《Red: Butterfly (Twilight Fanfic) (Complete)》Chapter 15: Victoria


Blood of sisters

Blood of love

Never breaks apart-Author

I felt a soft comfy bed under me as I slowly wake up. I groaned slightly and turned around to find myself in a different room more likely a different place. I slowly sat up from the bed and moved the covers away from me before standing up. I heard the door open causing for me to look as a long curly red haired woman walks inside with red eyes, pale skin and dark clothing.

"Your finally awake! Good, I brought food for you to eat." She smiles kindly before walking towards the nightstand and placing a tray. I looked at the tray to see a burger with fries on the side and juice.

"I have to order food of course. Anyways go ahead. Enjoy." She smiles and I looked at her for a moment before sitting down on the bed and began to eat.

"My name is Victoria and your name is Blake, right? Riley told me your name." I heard her say as I looked at her and keep eating before nodding my head.

"How do you know my name?" I asked her in a low tone. We hear her name being called before she can answer my question and she turns her gaze towards me.

"I have to go. No matter what, stay in this room. Don't ever leave." She said before leaving the room and closing the door behind her as well as locking it. I drank my juice and finished my meal before standing up. I pat my pockets to see if I have my phone, but no luck. I looked around the room more and saw a window. I made my way towards the window as I looked outside to see areas covered in trees.

I also spotted some vampires running quickly causing for me to duck down and my heart began to beat. I tried to calm down as I took a deep breath and closing my eyes. I slowly open them to meet a blonde vampire standing before me. He gave me a sadistic smirk and crouched down.


"Aren't you a pretty thing." He whispers as I felt his hand caress my cheek and my hair. He moved quickly and took a whiff of my hair as my breathing stopped. He hummed and looked at me with red hungry eyes smirking.

"You smell wonderful and delicious." He slowly leans in as my heart quickens more. The door slammed opened causing both of us to look and see Victoria. She glares at Riley and instantly she has him on the wall.

"Don't you ever come near her, Riley. Or I will rip your head off your body and lead this army to myself." She growls before dropping him. He gets up growling slightly glaring towards Victoria and me. He left slamming the door behind him as Victoria made her way towards me and checked my skin.

"Good, he didn't draw any blood. It would cause a ruckus on the other newborns around here. Wouldn't want that to happen. Anyways, I'll see you tomorrow morning, get some rest." She stands up and leaves the room closing and locking the door again. I slowly hugged my legs as I thought of how did I get myself into this situation.

3rd P.O.V

"Why did you keep her human? Why not just turn her?" Riley asked as soon as Victoria made it to the throne room. She sat down and looked at him as he crossed his arms.

"Reasons." She said emotionlessly and leaned back only for Riley to scoff.

"She could have a power. She could help us win the war. Hell, she's even mate with that Edward." He hissed as Victoria glared at him.

"That girl reminds me of someone. Someone who was a family of mine." She told him as he looks at her for a bit before looking away. Riley was nothing, but a pawn to her and she wasn't bound to tell him that.

"Who?" He asked in a soft tone, but he knew that Victoria won't give him the information, but it surprised him when she answered.


"My older sister Anne. The one who created me." She looked at him as Riley did the same.

"Tell the newborns not to enter the room, if they did. Kill them." Victoria said without any hesitation and Riley nodded slightly before turning away.

——Cullen's home

Edward told his family about what happened. They began to feel worry as Rosalie felt regret overwhelm her.

"This is all my fault...I told her...I didn't mean to say those things." She whispered and covered her face. Emmett rubbed her shoulders to sooth her.

"It's alright, Rosalie. It's nobody's fault. I should have paid more attention to her more and gave her the attention." Jasper said as he held himself. Alice went to his side and tried giving him a happy feeling, but so far none is going in.

"We will find her. Don't worry." Carlisle assures them and Edward shook his head.

"They already changed her. The man said so himself. They will change her, feed her human blood and turn her against us." Edward said to them. Alice stayed quiet for a moment looking into space. Jasper felt her feelings and looked at her. Edward turned his head towards Alice before checked in her mind as he heard a conversation.

"Don't you ever come near her, Riley. Or I will rip your head off your body and lead this army to myself." Victoria let a man named Riley go as they watched him more. He watches the scene as Victoria turned her gaze towards the direction before walking towards them and crouched down. He could feel like his being touched as his gaze was trained towards Victoria.

"Good, he didn't draw any blood. It would cause a ruckus on the other newborns around here. Wouldn't want that to happen. Anyways, I'll see you tomorrow morning, get some rest." Victoria said before standing up and leaving the room as locks could be heard. He could hear soft whimpers and Edward knew who it was before the scene turned dark and he looked towards Alice who looked back at him.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Esme asked concerned while Edward stayed quiet.

"Victoria kept Blake hostage. She somehow saved her from one of the newborns named Riley. They left her alone in the room after Victoria checked off Riley left anything that could have drawn her blood." Alice tells them and they all looked at each other with worry as Jasper began to look slight relief, but worry still lingers to him.

"Do you think they're planning to do something with her?" Emmett asked and Alice shook her head.

"I-I don't know, but the looks of how Victoria acts around her. I don't think so, yet." Alice mumbles the last part, but they heard her clear as day.

"If that bitch touches a single hair form her, I will rip her limbs and beat her down with it." Rosalie growls loudly causing Emmett to hold her close.

"What do we do then? We have to do something." Jasper said and Carlisle shook his head.

"We can't yet. We haven't build an army of our own. The alliance with the shapeshifters is still hanging by a thread. Alice, tell us when they are planning their attack or when you get vision of Blake." Carlisle tells Alice and she nods her head.

"I will." Alice said with seriousness.

"What about Bella?" Edward ask.

"Throw her to a cliff! I don't give a damn about that bitch. It's all her fault that Blake got into this mess in the first place!" Rosalie fumed and Jasper tried his best to calm her down which down a little bit.

"Calm down, kitty. We need to protect Bella still." Carlisle tells us making Rosalie groan and ran. Emmett followed behind her while we felt hopeless and useless for the first time. They should have watched Blake as well, but they couldn't change time to do the right thing.

Don't worry, darling. We'll find you. Jasper thought and Edward heard him.

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