soon as the doctor come Charles ask the result asking him if something is wrong in my health.

The doctor look at me is he your husband he ask but then I replied that he is my friend. do you want to know the result I just nod at him and he look at his papers.

Your health is not good your unhealthy habits is not good in your body. You must eat proper and eat on time you also drained yourself don’t let yourself work a lot and stress is also a serious matter here.

Avoid stress and all of your unnecessary doings it will not help to grow the baby healthy and the worst is you can have a miscarriage.

Your lucky the baby is strong despite all of your unhealthy habits he/she is still alive. I will give you a medicine for the baby’s strong hold and to help her grow healthy always go for a check up.

I am shock from the sudden news I can’t even speak I slowly comprehending all of the words the doctor says.

I ask him if I was really pregnant just to confirm it. You don’t know that your pregnant that explain why your not taking care of yourself well mrs. your about 2 months and 3 weaks pregnant.

Charles also look shock before the doctor left he tell me to take care of myself as well as the baby.

As I look at Charles I tell him not to tell anyone about my pregnancy I still need to figure out what I need to do. Charles just nod at me telling me that he understand before he left the house he give me something I keep on refusing it but his so persistent so I choose to accept it. He also tell me to call him if I need help and every check up he will going to go with me I smile at him thanking him from his kindness.

As soon as I go to my room I open everything he give and I found out that it is milk , some are chocolates, baby clothes, some are books with a paper on it written read it for the baby he/she will hear you take care. I smile thinking that her future wife will be lucky to have him his very gentle, kind and funny.

2 days had past and I still can’t avoid to be tired since Dwight is so cruel to give me instruction to do that, do this, I keep on thinking on going away from all of this I need to save my baby. The circumstance of loosing her/him where killing me I can’t afford to lost my baby.


If I scape this place I know that my sister kate will be safe since I know mom will never let Dwight do any har on her. She looks like she love my sister already and their bond is like they share the same blood. I trust Dwight moms on my sister I see the same spark of her eyes when my birth mother look at us.

Suddenly dwight’s woman bang her body on me she slipped the glass with a loud thud and it broke into piece. A little glass piece pierce through her feet creating a little blood I say sorry on her even if she have a fault also. She quickly go in front of me and tried to slap me, tag my hair but I defend all of her attacks that anger her more she tried and tried and I slowly loosing my temper.

She kick me but I hold her feet and push her on the ground she keep on fighting I keep on saying sorry and telling her she has a fault for banging herself, it only angers her she throw a broken glass in my direction it anger me thinking it might hit my stomach I quickly hold her and slap her for her to be back on her senses.

She quickly fall on the ground when I know I didn’t apply a larger force for her to fall she started to cry like I bit him a lot.

But then a baritone yet dark voice send a shiver in my body. What have you done xenia there is a lot of anger in his voice, the woman on the ground started to tell him that I push him and the glass broke piercing its piece on her skin she also show it to Dwight. She tell him that I bit her, I slap her and curse her because I envy her.

The fuck of you liar I shout at her but then Dwight tag my hair saying his threats but I can’t understand anymore I am worried for my baby. As soon as he left my hair he says I need to apologize to her woman as soon as I was about to look at that slutty woman.

She quickly push me I hit my back at the table and fall on the ground with a thud. Shock was written on my face as long as a sudden heavy pain in my stomach increases, she pulled my hair but the pain on it is nothing compare to what I feel right now that builds in my stomach fears of loosing my child is hugging me.

A loud groggy voice scape in my mouth while I hug my stomach a lot of hot tears scape my eyes from all of the agony. She stop and look at me with the smirk on her face. I look between my legs, the pains I feel increasing a lot, as I look at my hands I cried out loud I look further and I see bloods are dripping.

No, no ,no I keep on choking my head not agreeing from the sudden reality not my child how dare you to do this. You can kill me but not my baby, not my baby I shout and cried from the pains from the possible lost. Before I lost my consciousness I see Dwight quickly carry me.


