《Red: Butterfly (Twilight Fanfic) (Complete)》Chapter 14: Taken


The pain of every

Living person,

The silent of every

Dead things- Author

I watched in distance watching The Cullen family make a plan to help Bella. Edward left with Bella to visit her mother while the others continue on doing their normal things in life or they left to go somewhere. Jasper grew somewhat distant and whenever I tried to gain his attention...he would either say I'm busy or let's talk later, okay hun?

I sighed and sat at the living room couch. Rosalie walks by before moving back a little and our eyes met. She walks towards me and sat down placing her hand on mine.

"You okay?" She asked and I gave her a fake smile.

"Yeah, just...bored." I told her and she nodded her head. We both sat there in silence waiting for something to happen.

"They still love you. It's just that..they're busy. Jasper is trying his best to keep this town safe for Bella and you and Edward well, he wants to keep Bella safe even if he doesn't love her anymore, but Bella has a family and they don't want them to feel the pain for their lost child. They don't want distractions right now." She tells me softly and I nodded my head.

"So you're suggesting that...I leave this town and let you guys solve this problem?" I questioned looking at her causing for her to look at me.

"That's not-"

"No no, I get it. It's a fairy tale. Bella is the main character of this story while I'm just the second character that people will cast aside." I grumble and stood up from the couch and stuffed my hands into my pocket.

"I'm just gonna go home and rest." I smiled slightly as I left her. I walked towards the front door putting my jacket on before opening the front door as I hear footsteps.

"Blake are you going home?" I heard Jasper asked and I turned around as I watch him walk down the stairs.


"Yeah, just getting tired." I told him as he nodded.

"I'll come with-" He started, but I interrupted him mid-sentence.

"No, it's alright. I can walk. I don't want to cause a distraction. I'll be fine." I gave a slight smile as he gave me a unsure look before nodding his head.

"Alright, I'll...I'll see you at home." He smiles as he went towards me and went to kiss my lips, but I looked away causing him to kiss my cheek. He looked at me with a slight shock and hurt, but moved it aside.

"Yeah." I replied lowly before leaving their house and closing the door behind me. I kept walking not caring where my feet took me. I didn't pay attention to where I was going at all until I found myself in a cemetery in front of my dad's tombstone.

"Hey, dad." I greeted in a low voice as I sat down on the green grass. I gently brushed the leaves off his tombstone and pulled away.

"I know your disappointed in me for fighting that girl and getting suspended. Probably disappointed on how two guys were living with me." I chuckled as I looked up towards the stone with his name on it.

"I know that...I didn't become your daughter after mom died. I didn't even appreciate how much you work hard just to even keep us both alive." I looked down to my hands as I felt tears began to slowly move down my cheeks.

"Maybe...Maybe I should have followed you and mom in heaven. The three of us could have been happy together." I wiped my tears as I felt a soft breeze hit me. I smiled slightly knowing it's dad communicating to me.

"I know, I know. I won't have children and name one of the boys your name." I giggled as I wiped my tears using my sleeves before looking at his tombstone again.

"I miss you and mom. I know that...your body isn't next to her, but then again, you two are together in heaven. I wish I could see you guys again and give you hugs like I used to give you both." I sighed as I gently laid down on his grave.


"I love you, dad." I mumbled and closed my eyes as I felt another hit of gentle breeze around me. I smiled softly and let the darkness consume. What I didn't notice was two pair of red eyes watching in the woods.

3rd P.O.V

Jasper came home after feeling something off. He walked around the house to look for Blake, but no sign of her anywhere, he checked his room, Edward's room, bathroom, and her room, but no sign at all. He tried to smell her scent when he drove home to follow her, but it disappeared quickly like it didn't want to be found.

Jasper took his phone out and began to call her phone, but it quickly went to the voicemail. He tried again as worry took over, but to no avail. He called Edward's phone and not even from the second ring he answered.

"Jasper you called?" He asked.

"Hey, where are you right now?" Jasper asked Edward.

"Almost home, why?" He asked confused on why Jasper wanted to know his whereabouts.

"Well, I can't smell Blake's scent anywhere. I did a couple of hours ago until it instantly went away."

"Did you check home at least?"

"Yes and she's not here either." I told Edward as I slowly could hear the panic in his voice.

"What? What do you mean she's not there? Jasper what the fuck did you do?!" He shouted as He covered his face with his free hand.

"I don't know okay! I didn't do anything. I began to feel loneliness and I didn't know why at all. When I went to check up on her, I saw her putting her jacket on and she told me she was tired and wanted to go home. I offered her to go home with her, but she said she didn't want to cause any distractions...Fuck! I should have insisted or just...I...We need to find her Edward. She could be in danger because of me." Jasper said with a raggedy voice and Edward couldn't be more upset, but it wasn't the time to be one.

"Alright, I'll start driving around town while you go back to Carlisle and ask for help. I'll call you when I find her." Edward hang up without saying goodbye as he drove around town to look for her. He stopped at the cemetery thinking that it's his last shot before exiting his car and walking inside the holy sacred grounds.

"Blake." He called putting and looked around for her, but to no avail. He took his phone out and began to call Blake's number when he hears a voice spoke next to him.

"Looking for this?" Edward turns around to see a man in a black trench coat with a hood covering his face. The man threw the phone that's ringing and Edward glared towards the man. By the scent that Edward can sniff out, his a newborn.

"Where is she?" Edward asked with a growl while the man chuckled deeply.

"Well, that won't be fun at all. Don't worry, you'll see her, but not soon. She'll be needing some training, feeding, and...killing." The man listed that every wild vampires would do and Edward growled more at him as he took a step forward making the man raise a finger.

"Not another step, Eddie. You'll see your Blake newly and improved. She'll be drinking human blood like us. Think fast." The man threw something at Edward landing next to his feet causing Edward to look down and back up to see him gone.

Edward crouched down and gently take the item to see picture of Blake in a dark room. Edward growled angrily before stuffing the picture in his pocket.

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