《Eden's Alpha》Chapter 16


I couldn't seem to keep my eyes open as the dark night continued to grow later and later. Maybe if I just close my eyes a moment...

"Eden, you have to get to bed. You look exhausted," Zeke stays, helping me up and leading me over to the tent. Fortunately, it seemed in decent condition, even though we had left it there the night we all got split up.

"I'm fine Zeke," I say pulling myself inside. I snuggle up with a blanket, leaving room for the guys.

"Sleep tight," Zeke says chuckling, zipping up the tent behind him.

As tired as I was, it seemed impossible to remain asleep that night. I kept waking up every couple hours, sometimes hearing voices.

One of those times was so distinct that I swear I heard this following conversation:

"Alpha Baylor's pack is going to be searching the city soon. He wouldn't be dumb enough to leave his mate out here alone."

The voice sounded like Isaiah's, but I couldn't be sure.

"James you stay here to look after Eden, the rest of us will scan the perimeter."

The rest of the conversation became a blur to me as I sunk deeper into sleep.


"Where are you!?" Baylor appears out of nowhere surrounded by white air. He seems to be floating in mid-air, his face confused. I have a sense he's talking to me, but for some reason, he can't see me. "I know you're listening, Eden. Show yourself!"

I look around to find that I'm surrounded by a similar clouded mist that seems to be everywhere. Fog covers me and creates a barrier between me and the Alpha. Somehow I know if I step out of this haze, Baylor will see me.

"Eden come out and talk to me!"


Green light dances in front of my eyes and I look down to see myself dressed in an emerald gown, matching my eyes. I feel powerful and confident seeing myself in such an extravagant outfit.

Taking in a deep lungful of air, I step through the fog and emerge to face Baylor. He stares in shock for a moment then runs right up to me.

"Eden," he breathes, "come back to me."

I hold up my hand, stopping him from continuing. My outfit floods me with confidence and even the Alpha seems taken aback by my gesture.

"I will not come back to you, Baylor," I say matter-of-factly, "In fact, if you ever come close to me again, I will tear you to pieces."

Baylor smirks and approaches me once again. This time I show my teeth and release a low growl, stopping him in his tracks.

"Oh Eden, you've made a mistake," he steps back and adjusts his leather jacket, "I am your Alpha, Eden, you cannot bear your teeth at me."

I bare my teeth once more, "you will never be my Alpha, Baylor, let alone my mate. I have no Alpha except for my own self."

Baylor sneers at me, "You think you can stay away from me? I have the best of my pack tracking you down. They caught you once, they can do it again. And once they do, I will prove that I am your Alpha."

"You know I'll never stop running, right?" I ask, placing my hands on my hips.

"Ha," Baylor laughs, "I've always enjoyed a good chase."

"Goodbye Baylor"

"We'll be seeing each other soon, Eden"


I jolt awake, breathing rapidly and rubbing my head. Baylor must have talked to me through some sort of mind-link dream. There's no other explanation for how realistic my dream was.


I look around expecting to see the sleeping figures of my friends but for some reason, the tent is empty, not a trace of anyone.

It's still dark out, they should be in here.

Panicking, I quickly get up and rip open the zipped door. Immediately I see the sleeping figure of James and I breathe a sigh of relief. He was probably being courteous in letting me have the tent to myself. If so, where are the other guys?

What I heard last night comes back to me and I think about what the guys said about protecting me. Hearing a howl, a jarring thought strikes me to the core. What if the wolves got to them first?

Not even stopping to wake up James or put on my jacket, I run out the door and into the street.

The sky is still dark, the moon showing almost a full two hours before sunrise. Alright Eden, let's shift into your wolf form.

It takes a few tries to actually get it, but once I'm fully into my new form I begin to hear and see ten times better. The dark gives me no problem and I begin to navigate through the alleys and roads, using my nose to find any other living beings.

As I'm about to turn a corner, I hear shuffling noises and stop dead in my tracks. As stealthily as I can, I peek around the cement building to see at least two or three wolves all huddled closely together.

My human instinct is to run and flee, unfortunately not something my wolf body is willing to do. Instead, I dart out from my hiding place and face the wolves head on.

Three wolves to one, fabulous.

I attack before they even realize I'm there. The first one I hit rolls away from me but hits the wall, stunned and unmoving. A much bigger one comes towards me and I scratch at its chest and push it to the side. The wolf hits the ground hard, the sound of bones breaking echoing through the street.

Seeing its two friends injured, the final wolf comes at me so fast and with so much agility that at first I am taken aback. I jump away just before its sharp teeth can wrap apart my neck. I spring back into a fighting stance, the other wolf mimicking my own actions.

He makes the first move, springing forward to strike me on the side. Luckily I see it coming enough to side step and re-position myself.

I launch myself at the wolf before it can catch its breath, landing on top of it. I pin the wolf down to the ground just as I'm about to end its life.

Before I can, however, the wolf decides to shift into its human form.

"Please, I'm begging you. Don't kill me, you don't understand..."

No, this can't be true.

There's no way what I'm seeing can be real.

I don't believe it.

The wolf has just transformed into the injured body of Finley.


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