《Red: Butterfly (Twilight Fanfic) (Complete)》Chapter 10- Struggles


The struggle of life

The struggle of happiness

But it's all worth it-Author

Living with two boys...is a disaster. I would get out my room to get ready to take a shower, but it comes with a price. Let's start on the very first time, I was about to get ready. I got out of my room with my towel ready and the bathroom door opened. I looked to see Jasper showered freshly and his body is...fine as fuck! My eyes widen as I looked at him up and down before meeting his face to see him smirking.

"See something you like?" He asked and I quickly walked back inside my room slamming the door behind me loud before leaning my back against it.

"I'll take that as a yes." I heard him say from the other side. My heart pounded fast that I could hear my blood pumping in my ears. My face heated up deeply as his body covers my mind. My face is probably the color of my hair and just by...oh god help me.

"Why?" I mumbled to myself as I breath heavily. I heard a soft knock on my door causing for me to jump a little before backing away and slowly opening the door to see Edward.

"Hey, are you alright?" He asked softly and I nodded my head slowly before opening the door more.

"Do you want to use the shower or should I?" He asked kindly and I began debating before nodding my head and answer him.

"I'll shower first." I told him and he nods. I closed the door sighing deeply thinking of what just happened. I opened the door again and walked towards the bathroom. After I finished showering, I opened the door and stopped to see Edward come out glancing up towards me before walking back inside his room.


I groaned silently before pacing quickly to my room and closing the door. The struggles I have to go through every single day! Edward is nice and gentle to hide himself while Jasper...is another story. It's like the two of us are a couple and he doesn't cover his nakedness. HE EVEN WEARS HIS SHIRT OFF WHEN ITS COLD OUTSIDE!!!

Calm down Blake, don't get any naked men in your mind right now. Think of Sam and Dean. Think of your supernatural marathons.

"Blake!" My name was called causing for me to look up at Alice as she gave me a you okay look.

"Yeah?" I answered.

"You alright? It's like your mind is somewhere else." Alice tells me making Jasper chuckle quietly.

"Or rather someone." He said as he looks at me and I looked down to my hands covering my face with my hair.

"Jasper." Rosalie warns as I heard someone cleared their throat causing all of us to look up and see Bella holding her tray.

"Oh no, what do you want now?" Rosalie groans making Bella play with her tray.

"I just wanna say sorry to Blake. Alone." She said and I narrow my eyes at her before slowly standing up only for my hand to be grabbed and I looked to see Edward shaking his head no.

Oh yeah, I forgot to say that Edward and Jasper sandwiched me with their cold bodies and sometimes it is always hard to move or get out. Okay most of the time it is.

"Just say it in front of us Bella. Don't be shy." Alice smiles, but her smile didn't seem too friendly. It's a lot...harsher than her average friendly that she always gave me. Bella looked uncomfortable and looked at me seeing if I was gonna move or not.


Part of me is screaming to stay with them, but part of me is saying to check out what she's saying alone, but then again...that part leads to consequences which leads to suspension and expelled which leads to no home, money- My thoughts were cut off when I felt a pair for lips onto mine causing my eyes to widen seeing Edward kissing me.

He pulls back as I looked at him shock. I hear gasp and whispers around the room, but I was too shock to even think of what they are all saying. Edward looks at Bella as I looked at Jasper to see him glaring at Edward before looking away.

"I've moved on Bella and so should you." Edward tells Bella who seems shocked, hurt, and angry. She turns around angrily making her way back towards her previous table. She looked at us with an angry expression before looking at her friends who were shock as well.

"Do you seriously have to do that?" Jasper sighs angrily glaring at Edward who shrugs.

"Too slow, bro." Edward glances at Jasper who growls at him before turning his eyes towards me. He gave me a slight smile, but in his eyes shows hurt and anger. I returned the smile before touching his hand as he intertwined my hands with his smiling a little more.

We both looked straight ahead as I continue eating my lunch that Alice made for me. They continue talking to one another like nothing had happened at all. I guess my life isn't full of struggles after all.

There may have been a few bumps on the road, but there's always a price waiting at the end. Just to get through those bumps I am willing to do anything just to see what's on the other side.

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