《Eden's Alpha》Chapter 18


"You work for what?!"

"We work for Rogue," Isaiah says, suddenly appearing at the flap of the tent. He stands hunched, one hand bracing his abdomen slightly.

"Isaiah," I breathe out, getting up slowly to embrace him. He seems alright and there doesn't seem to be any injuries...

"Isaiah, didn't I hurt you?"

"Hurt me?" A look of confusion crosses his face, "Why would you hurt me?"

"Ummm well..."

"I was attacked by a werewolf, Eden, and a fierce one at that." He continues, glancing at the other guys, "I see they have already told you about our identities..."

"Werewolves heal faster than humans," Finley says to me, "so yes you did technically hurt him but now he's..."

"What are you talking about?" Isaiah blurts all this out, interrupting Finley

"Isaiah," Zeke says, standing up to face Isaiah, "she's the werewolf"

A moment passes where Isaiah looks incredulously between Zeke and me.

"I-I don't..."

An erupting howl begins to echo into the room, shaking everyone into motion.

"We have to get moving," Zeke says grabbing me by the arm, "and you're coming with us."

"I still don't know if I can trust you," I say, fighting his grip.

"Eden, it's us or them," James says, gesturing out to the dark. "We have to go!"

I allow Zeke to pull me along, but follow cautiously since I still don't trust them entirely.

We leave fast and flashbacks of the night I almost got caught run through my mind.

After everything that happened...

"Eden we have to keep moving!"

I'm pulled along, stumbling blindly through the night. Rain falls heavily and soon I'm drenched, Finley's shirt I'm wearing providing little coverage.


Maybe it was the fact that I was slowing down or that I was shivering, but Zeke leads us under an overhang for a minute to regroup. The sound of wolves growling seem to be coming from everywhere and my ears ring loudly from the noise.

"We have to shift. There's no way we'll make it there otherwise," Isaiah says while scanning for other wolves.

"Where are we going?" I ask

The only reply I get is from James, "somewhere safe"

Now I know exactly where we're going, I think sarcastically

"Alright Eden, you have to shift now." I look around and realize everyone but Finley has already shifted into their wolf forms.

I'm never going to get used to this.

I shift pretty easily, my body growing more comfortable with my new skin. Or, well fur.

When we're all in wolf forms, Isaiah takes off followed closely by Finley and James. Zeke stays behind me and soon we're darting through the streets.

The rain makes the ground slippery to my soft paws and I struggle with finding traction.

*Extend out your claws* Zeke says in my head. I look back at him and notice his large claws digging into the rubble.

Might as well give it a go.

As I run, I begin to will my body to lengthen my claws. Surprisingly, they grow rather quickly and I'm soon running with no problems whatsoever.

I watch the city as the buildings grow farther and farther apart, meaning we're approaching the outskirts of Minneapolis. Are we going through the woods?

*How far until we get there?* I ask Zeke through mindlink.

*Prepare for a long night of running*

Oh great.


Zeke was right, it was a long night.

As the sun begins to rise in the distance, I am still running and blinking from exhaustion. The night has taken its toll on me.


My fur is matted down from the rain and my paws are sore and tender. What had started off as a run-for-your-life situation has turned into a let's-rest-please-I'm-tired situation.

Wherever we're going we had better get there soon.

After another fifteen minutes of maneuvering through trees, we arrive at a brick shack standing alone in the middle of the woods.

*THIS IS IT?!* I ask all the guys incredulously. Did we came all this way for a shack?

*Wait and see. Also, you need to shift back.* Isaiah says through mind-link, *there are some clothes in a basket by the tree over there* he tilts his head towards a big oak tree.

I scamper over slowly, taking into account all the colorful T-shirts. What is this place? Why are there spare clothes?

I shift and change quickly, not wanting to be seen indecent. I dig through the basket and find an XXL shirt which hangs to my mid-thigh. This will work.

After coming out from behind the tree, each of the guys takes a turn shifting back to human and putting on clothes. Isaiah and James return wearing T-shirts and basketball shorts while Zeke and Finley only have shorts on.

I almost chuckle at all our ill-fitting clothing, but then I remember the situation we're in.

"Alright, let's go in," Isaiah says, leading the way inside the shack.

While the outside seems shabby and pathetic, the inside consists of concrete walls and floors.

"What is this place?"

Before I can receive a response the floor of the shack begins to vibrate and slowly move downward.

"WHAT'S HAPPENING?!"I yell in a panic, clinging to Zeke's arm. He chuckles softly and I realize none of the guys are fazed by this.

The floor continues to sinking suddenly I understand why we are here.

"Eden, welcome to Rogue," Isaiah says, smiling broadly.

No way.


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