As soon as I open my eyes I don’t even look further because I know that I am in hospital now I feel numb emotionally and physically. If ever that my baby is dead I will going to kill myself. I failed to protect her I am irresponsible I don’t worth to live when my baby dies because I failed to protect her/him.

A baritone manly voice speak how do you feel are you not feeling well I will call the doctor he said. I just look at him but I didn’t say anything please speak up I want to know if there is some pain Dwight said again.

He looks worried now to put on jail because her woman do this to my baby if ever my baby dies I will never forgive him.

I will be going to call mom and your sister so that they will be going in here. Upon hearing those words I quickly say to him not to call them and not to tell them anything. I don’t want them to be worried and think of the lost, he tried to refuse what I have said and I create havoc by standing and trying to remove my dextrose upon seeing me he raise his hand surrendering fine I will not Tried to call them and tell them I swear he said he.

Now get out and never ever show your face again I say to him while rolling my eyes. He try to complain but I just look at him like I will kill him. The doctor enter the room before Dwight leave the room upon seeing the doctor he stop on his tracks. He ask the doctor about my situation and my heart feel like it come to a halt.

I feel so nervous I pray silently hoping that my baby will be alive. The doctor look at me and my husband, mrs. and mr. timberners the baby was in danger a while ago I really think that you lost her but then it is really like a miracle the baby survive.

You both need to take care of the baby avoid any harm to happen again. We were talking about life if we don’t want to lost it, mind thinking of ways to protect her. Mrs. timberners always continue your healthy habits that will help a lot on making your baby healthy and strong don’t let yourself feel stress.

Ever since I told Dwight to stop showing his face on me I never see him again. This is the day I got discharge from the hospital Charles is the one who bring me home with my body guards. As soon as I enter the house silence embrace me the cold breeze penetrates in my skin.

Charles look so worried he cook food for me and ensure that I eat it, before he left the house I thank him for everything and wave at him telling goodbye. I am really thankful yaya minda is not home I don’t want her to be worried about me. I also tell Dwight not to tell yaya minda about what had happen to me.

2 weeks had past I never seen Dwight but I am happy that my baby is with me I look at the sky and stars is visible the cold breeze slap my skin that left a shiver and the silence become my lullaby. Beyond all of the pain I been through its all in my past now. I will instead think of my present and the light that come upon the darkness of my life. The moment my baby was in danger I can’t stop blaming Dwight and his woman for what they did to me.

Dwight never been a good husband he always left pains physically and emotionally but I just can’t hate him after all. I know that he was kind but he let his self drown in his own mystery. He create a wall that no one can break and no one can enter his heart is made of stone and I cant do anything for him I tried my best but he sent me in vain.

But I am thankful to him he gave me an angel, the angel that become my light starting the day that he/she came. The sky mesmerize me I just can’t help looking at it I put both of my hands in my stomach protectively the moment I feel a sudden pain.

A deep manly voice echoed in the night, you must go inside before you catch colds he put his jacket in me scolding me for wearing only sando while the weather is cold and for not eating first. I just rolled my eyes on him, guess what are you sick because as far as I know you never speak at me like I need some sort of reminders for me to not catch any colds or eating first before going outside.

Maybe you bump your head that’s why you’re here thinking that you have a wife at home. I just cant understand myself anymore I tell him not to show his face but each day I always look at him to show I just want to take a glimpse of his face. I missed him even if he always left pains on me, the moment she was with a woman it pained me a lot knowing that he was happy with her.

Knowing that he was with her I just can’t stand seeing them together. This past weeks I keep on thinking if they were still together that’s why his not showing his self on me and he didn’t even utter a simple sorry. I hate myself for not even hating him and thinking of him despite everything that happen. The hormones that my baby is sending on me wasn’t helping I want to at least hear him speak again.

But he wasn’t uttering a word any more so I decided to walk away but before I do it Dwight caught my arms that stop me from my tracks. I look at him confusion written all over my face from his sudden action. But he freed my arms and walk away I tried calling his name but he don’t stop.

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